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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title Special characters in a PhAB application
Ref. No. QNX.000009851
Category(ies) Development
Issue We want to label a button with a mathematical formula that includes one special character (the Greek uppercase sigma character)?

Solution You can generally access a lot of the special characters from within PhAB using the photon key compose sequences.
If the character you want cannot be accessed via this method, you can generate a wider range of characters from code.

Here is a function that will help:
void uni_strcat(char *str, wchar_t unicode){
x09char mb[MB_CUR_MAX + 1];
x09memset(mb, 0, MB_CUR_MAX + 1);
x09wctomb(mb, unicode);
x09strcat(str, mb);

Give it a pointer to a string and the unicode value for the character you wish to append to the string.

Here is an example:

x09PtArg_t args[1];
x09char buf[64];
x09strcpy(buf, "y = ");
x09uni_strcat(buf, 0x3a3);
x09strcat(buf, "x, x = 0");
x09uni_strcat(buf, 0x2192);
x09uni_strcat(buf, 0x221e);
x09PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, buf, 0);
x09PtSetResources(label_wgt, 1, args);

Which places this mathematical expression into a label:

y = [sigma]x, x = 0 [to][infinity]

Now all you need are unicode values for your special characters(downoload a reference from the web or get a book from a computer bookstore).