About the QNX Platform for ADAS

The QNX Platform for ADAS is a platform that you can use to build an advanced driver assistance system.

The platform includes a vision capabilities that you can use to build an advanced driver assistance system that uses multiple cameras. The platform is built on the QNX Neutrino RTOS, a highly available, realtime operating system.
Warning: If your intention is to build a certified (e.g., to ISO 26262) product or equipment, be aware that the QNX Platform for ADAS and QNX Software Development Platform 6.5.0 SP1 haven't been certified, but have been developed in accordance with a certified quality management system (QM). The QNX Platform for ADAS is compatible with the QNX OS for Safety 1.0 product, which is cetified to ASIL D according to ISO 26262. To assist you with getting certification for your product or equipment, consider using the QNX OS for Safety 1.0 with the QNX Platform for ADAS. For more information about developing a certified product, see the documentation for the QNX OS for Safety 1.0 product on the QNX website.
You also can integrate third-party algorithms of your choice with the platform to detect and alert the driver when pedestrians are near the car or when a frontal collision may occur. For more information about some of the available third-party algorithms, see Supported vision algorithms.
To get started and to use this guide, it's presumed that you have the following installed on your host system; otherwise for more information, see the relevant installation notes on the QNX website:
Note: Ensure that you look at the Installation Notes and Release Notes for this product on the QNX website for the list of all patches required for your target board. For example, the mkqnx6fsimg command is required to build Power-Safe(fs-qnx6.so) filesystem.

The QNX Platform for ADAS provides a reference image, which supports four cameras connected to a deserializer board connected to a Vision Board on the Jacinto 6 EVM board. For more information, see Supported hardware configurations.