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SMC91C90/91C92/91C100FD Ethernet network driver (QNX)


Net.ether9000 [options] &


Program the NIC to monitor the carrier when transmitting.
-f tx_forget_time
After a driver-level NACK is received from a remote node, Net.ether9000 will assume that because packets were dropped, throttling the transmit output on that connection would be a good idea. So, the output will be reduced to approximately 400K/sec for 10 seconds, after which the eternally optimistic Net.ether9000 stops throttling its output. The -f option allows you to change the default 10 seconds above.
Enable full-duplex operation.
-h hang_ticks
Specify the number of 50ms ticks to wait until the driver concludes that the chip is hung and resets it. Default: 10 (500ms).
-i irq
Specify hardware interrupt (default is to autodetect)
-l log_net_id
("el") Connect to the specified logical network. The default is 1.
Program the NIC for multicast receive mode. All packets with multicast destination addresses will be buffered.
-n tx_num_retries
After failing to transmit to a remote node, retry transmission no more than this number of times. Default is 3.
Use fiber optic links.
-p io_port
Use the given I/O port base, specified as a hexadecimal number without a leading 0x. This option overrides the autodetect.
Program the NIC for promiscuous receive mode. All packets will be buffered, regardless of the packet's destination address. The default is non-promiscuous mode.

You may use this option in conjunction with netsniff to monitor other traffic on the network.

-r media_rate
Advertise the specified bit-transmission rate. The default is 10000000. This information is used by the Network Manager when multiple network drivers are running.
-s speed
Specify the data rate, e.g. -s10 or -s100. Default is auto-negotiate. Use of this option disables the auto-negotiation capability of the ethernet card.
-t tx_retry_ticks
The number of 50 millisecond intervals between transmit retries. The default is 20.
-T [a|t]
Specify connection type. If t is specified, the connection type is 10BASE-T. If a is specified, the connection type is AUI/coax.
Be verbose; print out hardware configuration info on the screen when starting up.


The Net.ether9000 network driver communicates directly with a SMC91C90, SMC91C92, or SMC91C100FD compatible Ethernet network card. It provides the Network Manager with reliable data transfer over an Ethernet network.

Before installing your card, you should read the technote contained in the /etc/readme/technotes/Net.ether9000 file.

If you install more than one network card, you must specify a unique network ID (-l option) to every network driver. If you install more than one SMC9000 or compatible network card, you must also specify the -p options for every invocation of Net.ether9000 (except the one with the lowest I/O port).


On an SMC91C92, scan for card and autodetect IRQ:

    Net.ether9000  &

On an SMC91C92, use I/O port 340h and autodetect IRQ:

      Net.ether9000 -p 340 &

One card is using I/O port 300h (scan will detect first) on logical network 1. The second card is using I/O port 320h on logical network 2:

      Net.ether9000 &
      Net.ether9000 -p 320 -l 2  &


Net.ether9000 closes its standard input, standard output and standard error immediately after initialization.

Error messages are displayed via the qnx_display_*() functions, not through standard error.


The Net.ether9000 driver ignores SIGPWR.

Exit status:

Net.ether9000 terminates only upon encountering errors during initialization or upon getting a signal (i.e. being killed).

Net.ether9000 has shut down successfully and cleanly deregistered from Net.
An error occurred during initialization.

See also:

Net, Net.*, netinfo, netmap

Installation & Configuration

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