QNX Automotive Solutions
The complexity of today’s vehicles is growing exponentially. Hardware and software must be properly integrated to ensure reliable operations of everything from the suspension to the CD player. With the addition of more consumer-electronics, location-based services, and off-board connectivity, this integration is increasingly crucial to the driver experience. It is this integration process, however, that often bogs down production and creates unwanted delays.
QNX Automotive Solutions provides quality engineering support to help tier one system integrators and OEMs eliminate program delays and meet or exceed project milestones and start of production (SOP) commitments. Based on extensive hands-on experience in automotive development, support, and integration in all areas of the QNX product portfolio, our team of senior engineers applies field-proven engineering and project-management practices to ensure successful results. We currently have a 100 percent success rate helping customers meet their deadlines.
COMPLETE PROJECTS ON TIME AND ON BUDGETWith hundreds of person years in automotive development, support, and integration, the QNX Automotive Solutions team knows how to manage and deliver complex projects within tight timeframes and budgets.
FOCUS ON ADDING VALUEBy co-sourcing integration and development work with the QNX Automotive Solutions team, customers can focus more time on more important things – like adding high value features to products.
CUT COSTS AND SPEED ROIMembers of the QNX Automotive Solutions team have first-hand experience optimizing QNX-based software to perform optimally on partner hardware; we use this experience to help customers cut development costs and speed time-to-revenue.
QNX Automotive Solutions offers three engineering support options:
AUTOMOTIVE PROJECT TEAMDedicated team for long term support, development, and integration
- Architecture reviews
- Demonstration support
- Technology prototyping
- Driver development and optimization
- System-level analysis
- Prioritized enhancements and bug fixing
- Target platform specific testing
- Advanced system-level optimization (fast start up, system profiling, BOM cost reduction, mini-drivers, footprint)
This team includes a project manager, senior developer, and development/test specialist, and is backed by a software development group of professionals focused on automotive-specific projects.
AUTOMOTIVE TIGER TEAMSmall, focused team for short-term, high-priority, time-critical requirements
This team can be on-site on short notice to help troubleshoot and solve complex, unforeseen issues. It is supported by resources in the larger QNX Automotive Solutions and core QNX engineering teams. It has close ties with key suppliers of automotive software and hardware products, and services.
AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN WORKSHOP SUPPORTShort or medium-term support and development option hosted at Phase Four, the QNX automotive engineering facility
This service allows your engineering team to work hand-in-hand with members of the QNX Automotive Solutions team. We provide development and lab space for multiple team members, test equipment, prototype hardware, and, if required, the vehicle itself.
Why QNX?
The QNX Automotive Solutions team is uniquely qualified to help customers eliminate program delays and meet or exceed project milestones and start of production (SOP) commitments.
EXPERTISEWe have worked extensively in all areas of in-car computing, including:
- low-latency audio systems
- multimedia
- graphics, displays, and rotating media (hard disks and CDs)
- file systems
- peripheral busses: USB, SPI, I2S, I2C
We have logged hundreds of person years of automotive development, support, and integration in all areas of the QNX product portfolio.
SERVICE EXCELLENCEWe currently have a 100 percent success rate helping customers meet their deadlines.
The QAS team process
Customers who work with the QNX Automotive Solutions team know they are working with a team that has a successful formula to achieving results. The questions we ask when creating a customer plan include:
- What technology can we leverage to meet customer deliverables?
- What BSP customizations are needed (custom hardware)?
- What middleware customizations are needed?
- What future roadmap or R&D work must be pulled into product?
- What reference code can be leveraged but must be hardened?
- What pieces are missing and must be created?
- What is the division of responsibility between the customer and QNX Software Systems?
- What is the schedule of work?