Application Profiler

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Application Profiler is a QNX tool that allows you to view the profiling results generated by instrumented binaries that run on a QNX OS target. The results tell you who called each function as well as how often, how long was spent in each function, and how much CPU time individual lines of codes used. This helps you locate inefficient areas in your code without following its execution line by line.

How to configure Application Profiler

When the launch mode is Profile, the Application Profiler is enabled by default. For other launch modes, you can enable the tool manually through the launch configuration Tools tab (Run, Debug, or Attach modes) or Memory tab (Memory mode). It isn't supported by the Coverage or Check modes.

The tool settings are organized into the following four panels:
  • Profiling Method
  • Profiling Scope
  • Options
  • Control

Profiling Method

Functions Instrumentation
Provides precise function runtimes, based on function entry and exit timestamps reported by the binary. The binary must be compiled and linked with the options described in Enabling function instrumentation.
Provides runtime estimates based on statistical position sampling driven by timer interrupts. Your application doesn't need to be recompiled but must run for a long time for the statistics to be accurate. Also, backtrace information (call stacks) may not be available. To see call counts, the binary must be compiled and linked with the option described in Enabling call count instrumentation.

Profiling Scope

Single Application
Allows you to profile a specific process for an extended period of time, but doesn't provide information about context switches.
System Wide
Writes profiling data in kernel events, which are logged to an output file that you can view in the System Profiler tool. When this option is enabled, the IDE initiates a kernel event trace when launching the application. The trace captures kernel activity from all processes on the target. Any kernel event trace should be limited to a few seconds because longer traces produce too much data to be useful.
This option is available only when the Profiling Method is Functions Instrumentation. When this option is enabled, you must also enable the System Profiler tool by checking its box at the bottom of the launch configuration tab.


These options are available only when the Profiling Method is Functions Instrumentation and the Profiling Scope is Single Application.

Data transfer method
  • Save on the target, then upload — Saves all profiling data on the target, then uploads the data file to the host when the program finishes. This setting means you can't see results as they come in, but avoids the overhead of sending data over the network while the program runs.
  • Upload while running — Sends profiling data to the host while the process runs on the target. This setting lets you see results as they come in, without waiting for the program to finish, but imposes more overhead.
Path on target for profiler trace
Sets the location of the profiling results file on the target. You can include the ${random} string, which the IDE replaces with a random number. The IDE can do this replacement in multiple, simultaneous sessions. You can enter either an absolute path that includes the filename or a relative path. If you enter a relative path, the file is written to /tmp.
Remove on exit
Removes the profiling results file from the target when the session is complete. If the IDE has substituted a random number for the string ${random} in the filename, the file is permanently removed.
Use pipe
Creates a pipe file on the target instead of a regular file. A pipe file stores the collected data using less memory and disk space. To use this option, ensure that the pipe utility is running on the target. For more information, see pipe in the Utilities Reference.
The IDE can create the file on the real filesystem only. It can't create it on /dev/shmem/.
Profiling Counter
Specifies which counter the instrumentation code uses to determine the current time at function entry or exit points.
  • Time: Default — Use ClockCycles() for single-core and realtime clock for multi-core (default).
  • Time: Clock Cycles — Use ClockCycles() for multi-core, which is faster and has better resolution than the realtime clock.
    Note: In QNX Neutrino 7.0 or later, we require that the hardware underlying ClockCycles() be synchronized across all processors on an SMP system. This means that threads are no longer required to be bound to the same CPU.
  • Time: Clock Monotonic — Use the realtime clock, which reports the monotonic count of elapsed time since the system booted.
  • Time: Clock Process — Use the process time clock.
  • Time: Clock Thread — Use the thread time clock.
  • Memory: Allocated Heap — Use allocated heap memory as a profiling counter (enables memory profiling).


These options are available only when the Profiling Method is Functions Instrumentation, for either a single application or a system wide profiling scope.

Automatically start profiling
Specifies whether profiling starts automatically or only after you click Resume Profiling in the Analysis Sessions view. If you uncheck this box, you must define signals for starting and stopping profiling by checking the box just underneath. Otherwise, no profiling results are captured.
Install start/stop hooks
Enables the Resume Profiling and Pause Profiling controls in the Analysis Sessions view. If your code already uses the default signal numbers that start and stop profiling, you can specify different values.
  • Pause signal number — Specifies the signal number that pauses profiling.
  • Resume signal number — Specifies the signal number that starts or resumes profiling.
Note: Below the four panels, the Configure Shared Libraries Paths link takes you to the Libraries tab. Use this tab to define the paths of any shared libraries for which you want to see symbol information in the Application Profiler results.

How Application Profiler results are presented

When you launch an application with the Application Profiler enabled, the IDE switches to the QNX Analysis perspective and opens the Execution Time view, which shows the application's execution time by function. The IDE also creates a session for storing the profiling results, and displays this new session in the Analysis Sessions view.

Analysis Sessions view

This view displays all sessions from analysis tools run on a project within the current workspace. Each session has a header containing the tool icon, binary name, session number, and launch time. Sessions from the Application Profiler, Code Coverage, Memory Analysis, and all Valgrind tools are listed in this view, from the newest (at the top) to the oldest (at the bottom). The session number gets incremented each time a program is run with any of these tools.

For profiling sessions, the icon is a circle with a small clock and checkmark (Icon: Open Application profiling session). Double-clicking the header opens the session (if it's not open) and displays function information from all components in the Execution Time view. To filter the results, expand the header and click the appropriate component. For example, to display results for functions in your program code but not in any libraries that it uses, click the application binary.

When you select an active profiling session, which means the application is still running, the view toolbar provides Resume Profiling (Icon: Resume profiling session) and Pause Profiling (Icon: Pause profiling session) controls that let you start and stop profiling. You can specify signals to act as start and stop hooks for these controls, through the Control panel. The Take Snapshot button (Icon: Take profiling session snapshot) is also active, and it allows you to capture the current data without stopping the profiling activity. You can then compare the snapshot data with the final results or other snapshots.

Execution Time view

This view displays the results of profiling sessions, using a table in which each row provides statistics for one function. The table has these default columns:
  • Name — The name of the function.
  • Deep Time — The time it took to execute the function and all of its descendants. This metric is also referred to as Total Function Time. It is the pure realtime interval from when the function started until it ended, which includes its shallow time, the sum of its children's deep times, and all time in which the thread wasn't running while blocked inside of it. If the function was called more than once, this column contains the sum of all runtimes when it was called from a particular stack frame or parent function.

    Inside each column entry, on the left, a green bar and percentage value indicate the relative execution time. On the right, another value indicates the absolute execution time.

    For Sampling mode, this column isn't used.

  • Shallow Time — For Function Instrumentation mode, this column is the deep time minus the sum of its children's runtimes. It roughly represents the time spent in this function only. However, it also includes the time for kernel and instrumented library calls and for profiling the code.

    For Sampling mode, it's an estimated time, calculated by multiplying an interval time by the count of all samples from this function.

    The column entries have a green bar overlaid with a percentage value (on the left) and another numeric value (on the right). These items provide similar information as in the Deep Time column.

  • Count — The number of times the function was called.
  • Location — The location of the function in the code.
To add or remove columns, click the View Menu dropdown (Icon: Open Application profiling session) in the view toolbar, then click Preferences. You can add or remove any of the following columns:
  • Percent — The percentage of Deep Time compared to the Total Time (or compared to the Root Node Time).
  • Average — The average time spent in the function.
  • Max — The maximum time spent in the function.
  • Min — The minimum time spent in the function.
  • Time Stamp — A timestamp indicating the last time the function was called, if present.
  • Binary — The binary filename.
Note: You can right-click in any row (i.e., function listing) and select context menu options to display details about the function's call chains; for more information, see Call sequence information.
The Execution Time toolbar provides actions including but not limited to:
  • Disable Automatic Refresh (Icon: Disable Automatic Refresh) — Pause the data display in its current state until you unlock it.
  • Refresh (Icon: Refresh Now) — Refresh the data display.
  • Take Snapshot and Watch Difference (Icon: Take Snapshot) — Create a profiling session that is a snapshot of the current data. Later, you can compare the results of two sessions to see the effects of any changes you made between execution runs.
  • Show Threads Tree (Icon: Show Threads Tree) — Display a graphical representation of the threads and calling functions within your application. This display helps you see exactly where the application spends its time and which functions are most used. You can examine the details down to the lowest function calls.
    Screenshot of Execution Time view showing sampling-based function runtimes in a thread-based tree
    Note: Information about individual threads is not available for postmortem profiling. Instead, only one thread (with all time assigned to it) is displayed.
  • Show Table (Icon: Show Table) — Display a list of functions within your application. This display helps you identify which functions take the longest to complete. In Functions Instrumentation mode, calls to C library functions such as printf() are not displayed.
    Screenshot of Execution Time view showing deep and shallow function runtimes in a thread-based tree

Annotated source

If your executable binary has debug information and your host has the source file for a particular function, you can double-click its entry in the Execution Time view to open an annotated version of the code in the editor. The editor shows solid green and graduated blue-yellow bars in the left margin.
Screenshot of the annotated source editor showing bars in the left margin to represent the times spent executing a function or individual lines
CAUTION: You may receive incorrect profiling data if you changed the source since the last time you compiled. This is because the annotated editor relies on the line information provided by the debug version of your binary.
The length of the bar represents the percentage of total execution time. The color represents details specific to the function or single line, as follows:
For the first line of a function, a blue-yellow bar shows its total runtime. This includes the function's shallow time, the sum of its children's deep times, and all time in which the thread wasn't running while blocked inside of it.
For a line of code, a green bar shows the amount of time for the inline sampling or call-pair data. The lengths of the green bars within a function add up to the length of the blue-yellow bar on its first line.
To view quantitative profiling data, hover the pointer over a colored bar. The resulting tooltip shows the total number of milliseconds and total percentage of execution time for that code. For children, the tooltip shows the percentage of time relative to the parent.
Screenshot of the annotated source editor showing tooltip information when the pointer is hovered over a child function

Call sequence information

You can right-click a table row (i.e., function listing) and then click context menu options to see how the current function fits into the program's call sequence. The options include but aren't limited to:
Show Calls
List all functions called by the selected function. The resulting list lets you examine specific call chains to find which ones have the greatest performance impact. You can expand the entries of descendant functions to see how execution time is distributed among them.
In the called functions list, the columns that are shown by default or that can be selected through the Preferences dropdown option are the same as those for the original profiling results. Also, you can right-click again and choose this same option or Show Reverse Calls (if it's available), to navigate up or down a particular call stack.
Note: For this and other options, you can use the Go Back (Icon: Go Back button) and Go Forward (Icon: Go Forward button) toolbar buttons to move between the menu action results and original profiling results.
Show Reverse Calls
List all callers of the selected function. The resulting list shows the execution times for all calling functions. The same columns are shown, and you can right-click again and choose this same option or Show Calls, to navigate up or down a particular call stack.
You can show the reverse calls only for functions compiled with profiling instrumentation.
Show Call Graph
Display a graph of how the functions are called within the program.
Screenshot of call graph shown in profiling results
This graph represents functions with colored boxes. The selected function appears in the middle, in blue. On the left, in orange, are all functions that called this function. On the right, in lighter orange, are all functions that the selected function called.
To see the calls to and from a function, click its box in the call graph. If you hover the pointer over this box, Deep Time, Percent, and Count information is displayed, if the information is available.
You can show the call graphs only for functions compiled with profiling instrumentation.

Interpreting differences in session results

You can compare the results of two profiling sessions to see the effect of changes you made to an application. The comparison feature calculates and displays the differences in function runtimes and other metrics between the sessions, in the Execution Time view.

In the comparison results, the columns show the profiling measurement changes from the older to the newer session (i.e., the new values minus the old ones). If a function ran in only one session, its values from that session are displayed.
Screenshot of Execution Time view showing differences between two profiling sessions that measured precise function runtimes
In each column, on the left of the green bar and numeric values that represent the execution time, an icon shows the overall change from the first to the second session. The icon is one of the following:
  • Icon: Runtime decreased — Function runtime has decreased.
  • Icon: Runtime increased — Function runtime has increased.
  • Icon: Function in first session only — Function was called in first session only.
  • Icon: Compare item in second session only — Function was called in second session only.
To hide insignificant results (e.g., <1% difference) or apply other filters, click the View Menu dropdown (Icon: Open Application profiling session), then click Filters. The IDE opens a window with several fields for filtering the profiling results:
Screenshot of Filters window showing fields for restricting how many function results are listed, defining a minimum difference threshold, and indicating which program components to show in the results
You can obtain more information from the tooltips. If you hover the pointer in a Deep Time or Shallow Time column, the IDE displays a popup message with the old and new time values as well as their absolute and relative differences:
Screenshot of Deep Time column entry with tooltip showing absolute and relative times for a function, and the difference in times between the compared sessions
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