Database storage files

Updated: April 19, 2023

QDB uses raw SQLite files to store databases individually. Each database configuration object must provide a path to the raw storage file for the database being defined. Storage files for different databases can be kept in different areas of the filesystem or in different filesystems altogether.

Because SQLite database files require POSIX file locks, the host filesystem must support this functionality; therefore, these database files cannot be hosted on filesystems such as /dev/shmem/ or NFS. You can store database files in QNX filesystems and flash filesystems but performance may suffer with these two filesystem types due to the inherent slowness in writing to the storage media. Rather, it is highly recommended that over any of the former, you use a RAM-disk.

When loading a database, QDB creates the storage file in the location specified in the configuration object, if the storage file doesn't exist. When unloading a database, QDB leaves the storage file intact; it's up to the application to take appropriate action by either copying or deleting the storage file.