About This Reference

The System Services Reference lists the main services available on the QNX CAR platform. This reference describes each of these services and, where applicable, how to configure and run them.

To find out about: See:
The artword client (artwork_client_car2) for retrieving album art Artwork client
Audio services (audioman, nowplaying) Audio management
Certificate management Certificate management
Geolocation Geolocation
Handsfree telephony with acoustic processing, including acoustic echo cancellation Handsfree Telephony
Image generation (mksysimage.py and other utilities) Image Generation
Keyboard (keyboard-imf) Keyboard
Using the car's HMI to view and control MirrorLink apps on a smartphone MirrorLink
Enabling the navigation engine Navigation Engine
Setting up networking Network manager (net_pps)
Making sure that different media players (including phones) and media controllers don't clash Now Playing Service (nowplaying)
Radio (TI SDR) Radio
Using the realtime clock Realtime Clock Synchronization
Shutting down Shutdown service (coreServices2)
Writing a software update application based on the update library shipped with the platform Software updates
Managing the launch order of processes at startup System Launch and Monitor (SLM)
Tethering portable devices Tether manager (tetherman)
Wi-Fi (WPA) configuration Wi-Fi configuration (wpa_pps)