QNX® Hypervisor

The table below will help you find your way around the documentation for the QNX Hypervisor for Safety (QHS) and QNX Hypervisor (non-safety variant). Although the two variants are kept in synchronization as much as possible, it is likely that there will be differences between them especially as it relates to safety features. Always use the documentation set that corresponds to your desired product.

Document Description
QNX Hypervisor for Safety 2.2 User's Guide

Provides instructions for installing and running a QNX Hypervisor for Safety system, changing system components and configuration, and using hypervisor features such as virtual devices.

QNX Hypervisor for Safety 2.2 Virtual Device Developer's Guide

Provides instructions for developing your own virtual devices (vdevs) for a QNX Hypervisor (non-safety) or QNX Hypervisor for Safety system, as well as samples of source code for simple vdevs.

QNX Hypervisor for Safety 2.2 Virtual Device Developer's API Reference

Describes the API for developing virtual devices (vdevs) for a QNX Hypervisor (non-safety) or QNX Hypervisor for Safety system.

QNX Hypervisor 2.2 User's Guide

Provides instructions for installing and running a QNX Hypervisor (non-safety) system, changing system components and configuration, and using hypervisor features such as virtual devices.

Technical support options

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Typographical conventions

For typographical conventions used in our documentation, please see conventions.