
QNX SDP8.0Utilities ReferenceUtilities

Manage local licenses without QNX Software Center


qlicense [options] command

Runs on:

Linux, Microsoft Windows


You can use one command at a time.

-activateLicenseKey key
Activate the provided license key. You need to provide an email address using -userEmail.
-addLicenseKey key
Add the license key to the license file. Activates the license key if an email address is provided using -userEmail. Adds the license key without activation if no email is provided.
-deactivateLicenseKey key
Deactivate the license key if it was activated remotely; then remove it from the license file. If the -forceRemove option is specified, the license key is removed locally regardless of if it was remotely deactivated.
-generateManualActivationPromptKey key
Used for manual (offline) activation. You need to provide your email via -userEmail.

See the examples section below for how to use this option.

Print a list of commands with a summary of each.
Display locally registered license key details. Use the -key option to specify a license key.
The qlicense command fails with an error message when using the -info command, if the license file is missing or inaccessible.
List all license keys including status and details.
-manualActivationCode response_key
Used for manual activation. You need to run the -generateManualActivationPromptKey option first. See the examples section below for how to use this option.
Print the qlicense version information.
-checkoutLicense option
-checkoutLicenseIde option
Checkout the license correspoding to prodType. You can use the following options:
  • -prodBits
  • -prodType
  • -hold

The -prodType option is required for both commands.

The -checkoutLicenseIde command is equivalent to:
-checkoutLicense -hold 10080 -prodBits 2560
which is a one week hold for both the SDK and IDE.


Force the removal of the local copy of the license key when deactivating. Can only be used with -deactivateLicenseKey.
-hold minutes
Keep the license key checked out for the number of minutes specified. Choosing 0 exits immediately, and -1 never exits. Can only be used with -checkoutLicense.
Specify the license key for which you want to display detailed information. Used with -info.
-proxy.host host
Connect to the specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy host.
-proxy.password password
Use the specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy password.
-proxy.port port
Use the specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy port.
-proxy.user user
Use the specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy user name.
-userEmail email
Provide the email address to use for activation. This option is used with -activateLicenseKey, -addLicenseKey, and -generateManualActivationPromptKey.
-prodBits type
Specify the product to checkout. Choose one of the following options:
  • 2048 for the SDK
  • 512 for the IDE
  • 2560 for both
This option can only be used with -checkoutLicense.
-prodType type
Specify the QNX SDP version to checkout. Choose one of the following options:
  • 11 for QNX SDP 7.x
  • 12 for QNX SDP 8.0
This option is required for use with both -checkoutLicense and -checkoutLicenseIde.


The qlicense utility is a command-line tool that allows developers to manage local licenses without the need for the QNX Software Center.

If the license doesn't require activation, you can add it to your license file without activation using -addLicensekey. To see the list of shared licenses, go to Creating and Deploying Installations of QNX SDP in Large Organizations.

Licenses that fail activation are given a seven day grace period. After expiration of the grace period, tools under license become inoperable.


The qlicense utility has limited license management capabilities. To do more with the management of your licenses, use the QNX Software Center. License management through the QNX Software Center includes but is not limited to: automatically obtaining a license, installing software and packages, license status checking, and activating other licenses.

To use qlicense, you need to set up your QNX environment. To setup the environment:

  • On a Linux host, open a shell; then run the following script from the root of the deployed installation:
    source qnxsdp-env.sh
  • On a Windows host, open a command prompt window; then run this script from the root of the deployed installation:


To activate a license key:

qlicense -userEmail myName@mycompany.com -activateLicenseKey key

For manual activation:

  1. On your offline machine, run generateManualActivationPromptKey:

    qlicense -userEmail my_name@my_company.com
    -generateManualActivationPromptKey key
  2. On an online machine, navigate to https://www.qnx.com/account/product_activation.html. Use the activation prompt key generated in the step above to generate a response key.
  3. Place the generated response key in a file and transfer the file to your offline machine.
  4. On your offline machine, use the -manualActivationCode option with the response key file:

    qlicense -manualActivationCode responseKeyFile


If the activation was successful, a success message is displayed.

If the activation fails, an error message is displayed indicating the nature of the problem. Some errors and warnings are printed to stderr.


Files used by qlicense are stored in your home directory under .qnx/license/. If you need to change the directory location, use the QNX_CONFIGURATION environment variable.

When setting QNX_CONFIGURATION, be sure that it points to the parent of the license directory, where the license directory is $QNX_CONFIGURATION/license. See the environment variables section below for more information.

Environment variables:

Specify the path to a CA certification bundle. Only available on a Linux host.
Specify the directory containing a CA certification bundle. Only available on a Linux host.
Skip peer SSL verification when set to 1.
Enable CURL verbose mode when set to 1.

The location of the configuration files for installations of QNX OS. The default location is the $HOME/.qnx directory. This location is used by other utilities and should not be changed unless it isn't accessible or if the configuration files are located on a build server.

To learn how to set QNX_CONFIGURATION, go to the Configuring Your Environment chapter of the QNX OS User's Guide.

Exit status:

An error occurred.
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