System Profiler

Updated: October 28, 2024

The QNX System Profiler perspective displays kernel event trace data. Through the editor, you can view different aspects of the kernel activity and examine a time range of events in detail. There are also several views that list helpful information such as the order of events, thread state event statistics, and runtimes for client and server threads.

To see data, you must first run a kernel event trace, which you can do from the IDE or command line. The System Profiler reads kernel event log (.kev) files generated during traces. These files are automatically uploaded to the workspace when a trace finishes. After applying a filter or selecting a timeframe of events, you can save this subset of kernel event data to a new trace file, to keep only the most relevant information.

The sections that follow describe how to use the editor and views to find certain events and understand what the trace is telling you.