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Running Voyager Email

This chapter shows you how to run Voyager Email and lists its command-line options. Topics include:

To start Voyager Email

To start Voyager Email, run the following command:


vmail &

To send email, you need to configure Voyager Email with at least your:

To read articles in a newsgroup, you need to add a news server in the News Subscription dialog. For further details, see the Adding a news server task in the Voyager Email builtin help.

Command-line options

You can compose and send an email using Voyager Email's command-line options at the QNX prompt. Executing these commands brings up only the Mail Composition window; it doesn't execute the entire Voyager Email program. Here are the options to send email:

Option Description
-b message body Send email with the text specified in message body.
-B bcc email address Send blind copies of email to the recipient(s) specified in bcc email address.
-Dp Disable the splash screen
-C cc email address Send copies of email to the recipient(s) specified in cc email address.
-P server path Start and connect to the Voyager server specified in server path. The default server is voyager.server.
-s server Photon server node or device name.
-S subject Send email with subject.
-T email address list Send email to the recipient(s) specified in email address list.
-U "mailto:email address?subject=subject" Send email to the recipient specified in email address with subject.


Run Voyager Email using a Photon server on node 4:

vmail -s 4
vmail -s//4/dev/photon

Send email to info@qnx.com:

vmail -T info@qnx.com

Send email to info@qnx.com with the subject QNX Info Request:

vmail -U "mailto:info@qnx.com?subject=QNX%20Info%20Request"

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