Using the GUI to deploy an installation

To deploy a QNX SDP installation (and optionally, a QNX Momentics IDE installation), you can use the Configure Deployed Installation dialog of the QNX Software Center.

To access the dialog, select File > Deploy Installation.

The dialog contains the following fields:

Select installation to deploy
Use this field to select the QNX SDP installation you wish to deploy.
Select license key to deploy
Use the drop down menu to select the license key that will govern use of the deployed installation. If you have multiple licenses, make sure to select the one appropriate to your deployment.
You can deploy a development seat installation without a shared license. In the drop down menu, select the No shared license (Users will have their own license) option. Make sure that each user obtains and activates their own license.
To display and use the applicable licenses, the QNX Software Center must have a working internet connection to

You cannot use a deployed installation from a build server license on a development seat; similarly, you cannot use a deployed installation from a development seat license on a build server.

Enter address of license server
Use this field to specify the address of a floating license server.
You need to use this field only if you have a floating multiuser license. If you don't have a floating license, the field is grayed out.
The address takes the form port@host, where:
  • port is the port on which the license server listens for connections. If the server uses the default port, you can omit port.
  • address is the hostname or IP address of the license server.
For more information on configuring the license server, see the Floating License Management Guide:
Include Momentics installation
Select this checkbox if you wish to include a QNX Momentics IDE installation in the deployed QNX SDP installation.
This checkbox is available only if your license type allows you to include a QNX Momentics IDE installation. See 1. Check whether you have an applicable license for more information.

You can't update any plugin in a deployed IDE installation. Consequently, you can't update the deployed installation to a newer version of the IDE.

Also, you should avoid adding plugins to a deployed IDE installation.

If local copies of a deployed IDE installation require new or updated plugins, you should update the original installation of the IDE and then redeploy it to your developers.

Select Momentics path
Use this field to specify the root directory of the QNX Momentics IDE installation you wish to deploy.
Deploy as zipped archive
Select this checkbox if you wish to save the deployed installation as a ZIP file.
Select output folder path
Use this field to specify the path of the deployed installation.
If you attempt to write the installation to a directory that already contains an installation (or any other content), the QNX Software Center will prompt you to proceed. If you click OK in the popup window, the QNX Software Center will delete and overwrite all existing content in the directory.

Viewing or canceling the installation process

When you click OK, the QNX Software Center starts to create the deployed installation.

To view a progress bar, click the Progress button in the lower-right corner of the main window:

To cancel the installation process, click the progress bar's Cancel button:

When the process is complete, you are ready to deploy the installation. For example, you can:
  • check it into source control
  • copy it to a shared drive
  • share it via other media if you deployed it as a ZIP archive
We recommend that you wait for the installation process to complete before attempting to create another deployed installation.

Updating a deployed installation

When you save a deployed installation to a directory, the entire contents of the installation are marked readonly. Consequently, developers cannot make changes or additions to the installation, nor should they attempt to. If the deployed QNX SDP installation requires new packages, updates, or patches, add those components to the original copy of the installation and then redeploy it.

When you save the deployed installation to a zip file, developers can extract their own copies, which won't be readonly. We recommend, however, that developers use the installation as is; they shouldn't modify it.

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