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QNX® Momentics® 6.3.0 SP1 Critical Process Monitoring Patch Installation Note

QNX® Momentics® 6.3.0 SP1

Date of this edition: August 26, 2005

Target OS: QNX® Neutrino® 6.3.0 SP1

Host OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP1 or SP2, 2000 SP4, NT SP6a; Sun Solaris 7 or 8; QNX® Neutrino® 6.3.0 SP1; Linux Red Hat 8, 9, or Enterprise

Note: For information about the issues that this patch addresses, see the release notes.

This note includes:

Installation procedure

Note: You should back up the affected files before you install this patch. For more information, see "Applying the patch," below.

To install this patch:

  1. Log in as root (or with administrator privileges on Windows).
  2. Download the archive to your host environment.
  3. Determine the base directory of your QNX Momentics installation by opening a command shell and using the qconfig command. For example:
    QNX Installations
    Installation Name: QNX Momentics 6.3.0
    Version: 6.3.0
    Base Directory: C:/QNX630/
    QNX_HOST: C:/QNX630/host/qnx6/x86/
    QNX_TARGET: C:/QNX630/target/qnx6/

    The base directory in this example is C:/QNX630/, but it could be different on your machine, depending on your host OS and where you installed QNX Momentics.

  4. Extract the archive you downloaded into the base directory:
    Method 1: Command-line based
    Windows Hosts
    Open a command prompt (command.com) and switch to the drive indicated in the base directory that you found in step 2 (e.g. C:).

    Copy the archive to your base directory, replacing base_dir with the path you found in step 2:

    copy drive:\archive_path base_dir

    Now use the following commands to extract the archive contents. Don't specify the drive letter in the archive path:

    cd base_dir
    tar -xvf archive

    Neutrino, Linux, and Solaris Hosts
    Open a command shell and use the following commands (replacing base_dir with the path found in step 2, and archive with the full path to the downloaded archive):

    cd base_dir
    tar -xvf archive

    Method 2: GUI based
    Use any GUI-based application that supports the TAR format (e.g. WinZIP under Windows). Ensure that the destination directory is your base directory.
    Note: If you use WinZIP, choose Options-->Configuration, switch to the Miscellaneous tab in this dialog, and turn off the TAR file smart CR/LF conversion option. If this option is turned on, and you extract the archive, then your shiplist file will contain ^M characters.

  5. Next, you must incorporate the patch into your host system; see below.

Applying the patch

The patch is stored in a directory (or folder) that's separate from your existing development system:


Some files of interest within the 630SP1-number directory are:

Includes the patch number and the build information.
Contains the checksums of the files shipped in the patch (as generated by the cksum utility).
A list of the files included in the patch.

The remaining files in the directory comprise the new software delivered in the patch. Depending on the patch, you might see these directories:

Fixes related to the development tools and environment that run on the host.
Fixes related to components that would be built into QNX Neutrino target or runtime systems.

To apply the patch, you need to copy the new files on top of the old ones in your development system.

Caution: Since this is a destructive procedure, we recommend that you create a backup of the affected files.

Making a backup

To create a backup on any of our hosts:

  1. (Windows only) From the command.com prompt, run ksh:
  2. Go to the base directory:

    cd base_dir

  3. Make a backup copy of the files that will be overwritten:

    pax -w < patches/630SP1-number/shiplist > patches/630SP1-number-backup.tar

    The pax utility might display some error messages when it attempts to back up nonexistent files for host operating systems other than the one you're using. You can ignore these messages.

  4. (Windows only) Exit ksh:

Copying the files - Windows hosts

To apply the patch on a Windows system from the command prompt (remember to switch back to command.com from ksh):

  1. Switch to the drive specified in your base directory (e.g. C:).
  2. Go to the base directory (remember to replace / characters in the base directory with \):

    cd base_dir

  3. Install the host updates (if any):

    xcopy patches\630SP1-number\host host /s /i /v /y

  4. Install the target updates (if any):

    xcopy patches\630SP1-number\target target /s /i /v /y

Copying the files - Neutrino, Linux, and Solaris hosts

To apply the patch on a Neutrino, Linux, or Solaris system:

  1. Go to the patch directory:

    cd base_dir/patches/630SP1-number

  2. Install the host updates (if any):

    grep '^host' shiplist | pax -rw base_dir/.

  3. Install the target updates (if any):

    grep '^target' shiplist | pax -rw base_dir/.

  4. Install the runtime updates (QNX Neutrino only -- optional):
    cd target/qnx6
    find usr ! -type d | pax -rw /
    cd x86
    find ! -type d | pax -rw /

Technical support

If you have any questions, comments, or problems with a QNX product, please contact Technical Support. For more information, see the How to Get Help chapter of the Welcome to QNX Momentics guide or visit our website, www.qnx.com.