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Explain errno numbers (QNX)


errno error_number...


Get the text equivalent of this numerical error number.


The errno utility will display the string equivalent for the error_numbers supplied on the command line. The output is written to the standard output.

This utility is useful in cases where a program has indicated that a numerical error occurred and has not provided the ASCII string equivalent of that errno value. Users who do not have access to the C header file /usr/include/errno.h do not have the option of using "fgrep error_number /usr/include/errno.h". The errno utility is more convenient and is available to all users.


Find the string equivalent of error number 2:

   $ errno 2
   errno    2: No such file or directory


The errno utility writes one newline-terminated line to the standard output for each command-line argument it is passed. In those cases where the command-line argument is not a valid error number, a line is written to the standard error instead. The standard input is not used.

Exit status:

An error occurred (e.g. unknown errno value)
The error string was successfully written to the standard output.

See also:

/etc/config/traceinfo file, netinfo, traceinfo, use

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