Memory Events view

Use this view to show the memory events (allocation and deallocation) that are found in your program by memory analysis tooling.

To populate the view, click on a session or session element (such as a thread, file, and so on) from the Session View (see Managing Memory Analysis sessions: The Session view), or activate the memory analysis editor (see Memory Analysis editor), and then select a region in the allocations chart (when the view is synchronized).

Note: If you want to capture the memory event data and review these results outside of the IDE, press CTRL-A to select all of the information contained within the table, and then press Ctrl-C to copy it as text to the clipboard.

The Memory Events view provides the following columns in the events table (not all columns are present by default, you can select columns using the view's preferences):

Column Description
Kind A kind of allocation (malloc, calloc, new, free, etc.) with a matched icon (the icon has checkmark if the allocation has a corresponding free.)
Requested Size The size of memory in bytes requested.
Actual Size The size of the memory block allocator used.
Pointer A pointer value.
Tid The thread ID of thread that did the allocation.
Pid The process ID.
CPU The CPU on which the allocation or deallocation occurred.
Binary The binary or library name of the requester (the top frame of a backtrace).
Location The file:line of the requester (the top frame of a backtrace).
Timestamp The timestamp of an allocation (the timestamp can wrap around).
Event id The unique ID in the order of appearance.
Average size When grouped, it refers to the average size of the requested allocations.
Max size When grouped, it's the maximum size of the requested allocations.
Count When grouped, it's the count of the grouped allocations.
The icons in the table indicate the type of allocation or deallocation:
An allocation with a matching deallocation.
A deallocation with a matching allocation.
An allocation without a matching deallocation.
A deallocation without a matching allocation.

Non-aggregated columns show data for the first event in the group when the events are grouped. You can use your mouse to resize, hide and rearrange columns using standard drag-and-drop commands on table header. To hide the column, resize it to none. To make a column more visible, use the Prefereces… dialog.

The Memory Analysis view provides the following features:

View action bar
Memory Events view context menu