Analyzing System Behavior
QNX Tool SuiteIntegrated Development Environment User's GuideDeveloperSetup
Many IDE tools allow you to find errors and optimize applications, but to ensure that your embedded system behaves well, you need to use system-wide diagnostic tools. The QNX System Information and QNX System Profiler tools help you understand process and thread interaction on the target, reduce application and system startup times, and debug deadlock and improper CPU usage levels.
The system analysis tools support these four tasks:
- finding bad interactions — through System Information, you can detect deadlocked threads and odd connections between components, and see how a process handles certain signals
- verifying correct thread priorities — through System Information, you can monitor threads to verify that they run at the correct priorities
- analyzing kernel activity — you can run a kernel event trace through the IDE, then examine the trace results in the System Profiler to see how CPU resources are distributed and how threads are scheduled
- optimizing system performance — based on kernel event trace results, you can make individual applications or the entire system boot faster
From the System Profiler editor, you can extract any profiling data captured during the trace period into a new Application Profiler session.
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