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Display network events (QNX)


netinfo [-f time_format] [-n node]

netinfo -L logical_net_ID | -l
netinfo -a


Write all error code numbers and corresponding text to standard output.
-f time_format
Format the time column according to the specified format string. The formats allowed are the same as the display formats supported by the date utility (see date).
("el") Display driver-specific information for all logical networks.
-L logical_net_ID
Display driver-specific information for the specified logical network.
-n node
Display the netinfo log of the specified node.


The netinfo utility asks the Network Manager (Net) for the contents of its circular buffer of significant network runtime events. These events are unusual or interesting occurrences logged by either the Network Manager or the network drivers. For each of these network events, netinfo displays a line of output that consists of:

If no node is specified via the -n option, netinfo will display network events for this node.

For a description of the strings you can use to format the date and time, see the date utility.

Exit status:

An error occurred.

See also:

date, sin, tracectrl, traceinfo, tracelogger

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