Starting the QDB server

Updated: April 19, 2023

QDB uses the Persistent Publish/Subscribe (PPS) service to dynamically configure databases. Before starting QDB, you must set up PPS. You can then use QDB to load and unload databases.

To set up and use QDB:
  1. Enter pps to start PPS as a background process.
    PPS creates a root directory (/pps by default).
  2. Enter mkdir -p /pps/qnx/qdb to create the directory structure used in the PPS configuration path.
    This is the path where PPS stores the database configuration objects, each of which describes the configuration of a specific QDB database.
  3. Enter qdb followed by any desired options to start the QDB server.
    For debugging purposes, you should start qdb with -v and -V options to get verbose output. The -v option is cumulative, with each additional v adding a level of verbosity, up to seven levels. The -V option sends output to the console and to the slog2info log.
The PPS and QDB server processes are running. You can now add and remove database configuration objects to and from the directory named in the PPS configuration path to dynamically load and unload databases.