Using the QNX Software Center Command Line
The qnxsoftwarecenter_clt script lets you run the QNX Software Center from the command line. The script uses the same infrastructure as the QNX Software Center’s GUI.
qnxsoftwarecenter_clt options
Runs on
Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS
- -activateAll
- Activate all license keys that require remote activation.
- -addLicenseKey key
- Add the specified license key and activate the product for which the key is being added.
- -cleanInstall
- Remove the active baseline installation, if one exists.
- -clearDropins
- Delete the imported package data stored in the dropins directory.
- -deactivateAll
- Deactivate all activated license keys.
- -destination path
- Perform operations on the installation located in the specified path (i.e. make this installation the active installation).
-exportPatchSet output_file
- Export a patch set based on the active installation.
-exportPatchSetText output_file
- Creates an editable, text-based patch set.
- -fileInfo path
- List the server-defined properties for the file specified by path.
- -fileSearch query
- List the server-defined properties for any file that matches the specified properties.
- -help
- Display a list of QNX Software Center options.
- -[http.|https.] host
- Connect to the specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy host.
- -[http.|https.]proxy.port port
- Use the specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy port.
- -[http.|https.]proxy.user user
- Use the specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy user name.
- -[http.|https.]proxy.password password
- Use the specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy password.
- -importAndInstall package_file
- Import the specified package archive or patch set, and install it in the path specified by -destination.
- -importPatchSetAndUnlock input_patchset_package_file
- Import the specified patch-set package, install it in the installation in the path specified by -destination, and unlock it.
- -installBaseline package_id[/package_version]
- Add a new installation and initialize it with the specified baseline package or patch set. The installation will be added in the path specified by -destination.
- -installPackage package_id[/package_version][,package_id[/package_version]...]
- Add the specified package to the active installation.
- -list
- List the packages available in any remote or local repositories.
- -listAccessible
- List all accessible packages.
- -listInstalled
- List all packages in the active installation.
- -listInstalledRoots
- List all root packages (i.e. packages explicitly installed by the user) in the active installation.
- -listLicenseKeys
- List all license keys deployed to the user and indicate the activation status of each.
- -listProfiles
- List all installations.
- -listQuery query
- List all available packages that match the specified query.
- -listUpdates
- List available updates.
- -mirror
- Mirror package metadata from the remote myQNX server into the local cache.
- -myqnx.user user
- Your myQNX username.
- -myqnx.password password
Your myQNX password.
Notice:When you use this option, the QNX Software Center saves your password as cleartext in its log file. To avoid this issue, pass the option through an options file (see
options_file) rather than on the command line. - -offline
- Don't synchronize with the remote myQNX server.
- -setDebugSymbolsEnabled=
- If true, list or install packages that contain only debug symbols, in addition to any other packages that the user is entitled to. The default is true.
- -setExperimentalEnabled=
- If true, list or install experimental packages, in addition to any other packages that the user is entitled to. The default is true.
- -setPolicy=update_policy
- Use the specified installation update policy.
- -reportArch target_architecture
- Set the target architecture for the report generated by the -reportImportQScan option.
- -reportFormat format
- Format the properties in the manifest report.
- -reportImportQScan qscan_manifest
- Import the specified target manifest file and generate a report.
- -reportPresentation template
Apply the specified report template to the manifest report.
This template: Lets you identify: subsystem Target subsystems that may require a production licensing agreement packages Properties (name, ID, version, etc.) of each file's parent package targetscan Path, size, architecture, build ID, parent package, and other properties of each file notice Various compliance properties (end-user license, OSS compliance, eligibility for redistribution, etc.) of each file runtimecomponent QNX runtime component active or in use for the specific software package (eg., QNX Hypervisor for Safety) all All available properties of each file - -reportSaveAs path
- Save the manifest report to the specified file.
- -selfUpdate
- Update to the latest available version of the QNX Software Center.
- -setRootAll
- Mark all installed packages as root packages
- -syncLicenseKeys
- Retrieve registered license keys from the user's myQNX account.
- -uninstallBaseline install_path
- Remove the installation located in the specified path.
- -uninstallPackage package_id[/package_version][,package_id[/package_version]...]
- Uninstall the specified package from the active installation.
- -unlockPatchSet patchset_id
- Unlock the specified patch set.
- -updateAll
- Update all packages to the latest version available.
- -updatePackage package_id[/package_version]
- Update the specified package to the specified version.
- -repairPackage package_id[/package_version]
- Repair packages.
- -unmanaged
Perform unmanaged installation or download (i.e., install packages without dependency baseline install, dependency resolution, or filter checks).
When in use, QSC doesn't resolve dependencies or keep an installation
record. In addition, the dependency resolution and filter checking features aren't applicable.
Only the following options are supported in the unmanaged mode:
- -installPackage (-i)
- -downloadPackage
- -cleanInstall
- -destination
- -listInstalled (only usable with -installPackage)
qnxsoftwarecenter_clt -mirrorBaseline qnx800 -unmanaged -destination /tmp/unmanaged -i "com.qnx.flexera.server,"
The package is downloaded in the <destination>/downloads folder. You can remove this folder afterward, if you don't want to keep it.
- -useInstallationVariant key
value - Set the installation variant according to the specified license type.
- -verifyInstallation
- Verify the active installation.
- -version
- Display the version of the QNX Software Center installed on this machine. See also the -selfUpdate option.
- @options_file
- Read command-line arguments from the specified file. The file must contain one argument per line.
The qnxsoftwarecenter_clt script lets you run the QNX Software Center from the command line. The script uses the same infrastructure as the QNX Software Center’s GUI: everything you do at the command line is reflected in the GUI, and vice versa. The script is located under the root of your hard drive in the \QNX\QNX Software Center directory (for instance, C:\QNX\QNX Software Center in Microsoft Windows).
myQNX authentication and cache synchronizationSeveral command-line options need to communicate with the remote myQNX server, including those that install or update packages, add or synchronize license keys, or activate products. When using any of these options, include the myQNX authentication options, -myqnx.user and -myqnx.password.
The -mirror option, which synchronizes the contents of your local cache with package metadata on the remote myQNX server, also requires the myQNX authentication options. You should use -mirror at least once before using options that need to communicate with the remote myQNX server. If you are writing installation scripts, avoid invoking -mirror multiple times as it can reduce performance significantly.
Installation directoryThe -destination option lets you specify the installation directory for any commands that install, uninstall, or query packages on disk. You must include it when using the -installBaseline option. In most cases, you need to use it only once, before calling -installBaseline. All subsequent commands will assume the same destination. You can omit -destination altogether if you work with only one installation. That said, we recommend that you always use it if you are writing scripts.
License keysBefore installing a licensed product, you must add the license key for that product. To add a license key manually, you can use -addLicenseKey, which also attempts to activate the product. Alternatively, you can use -syncLicenseKeys, which automatically synchronizes the license keys on your workstation with those deployed to you on the remote server. After using -syncLicenseKeys, use -activateAll to activate your products.
Perform manual product activationfor instructions.
The qnxsoftwarecenter_clt script supports several options for working with
patch sets, which allow you to install a specific set of products, patches, and updates.
See Export and import patch sets
for more
In most cases, you can ignore the proxy options. You need them only if your workstation sits behind a proxy server. If your proxy server supports HTTP and HTTPS, you can omit the http and https prefixes and issue a single set of proxy commands for both HTTP and HTTPS. Otherwise, issue a set of -http commands for HTTP and a separate set of -https commands for HTTPS.
If you encounter proxy connection issues, see the QNX Software Center Technotes:
The qnxsoftwarecenter_clt script supports several options (-fileInfo,
-fileSearch, -reportImportQScan, etc.) for creating manifest
reports. These reports can help you perform compliance audits by indicating, for example, which
subsystem a file belongs to, whether you can redistribute the file at runtime, or whether the file
contains open source software. For information on using these options, see the individual option
descriptions and the Using the command line
section of the
Manifest Reports & File Lookup
The QNX Software Center writes data to the following directories in your home directory:
This directory: | Contains: |
.qnx/swupdate/ | User settings and cache. |
.qnx/swupdate/swupdate_profiles |
Package installation metadata. The QNX Software Center needs this directory to see your installations and installed packages. |
.qnx/license/ |
Licenses for the QNX Software Development Platform (SDP) and other products. The QNX Software Center uses this directory to store information about your product activations; if anything happens to the directory, you’ll no longer be able to use the products. If this occurs, contact your license administrator, who can issue a special request to have your products deactivated (which will then allow you to reactivate them). |
.qnx/qconfig/ | Metadata that the QNX Momentics IDE and other tools use to find the list of installed baseline packages. |