Generate a manifest

Updated: September 12, 2023

When creating a report for an installation or directory on your host, or for a target image mounted on the host, you don't have to explicitly generate and import a manifest. The QNX Software Center can generate the manifest for you, automatically. See Using the GUI for details.

If, however, you want to create a report for an image on a physical target, you must first collect file metadata from the target and save it in a manifest. You can then import the manifest into the QNX Software Center, where you can quickly filter, sort, and arrange the metadata, and then export a report.

To generate a manifest for a target, you can use the Qscan tool, which is available for download from the QNX Software Center. See Using Qscan to generate a target manifest for details.

You can also generate a manifest by creating your own scripts or by assembling the manifest manually. See Target manifest format if you wish to take this approach.

Note: When generating a manifest or exporting a report, make sure that, at a minimum, it contains the following fields: NAME, BUILDID, DIGESTSHA512. Otherwise, you won't be able to import the file and generate a report from it.