ADAS example

Updated: April 19, 2023

The ADAS example application demonstrates how to read and visualize camera data using the ADAS library.

Note: On the R-Car V3H board, there is no GPU, so the functionality of the ADAS example is limited to running the Native Camera viewer to display camera content from the finger-counting demo. There is no support of the Point Cloud or Camera viewers, which use the GPU.
The following parameters are useful for the ADAS example application (adas_example) on this platform:

Run the application manually

With the default configuration in this reference image, another application, Camera MUX, runs at startup. If you use this setup but want to run the ADAS example application from the command line, do the following:
  1. Connect to your board using ssh.
  2. Use slay to stop the Camera MUX application, which runs at startup:
    # slay camera_mux
    The application should stop running and you should see a blank display.
  3. Run the adas_example command with the -c option set to select the adas_finger_count.conf configuration file:
    # adas_example -c /base/etc/system/config/adas_finger_count.conf

    This configuration file specifies to use the Native Camera viewer, which is the one viewer supported on this board type.

After you run the command, a menu appears. You can type letters from the menu and press Enter to perform specific actions. Using the configuration file mentioned above, you'll see the following options in the ssh session:
# adas_example -c /base/etc/system/config/adas_finger_count.conf

# Please select the view type or zoom factor:
        1 to 6) Scale factor from 1x to 32x (Point cloud or Radar only)
        f) Forward
        r) Start Record
        s) Stop Record
        x) Exit the application

For this demo, you would use the Start Record (r) and Stop Record (s) options only if you wanted to record the video. Otherwise, only Exit (x) applies. The number options (i.e., zoom factor settings) don't apply, and the only view available is Forward, so choosing the corresponding option (f) does nothing.

When the application starts running, the camera becomes active and you can hold your fingers up so the application can count them. The device's display will look like the following:

Figure 1. Finger-counting demo

When you run the application manually, you must enter x in the ssh session to exit. When you run it during bootup, you must use slay to terminate it, as no interactive menu is shown.

Build the ADAS example application

On your host computer, the source code is provided for the ADAS example application. You can build the source code and deploy the resulting binary onto your target.

  1. A ZIP file installed with the QNX SDP 7.1 Sensor Framework Base package is located at installation_directory/source/ You must extract it to get the ZIP file for the ADAS examples.
  2. In the extraction_directory/source_package_adas_sensor directory, there's a README.txt that you can follow to build the application.
  3. Create a backup of the original adas_example file on your target. This file is found in the target's /usr/bin/ directory.
  4. Deploy your newly built version of the ADAS example application, by navigating to extraction_directory/source_package_adas_sensor/apps/adas/adas_example/nto/aarch64/so.le on your host and transferring the adas_example file to the /usr/bin/ directory on the target. You can use the QNX Momentics IDE to transfer the file.
  5. Connect to your target through a terminal connection and run the ADAS example application.