QNX SDP8.0C Library ReferenceAPIDeveloper

The functions, macros, and data structures in the C library are described here in alphabetical order.

A ¦ B ¦ C ¦ D ¦ E ¦ F ¦ G ¦ H ¦ I ¦ J ¦ K ¦ L ¦ M ¦ N ¦ O ¦ P ¦ Q ¦ R ¦ S ¦ T ¦ U ¦ V ¦ W ¦ X ¦ Y ¦ Z

The following are described elsewhere:

For information about: See:
bind() FreeBSD documentation (https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=bind&sektion=2&manpath=FreeBSD+13.4-RELEASE+and+Ports) and Networking APIs in the High-Performance Networking Stack (io-sock) User's Guide.
bindresvport(), bindresvport_sa() FreeBSD documentation (https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=bindresvport&manpath=FreeBSD+13.4-RELEASE+and+Ports) and Networking APIs in the High-Performance Networking Stack (io-sock) User's Guide.
board_pre_shutdown(), board_shutdown() shutdown_system()

This chapter describes the API components whose names begin with B.

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