About This Guide

QNX SDP8.0System ArchitectureDeveloperUser

The System Architecture guide accompanies the QNX OS and is intended for both application developers and end-users.

This guide describes the philosophy of QNX OS and the architecture used to robustly implement the OS. It covers message-passing services, followed by the details of the microkernel, the process manager, resource managers, and other aspects of the OS.

The following table may help you find information quickly:

To find out about: Go to:
OS design goals; message-passing IPC The Philosophy of the QNX OS
System services The QNX OS Microkernel
Sharing information between processes Interprocess Communication (IPC)
System event monitoring The Microkernel Instrumentation
Memory management, pathname management, etc. Process Manager
Shared objects Dynamic Linking
Device drivers Resource Managers
Power-Safe, QNX compressed, QNX Trusted Disk, Image, DOS, Ext2, and other filesystems Filesystems
Serial and parallel devices Character I/O
Network subsystem Networking Architecture
TCP/IP implementation TCP/IP Networking
Fault recovery High Availability
An overview of hard and soft real time What is Real Time and Why Do I Need It?
Terms used in QNX OS documentation Glossary

For information about programming, see Getting Started with the QNX OS and the QNX OS Programmer's Guide.

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