Find a specific instance of an device by its compatible string
#include <drvr/hwinfo.h>
unsigned hwi_find_compatible( const char *compatible,
int unit,
unsigned hwi_off );
- compatible
- The name of the item.
- unit
- The instance of compatible that you want to find, or -1 to find the first instance.
- hwi_off
- The offset into the hwinfo section of the system page for the parent, which you can get by calling hwi_find_device(), or HWI_NULL_OFF, if you don't want to specify a parent.
Use the -l drvr option to qcc to link against this library.
The hwi_find_compatible() function lets you find a specific instance of an item, based
on its compatible
If the unit instance of compatible has been added to the
hwinfo section of the system page after hwi_off, then
hwi_find_compatible() returns its offset.
If hwi_off is HWI_NULL_OFF, indicating no parent specified, the function searches from the beginning.
If unit is -1, indicating that you aren't searching for a specific instance, the first occurrence of compatible is returned. Setting unit to -1 is most useful when you're searching for all devices with a matching compatible.
The hwinfo section offset or HWI_NULL_OFF if the bus or device instance doesn't exist.
Safety: | |
Cancellation point | No |
Signal handler | No |
Thread | Yes |