The Usual Challenges —
Deterministic and Non-deterministic Systems —
Functional Safety —
IEC 62304 —
SOUP and Clear SOUP —
Shopping for COTS Software —
COTS Checklist —
The Usual Challenges
Medical device manufactures face the same challenges as everyone building complex systems: time, quality, size (number and complexity of features), and cost. To this we must add functional safety, and pre-market approval by ...
Deterministic and Non-deterministic Systems
In theory, any software system is deterministic; that is, every state and state change in the system can be known, documented and tested. In practice, however, software systems have become so complex that ...
Functional Safety
Malfunctions in medical devices don't usually make the same sort of headlines as airplane or train accidents. For the patient, however, the consequences of an error in a medical device system may be just as dramatic or tragic ...
IEC 62304
IEC 62304 is becoming the de facto global standard for medical device software life cycle processes. The FDA has driven its development, and it is being harmonized with EU standard 93/42 EWG (MDD). Unlike IEC 61508 ...
SOUP and Clear SOUP
Some software vendors make a rather simplistic—and incorrect—distinction between COTS and SOUP. COTS, they say, has a vendor standing behind it, a company that ...
Shopping for COTS Software
At the highest level, the question we must ask of any COTS software we are considering for a medical device is "What proofs does the software vendor provide that his product is what we need?" In addition to ...
COTS Checklist
The following can be used as a high-level checklist to help us determine if a specific COTS component is a good candidate for integration into our medical device software system—essentially, if ...
Neither the IEC 62304 "software for medical devices" standard, nor the demands of functional safety preclude the use of COTS software in medical devices. We must exercise diligence and caution, but COTS ...