QNX SDP8.0Utilities ReferenceUtilities

Driver for Intel Ethernet 700 Series devices


io-sock -m pci -d ixl [option[,option...]]

mount -T io-sock [-o option[,option...]] pci
mount -T io-sock [-o option[,option...]] ixl

Runs on:



Use commas, not spaces, to separate the options.
Specifies the instance of io-sock that mounts this driver. You specify the prefix that creates an alternative stack when you start io-sock. Used only when you load a driver with mount after starting io-sock.
When Plug & Play is disabled, specifies the device instance to use. Use devinfo -v to determine the location value to use (e.g., qnxdev=pci0:0:25:0).


The driver is ported from FreeBSD to provide support for Intel Ethernet 700 Series devices. Its interface names are in the form ixl#, where # is an integer of one or more digits.

This driver requires the driver. For information on starting io-sock with a driver or loading a driver later using mount, see Starting io-sock and Driver Management in the High-Performance Networking Stack User's Guide. Unlike the FreeBSD version, you cannot load using a configuration file or by using loader.config.

For more information, see the FreeBSD documentation:

Changing the interface speed

Because the driver does not support the ifconfig media selection system (used to set media options and operating modes), you can't use ifconfig to configure the interface speed.

Instead, you can use sysctl variables to set the speed that the interface advertises on the link.

For example, first use the dev.ixl.#.supported_speeds variable to display the supported speeds:

#  sysctl -d dev.ixl.1.supported_speeds
Supported link speeds.
0x1 - 100M
0x2 - 1G
0x4 - 10G
0x8 - 20G
0x10 - 25G
0x20 - 40G
0x40 - 2.5G
0x80 - 5G

Then, use the dev.ixl.#.advertise_speed variable to set the speed or speeds to advertise:

# sysctl dev.ixl.1.advertise_speed=0x1
dev.ixl.1.advertise_speed: 199 -> 1

After the link is up, use a command like the following one to check the current speed:

# sysctl dev.ixl.1.current_speed
dev.ixl.1.current_speed: 100 Mbps

For more information, go to the FreeBSD ixl documentation.

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