Choosing an RTOS for Remote-care Medical Devices

Three trends are driving a dramatic increase in the number and diversity of remote-care medical devices entering the market: aging populations in industrialized countries, pressures to reduce health care costs, and a new focus on primary and secondary care. This paper is about choosing an embedded OS for remote-care medical devices. It provides a high-level “shopping list” of requirements that device manufacturers can use to evaluate OSs they are considering.

04/01/11 Download

Justin Moon

Justin Moon

Justin Moon is currently a Product Manager for the medical market. Since joining QNX Software Systems 10 years ago, Justin has worked on the Custom Engineering Team, specializing in BSP and driver development, and on the Automotive Team, where he worked with a number of Tier 1 and OEM automotive companies. He has also worked as a Field Application Engineer responsible for QNX's Canadian customers. Justin practices several martial arts disciplines. He studied computer engineering at St. Lawrence College.

Somu Vadali

Somu Vadali

Somu Vadali joined QNX Software Systems in early 2010 as a Product Manager responsible for HMI/Graphics and Acoustic Processing. Before coming to QNX, Somu held a variety of engineering and management positions at Alcatel-Lucent, Crossbeam Systems and Ericsson, companies where he developed his expertise in network and web security, embedded operating systems, and graphics technologies. Somu plays cricket and tennis, and is an avid photographer. He holds a BTech from the National Institute of Technology in Warangal, India, and an MBA from Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.