Manage secure storage of your myQNX credentials
When it launches, the QNX Software Center displays a login dialog that prompts you for your myQNX credentials. The dialog includes a Save password to disk option, which saves your credentials in an encrypted form, using Eclipse secure storage. This secure storage feature lets you log in automatically whenever you subsequently launch the QNX Software Center.
Resolving login issues related to secure storage
If you use the secure storage feature, you may, on occasion, need to delete and reset the storage record, either because your myQNX credentials have changed or because the storage mechanism remembers the wrong myQNX credentials.
To reset the secure storage record, you can use one of the following methods.
Clear Saved Credentials method
- Select .
- When prompted, click Yes to reset the storage record and restart the QNX Software Center.
- When prompted, enter your myQNX credentials, then click Save password to disk if you wish to create a new storage record for the credentials.
Secure Storage dialog method
To use the Secure Storage dialog method:
- Select .
- Select Delete. , then click
- When prompted, click Yes to restart the QNX Software Center.
- When prompted, enter your myQNX credentials, then click Save password to disk if you wish to create a new storage record for the credentials.
The Secure Storage dialog contains a variety of other settings, but you rarely need to use them. They’re provided mostly for troubleshooting and, to a lesser degree, for use by system administrators and power users.
For more information on the Secure Storage dialog, see
storage preference page
in the Eclipse Workbench User Guide.