Describes the services available on the QNX SDK for Apps and Media 1.1. For each service, there's information about how to configure and use the service. Where applicable, the Persistent Publish/Subscribe objects used by service are listed. 72 pages. (Read More...)
Describes how to copy a QNX Apps and Media image onto your target platform, how to build a target image, and how to modify a target image. 78 pages. (Read More...)
Describes how to set up a host system for Qt development and how to perform all tasks in the development lifecycle for Qt apps. 102 pages. (Read More...)
Explains how to write multimedia applications that use the mm-sync service to synchronize a device's media information with a database. 124 pages. (Read More...)
Describes the process of starting/stopping applications and explains how windows interact with the HMI. This guide also explains how to write your own window manager, as well package and deploy applications to devices running the QNX SDK for Apps and Media. 68 pages. (Read More...)
Describes the io-fs-media service, which provides a POSIX
interface to different media filesystems (e.g., RAM, MTP). 13 pages. (Read More...)
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