QNX SDP8.0Programmer's GuideDeveloper
Read the given register set.
#include <sys/procfs.h>
The arguments to devctl() are:
Argument | Value |
filedes | A file descriptor for the process. |
dev_data_ptr | A pointer to a procfs_regset structure |
n_bytes | The number of bytes that you want to get |
dev_info_ptr | A pointer to an int where the number of bytes retrieved can be stored |
The argument is a pointer to a procfs_regset structure where the required information can be stored:
typedef struct _procfs_regset {
uint32_t id;
char buf[8192];
} procfs_regset;
Set the id member to indicate the registers you want to get:
- Alternate registers. You can also get and set these registers with the DCMD_PROC_GETALTREG and DCMD_PROC_SETALTREG commands.
- Floating Point Data registers. You can also get and set these registers with the DCMD_PROC_GETFPREG and DCMD_PROC_SETFPREG commands.
- CPU registers. You can also get and set these registers with the DCMD_PROC_GETGREG and DCMD_PROC_SETGREG commands.
- Performance registers.
For example:
procfs_regset regset;
int returned_length;
regset.id = REGSET_PERFREGS;
devctl( fd, DCMD_PROC_GETREGSET, ®set, sizeof(regset), &returned_length );
The register sets defined in <sys/debug.h> include some special values, REGSET_STARTCPU and REGSET_STARTPRIV:
- The range from REGSET_STARTCPU up to but not including REGSET_STARTPRIV is for CPU-specific registers.
- The range from REGSET_STARTPRIV and up is for privileged registers.
- The range from REGSET_STARTPRIV + REGSET_STARTCPU and up is for privileged CPU-specific registers.
To get or set registers in the range from REGSET_STARTPRIV and up, your process needs the PROCMGR_AID_PRIVREG ability enabled. Refer to procmgr_ability() in the C Library Reference.
The target-specific registers include the following:
- (AArch 64 targets only)
Auxiliary Control Register, a privileged 64-bit register that provides implementation-defined configuration
and control options for execution at EL1 and EL0.
Note:To use this register, your startup program needs to set the AARCH64_CPU_ACTLR flag in cpuinfo.flags in the system page. For more information, see the
System Page
chapter of Building Embedded Systems.For example:
procfs_regset regset; int returned_length; regset.id = AARCH64_REGSET_ACTLR; *(uint64_t *)®set.buf[0] = 0; devctl( fd, DCMD_PROC_GETREGSET, ®set, sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t), &returned_length ); printf ("The value is %llx.\n", *(uint64_t *)®set.buf[0]);
- (AArch 64 targets only) A ProcFS register-set that allows a debugged process to have its PAC
keys retrieved and set. The process treats the buf member of
procfs_regset as an aarch64_pauth_keyset_t, which is used
as the output when getting the keys. Note:To use this register, your startup program needs to set the AARCH64_CPU_PAUTH flag in cpuinfo.flags in the system page. For more information, see the
System Page
chapter of Building Embedded Systems.
To set a given register set, use DCMD_PROC_SETREGSET.
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