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img_load_resize_file() decode of BMP file is inverted

Applicable Environment
  • Topic: img_load_resize_file() decode of BMP file is inverted
  • SDP: 6.4.1
  • Target: Any supported target


img_load_resize_file() decode of BMP file is inverted when src dimension == dst dimension

An issue was discovered in the recent changes/fixes to the img library made in PR# 74110 and PR# 74765 previously. This issue was that under certain circumstances the output image was being vertically flipped. The circumstances were after a call to img_load_resize_file() was used to load an BMP image, when the input and output image resolutions were the same (not requiring a resize).

This issue was resolved in PR# 75766.

NOTE: This entry has been validated against the SDP version listed above. Use caution when considering this advice for any other SDP version. For supported releases, please reach out to QNX Technical Support if you have any questions/concerns.

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