find (target)

Find files (POSIX, toybox)


find [-HL] [dir...] [options]

Runs on:



Follow command line symbolic links.
Follow all symbolic links.
The pathname of a directory in which find looks for files.


The find utility recursively descends the directory hierarchy for each file specified by path and seeks files that match operand_expression.

The operand expression follows one or more pathnames. The find utility treats as a pathname all the arguments up to the first one starting with any of these characters:

-  ! (

Everything after that is part of the operand expression.

The primaries may be combined with the following operators. The operators are listed in order of decreasing precedence:

Operator Action
(expression) True if expression is true.
! expression (NOT) Negation of a primary or expression enclosed in parentheses.
expression [-a] expression (AND) True if both expressions are true.
expression [-o] expression (OR) True if either expression is true.

Primary expressions

Whenever a primary expression uses a number (n), you can optionally precede it by a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, which changes the meaning as follows:

Expression Means
+n More than n
-n Less than n
n Exactly n
The primary expressions are:
File was accessed n units ago. The possible time units are shown in the table below:
Time unit Meaning
d Days
h Hours
m Minutes
s Seconds
Security context of the file matches pattern.
-ctime n[u]
File was created n units ago.
Ignore contents of directory.
True if the file is a regular file of size zero, or a directory that contains no files.
Access (X_OK) permissions and access control list (ACL).
Always false.
-group group
True if the file belongs to the group group.
Ignore case -name.
inum n
True if the file has inode number n.
Ignore case -path.
-links n
File has n hard links.
-maxdepth n
When this flag is set, find descends at most n directory levels down.
-mindepth n
When this flag is set, find doesn't apply any expressions unless they're at least n directory levels down.
-mtime n[u]
True if the file was modified n units ago.
-name pattern
True if the basename of the filename being examined matches a wildcard pattern.
-newer file
True if the current file has a newer modification time than file.
-newerXY file
True if the current file has a more recent acm time (X=acm time) than than the acm time of file (Y=acm time). In addition, if Y=t, then file is interpreted as the literal time.
True if the file belongs to a group ID that isn't known.
True if the file belongs to a user ID that isn't known.
-path pattern
True if the pathname being examined matches a wildcard pattern.
-perm [- | /] mode
Any of the permission bits mode are set for the file.
  • - = min
  • / = any
Causes find to ignore directory contents.
Causes find to exit immediately.
-samefile file
True if the file is a hard link to file.
-size n [c]
True if the file size in bytes, divided by 512 and rounded up to the next integer, is n. If n is followed by c the size is in bytes.
Always true
-type [c]
True if the file type is c where c is one of:
Filetype Function
b Block special file
c Character special file
d Directory
f Regular file
l Symbolic link
s Socket
-user uname
True if file belongs to the user uname.
Always true—stops find from descending past directories that have a different device ID.


Remove matching files and directories.
Run command with path. The string {} is substituted by the current file name being processed. End the command with a semicolon (;) to run each file, or plus (+) sign to collect and run multiple files.
Run command in files directory.
Similar to -exec but find asks the user before executing.
Similar to -execdir but find asks the user before executing.
Prints the current filename to standard output, followed by a new line.
-printf format
Print data pertaining to the file currently being evaluated to the standard output, according to the format string.
Print the current filename to standard output, followed by a null character.

Formatted Printing

The -printf primary requires a format string as its arguments. The format string consists of regular ASCII characters and a set of special codes starting with percent (%) format codes and backslash (\) escape codes.

512-byte blocks used.
Numeric group ID.
Textual group ID.
Decimal inode.
Target of symlink.
Format type or mode of ls.
Octal mode.
Path to file minus dir.
Path to file.
Size in bytes.
Mod time as unixtime.
Numeric user ID.
Security context.

This utility is provided as part of the toybox package. For information on how to enable it, see toybox.

Contributing author:

Rob Landley and the toybox project (see

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