Create a node in the path space that represents the mountpoint of a device or filesystem
#include <sys/pathmgr.h>
int pathmgr_link( const char *path,
uint32_t reserved,
pid_t pid,
int chid,
unsigned handle,
enum _file_type file_type,
unsigned flags );
- path
- The path that you want to link to, or NULL to link to /.
- reserved
- Set this argument to zero.
- pid
- The process ID to associate with the link, or 0 for the calling process.
- chid
- The channel ID to associate with the link.
- handle
- A handle to associate with the link.
- file_type
- The file type; one of the following (defined in
- _FTYPE_ANY — the path name can be anything.
- _FTYPE_LINK — reserved for the process manager.
- _FTYPE_MOUNT — receive mount requests on the path (path must be NULL).
- _FTYPE_MQ — reserved for an alternate message-queue manager.
- _FTYPE_MQUEUE — reserved for a traditional message-queue manager.
- _FTYPE_PIPE — reserved for a pipe manager.
- _FTYPE_SEM — reserved for a semaphore manager.
- _FTYPE_SHMEM — reserved for a shared memory object.
- _FTYPE_SOCKET — reserved for a socket manager.
- _FTYPE_SYMLINK — reserved for the Process Manager.
- flags
- 0, or a combination of the following:
For more information, see
The flags argument,
Use the -l c option to qcc to link against this library. This library is usually included automatically.
The pathmgr_link() function creates a node in the path space that represents the mountpoint of a device or filesystem. It implements high-level APIs such as name_attach() and resmgr_attach(). You probably don't need to call pathmgr_link() directly.
The pid, chid, and handle
together identify who handles the specified path; for more information, see
The client's view
in the Resource Managers chapter of
Getting Started with the QNX OS.
The flags argument
The flags argument specifies additional information to control the pathname resolution:
- Force the path to be resolved after others with the same pathname at the same mountpoint.
- Force the path to be resolved before others with the same pathname at the same mountpoint.
- Treat the pathname as a directory and allow the resolving of
longer pathnames. The _IO_CONNECT message contains
the pathname passed to the client open() with the matching
prefix stripped off. Without this flag, the pathname is treated as a
simple file requiring an exact match.
Attached path Opened path PATHMGR_FLAG_DIR set PATHMGR_FLAG_DIR clear /a/b /a/b Match "" Match "" /a/b /a/b/c Match c No match /a/b /a/b/c/d Match c/d No match /a/b /a/bc No match No match You can't attach a directory pathname that contains, as a subset, an existing file pathname. Likewise, you can't attach a file pathname that's a subset of an existing directory pathname.
Existing path New path New path allowed? Directory /a/b Directory /a Yes Directory /a/b Directory /a/b/c Yes File /a/b Directory /a Yes File /a/b Directory /a/b/c No; the directory is beneath a file Directory /a/b File /a No; the directory is beneath a file Directory /a/b File /a/b/c Yes File /a/b File /a Yes File /a/b File /a/b/c Yes - PATHMGR_FLAG_FTYPEALL
- Handle requests for all file types. You must specify a registration file type of _FTYPE_ALL.
- Handle only requests for the specific filetype indicated. The pathname must be NULL.
- Don't resolve paths to mountpoints on a path shorter than this (i.e., find the longest match against all pathnames attached).
- Allow requests to resolve back to this server.
CAUTION:Be very careful if you set PATHMGR_FLAG_SELF because it's possible for a deadlock to occur. For more information, see
Robust implementations with Send/Receive/Reply
in the Interprocess Communication (IPC) chapter of the System Architecture guide. - PATHMGR_FLAG_STICKY
- No ID is associated with the path. You must use pathmgr_unlink() to remove the link.
A unique ID for the link, or -1 if an error occurred (errno is set).
- Security policies are in use and there is no rule to permit the use of that path.
- The file_type is invalid or a non-NULL path was used with PATHMGR_FLAG_FTYPEONLY.
- There isn't enough free memory to complete the operation.
- The calling process doesn't have the required permission; see procmgr_ability().
Safety: | |
Cancellation point | Yes |
Signal handler | Yes |
Thread | Yes |