Important Terms and Definitions

This section covers important definitions that can help you better understand how to use QNX licenses.


Development seat
Refers to any license type meant for development
Host/Host machine
Refers to a developer's machine that has QNX SDP installed on it
Build server
Refers to any machine which has components of QNX SDP installed and is used exclusively for automated QNX builds

License model types

Below is a quick overview of each license type. To get an in-depth explanation, see the QNX Product Portfolio Guide (

License model types for development

Named User Developer License
This is a standard development license seat. Issued to a user who is named and identified by their email address.
Floating Developer License
Requires a floating license server. Floating license seats may float between developers (multi-user mode) provided each floating license is tied to a single developer at any given time.

For instruction on how to deploy and set up Floating Developer Licenses, see the Floating License and Continuous Integration Build Server License Management Guide.

License model types for automated builds on build servers

Floating Build Server License
This license allows for QNX automated builds on build servers using floating licenses. It uses the same floating license server for both development and build servers. Each floating license is tied to a single developer or build server at any given time. Multiple builds on a build server require multiple floating licenses.

For instruction on how to deploy and set up Floating Build Server Licenses, see the Floating License and Continuous Integration Build Server License Management Guide.

Continuous Integration Build Server License
Allows for QNX automated builds on build servers using floating license technology. It requires its own floating license server. Each license is tied to a single build on the build server at any given time. Multiple builds on a build server require multiple licenses.

For instruction on how to deploy and set up Continuous Integration Build Server Licenses, see the Floating License and Continuous Integration Build Server License Management Guide.

Standard Build Server License
Uses a Named User Developer License on a build server. Developers require a Named User Developer License.
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