Email notifications

Updated: September 12, 2023

Subscribe to receive email notifications regarding new package updates or customer notifications.

Subscribing and unsubscribing to email notifications

There are two ways to subscribe and unsubscribe from email notifications:

QNX Software Center

  1. Log into the QNX Software Center.
  2. Click on Window in the top-left corner of the screen, then select the Preferences option to navigate to a new window containing the QNX Software Center preference settings.
  3. On the left panel of the new window, select the Package Notifications option.
  4. From here you can manage your software package mailing subscriptions.

QNX Software Center Portal

  1. Log into the QNX Software Center Portal on the QNX website:
  2. Click on the email address displayed in the top-right corner of the webpage to open up a drop-down menu, then select the Account option to navigate to your account details and email notification settings.
  3. From here you can manage your software package mailing subscriptions.

Once subscribed or unsubscribed to the email notifications, an email will be sent to confirm the change.