QNX SDP8.0Utilities ReferenceUtilities
Configure network interface parameters
ifconfig [-kLmn] [-f type:format] interface [create]
[address_family [address [dest_address]]] [parameters]
ifconfig interface destroy
ifconfig -a [-dkLmuv] [-f type:format] [-G groupname]
[-g groupname] [address_family]
ifconfig -C
ifconfig -g groupname
ifconfig -l [-du] [-g groupname] [address_family]
ifconfig [-dkLmuv] [-f type:format]
Runs on:
The ifconfig utility that QNX OS provides is ported from FreeBSD. You can use it to assign an address to a network interface, configure network interface parameters, or both.
QNX OS does not support the -j option for ifconfig.
For options and a detailed description, see the FreeBSD documentation (https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ifconfig&sektion=8&manpath=FreeBSD+13.4-RELEASE+and+Ports).
The following ifconfig parameter has a limitation that is specific to io-sock:
- prefixlen len
- For io-sock, 0 is not a valid value for len. If you specify 0, ifconfig sets the value to 128.
When you specify an interface and down, it does not take the physical link down. If you specify ifconfig interface down, the status for the interface remains active.
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