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This chapter includes:


Printing and drawing are the same in Photon-the difference depends on the draw context, a data structure that defines where the draw stream flows:

To print in Photon:

  1. Create a print context by calling PpPrintCreatePC().
  2. Set up the print context
  3. Initialize the current print job by calling PpPrintOpen().
  4. Any time after PpPrintOpen() is called, make the print context "active" by calling PpPrintStart(). When a print context is active, anything that's drawn via Pg* calls, including widgets, is directed to the file opened by the print context during the PpPrintOpen() call.
  5. Insert page breaks, as required, by calling PpPrintNewPage().
  6. The print context can be made inactive without terminating the current print job by calling PpPrintStop(), or by calling PpPrintStart() with a different print context. To resume the print job from where you left off, call PpPrintStart().
  7. Complete the print job by calling PpPrintClose().
  8. When your application doesn't need to print anything else, call PpPrintReleasePC() to free the print context.

What's in a print context?

A print context includes a number of members that control how printing is to be done.

Note: Don't use the members of a print context directly. Use PpPrintGetPC() to extract members, and PpPrintSetPC() to change them.

The possible values and meanings for the members of a print context are defined in /usr/photon/print/printers - see "Setting up the printer definition file" in the Printing Support chapter of the Photon Installation and Configuration guide.

Here's an overview of what's in a print context:

The name of the printer (e.g. R&D main printer).
The location of the printer (e.g. By board room #2).
Usually the spooler to use (e.g. /dev/spool/Ph.main_deskjet).

If you're sending the print job directly to a printer (such as /dev/par1), set Pp_PC_FILENAME to the name of the printer (e.g. /dev/par1) and Pp_PC_DRIVER to the name of the Photon print driver that produces output the printer will recognize.

If both the device and filename members are set, the output goes to the destination identified by the filename.

The driver application to launch if printing to file (if a filename is specified). For example, Pp.pcl. For information about the available print drivers, see the Applications and Utilities chapter of the Photon Installation & Configuration guide.
A rectangle that specifies (in 1/1000ths of an inch) the nonprintable margins of the printer.
The application to launch to adjust the printer properties portion of the print context.
The application to launch to preview the print job, usually /usr/photon/bin/preview.
If this member is specified, the final output of the print job is placed in this file.

If a driver is also specified, a temporary file is used to hold the raw Photon draw stream until PpPrintClose() is called, at which time the driver is launched to process the temporary file into printer-ready format in the file specified. The temporary file is removed.

If no driver is provided, the raw Photon draw stream is written to the specified file. This .phs (Photon Stream) file can be sent to any spooler that accepts the Photon draw stream, or can be given directly to any of the Photon print drivers to produce output in the proper format for a specific printer.

This comment doesn't appear in the printed output produced by the printer; it exists in the draw context and the Photon stream files.
The date the print job was started. It's filled in when the print job is initialized. See PpPrintOpen() and PpPrintStart().
The user creating the print job. It's filled in when the print job is initialized. See PpPrintOpen() and PpPrintStart().
The range of pages to be printed. This information should be used by the application when producing the printed output. Only those pages requested should be printed. Any pages printed will appear in the output (i.e. the drivers don't look at the page range when processing the Photon draw stream).

The page range is just a string. The application must parse it to determine which pages should be printed. For example:

Page range Meaning
NULL Print all
"all" Print all
"selection" Print the selected items
"1,3-6,8,10-" Print pages 1, 3 through 6, 8, and 10 to the end of data.
The origin for the print job. For example, if a widget you want to print is at (50,50) but you would like it to appear in the upper left corner of the page, the source offset should be set to (50,50).
The dimension of the source, in pixels. This size is used for clipping and for any scaling that may be applied. Setting Pp_PC_SOURCE_SIZE to 612 * 792 yields scaling that makes a 72-point font approximately 1" high when printed.
Specified in x and y dots per inch, this is a hint that helps the print drivers do the best scaling possible.
The number of bitplanes per source pixel. If this is n, you'll have 2**n colors. For example, a value of 8 means 256 colors.
The scale to use in x and y:
Note: If x and y scales are both 0, the source is scaled as large as possible to fit the page and still maintain its x and y aspect ratio. Most scaling can be done by adjusting the source size and leaving the scaling at 0, 0.

A rectangle that specifies the margins to apply to the pages, specified in 1/1000ths of an inch:

The orientation of the page doesn't affect the margins.

A value between 0 and 100,000 (0 to 100% in 1/1000 percent). A printer's default intensity is 50%.
Specified in x and y dots per inch, this is a hint that helps the print drivers do the best scaling possible.
The dimension of the paper in 1/1000ths of an inch. This size is used for clipping and for any scaling that may be applied.
Dictates the order of pages that are printed in print jobs that are printing more than one copy, and may include:
Specifies the dithering, as a value in the range 0 through 100. Possible meanings include:
The number of copies to produce.
Portrait or landscape
Specifies whether or not double-sided printing is to be done.
This is in the range 0 through 100. Possible meanings include:
Possible meanings:
Possible meanings:
Possible meanings:
If nonzero, the preview application is launched rather submitting the job to a spooler or launching a driver.
The name of the print job for identification purposes
The control structure for the print context (PpPCControl_t), which is used internally for print-context control. See below.
Note: The Pp_PC_CONTROL member can't be set with PpPrintSetPC().

Pp_PC_CONTROL control structure

The control structure has at least the following members:

ulong_t changed[4]
Indicates which portions of the context have been modified. There are 32 modifiable attributes of a print context; each attribute corresponds to a bit in a long. There are four long entries, each representing a level of control:

Each entry indicates which context attributes were modified by that level of control. For example:

if( control->changed[PRINTER_GLOBAL] & 
    (1<<Pp_PC_NAME) )
    printf( "Print name has been changed according\
 to global printer spec file\n");
ulong_t emitted
Indicates which of the changed print context attributes have already been written to the destination or temporary file. For example:
if( control->emitted & (1<<Pp_PC_SOURCE_OFFSET) )
    printf( "source offset has been emitted\n");
ulong_t locked
Indicates which context attributes are locked. Locked attributes are displayed as ghosted controls by the printer properties application, and PpPrintSetPC() won't let you change them.
int fd
This is the file descriptor for the current print job's working file. The working file isn't opened until the print job is opened by PpPrintOpen(). This is -1 if no files are currently open.
char *tmp_target
The temporary working file that will be used if printing to a file (i.e. Pp_PC_FILENAME is specified) and a driver is defined, or if do_preview is set.
char do_preview
If this is nonzero, the application specified in the print context's Pp_PC_PREVIEW_APP member is launched when the print job is finished (that is, when PpPrintClose() is called).

Creating a print context

The first step to printing in Photon is to create a print context by calling PpPrintCreatePC():

PpPrintContext_t *pc;

pc = PpPrintCreatePC();

Caution: Never access the fields in a print context directly; use PpPrintGetPC() and PpPrintSetPC().

Modifying a print context

Once the print context is created, you must set it up properly for your printer and the options (orientation, paper size, etc.) you want to use. This can be done by any of the following:

Calling PtPrintSelection()

PtPrintSelection() is a convenience function that makes it easy to choose a printer for the print context. It creates a modal dialog for printing that incorporates a PtPrintSel widget and 3 buttons:

Print Selection dialog

Dialog created by PtPrintSelection().

To create a print selection dialog, you can use the function:

PtPrintSelection( PtWidget_t *parent, 
                  PhPoint_t *pos, 
                  const char *title, 
                  PpPrintContext_t *context, 
                  unsigned flags );

The arguments are:

Parent of the print selector dialog, possibly the application window. It can be NULL (see below).
Position of the print selector dialog relative to parent. This can be NULL (see below).
Title of the print selector dialog. If this is NULL, the string Select Printer is used.
A pointer to a created print context, which must have been created with PpPrintCreatePC(). This is a mandatory parameter.
Flags for the PtPrintSel widget:

For example, if you wanted only the printer selection pane and a properties button, specify:

action = PtPrintSelection( window, NULL, 
             "Demo Print Selector", 
             pc, Pt_PRINTSEL_PROP_APP );

If you want all the panes but want to disable the copies pane:

action = PtPrintSelection( window, NULL, 
             "Demo Print Selector", pc, 
             Pt_PRINTSEL_PROP_APP | 
             Pt_PRINTSEL_ALL_PANES | 
             Pt_PRINTSEL_NO_COPIES );

The parent and pos parameters determine where the dialog is to appear:

parent pos Position of dialog
NULL NULL Center of the screen
NULL Non-NULL pos relative to the screen
Non-NULL NULL Center of parent
Non-NULL Non-NULL pos relative to parent

PtPrintSelection() takes a created print context and creates a dialog to allow the selection of a printer. The print context is modified depending on the options you've chosen from the dialog, such as the printer, or via the properties application. PtPrintSelection() returns a value indicating which button (Print, Preview or Cancel) was selected:

The print context that you passed is filled with the options selected from the dialog. If PtPrintSelection() returns Pt_PRINTSEL_PREVIEW or Pt_PRINTSEL_PRINT, you should begin the printing process-the print context will be set up for the selected printer:

action = PtPrintSelection(window, NULL,
             "Demo Print Selector", 
             pc, Pt_PRINTSEL_DFLT_LOOK);
if (action != Pt_PRINTSEL_CANCEL)
       // start printing 

Using the PtPrintSel widget

The PtPrintSel widget lets you create a custom dialog for printing.

PtPrintSel widget

A PtPrintSel widget.

The widget has a resource for a print context, Pt_ARG_PRINT_CONTEXT, that you must set to one you've created with PpPrintCreatePC():

PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_PRINT_CONTEXT, pc, 0);
// Set some other resources...
printsel = PtCreateWidget(PtPrintSel, window, nargs, args);

The widget automatically handles all aspects of selecting a printer and also runs the properties application to modify elements in the print context. When you're finished selecting the printer, you can get the modified print context by using PtGetResources() to get the widget's print-context resource:

// The user has finished configuring the print session.

PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_PRINT_CONTEXT, &pc, 0);
PtGetResources(printsel, 1, args);

Calling PpPrintSetPC()

You can also use PpPrintSetPC() directly instead of, or in addition to, using the PtPrintSel widget or PtPrintSelection(). After creating a print context, you must select a printer:

Note: Don't set Pp_PC_DEVICE or Pp_PC_DRIVER for either method-they're set for you.

To override any default options in the print context, set them with PpPrintSetPC() before calling PpPrintOpen(). Specify either INITIAL_PC or INTERACTIVE_PC as the mod_level argument to PpPrintSetPC(). These levels take precedence over local (PRINTER_LOCAL) and global (PRINTER_GLOBAL) options. For example:

// Create a print context before this:
short orientation = 1; // For landscape. Assume the default 
                       // is 0 - portrait
int err;

// Set the name of the printer if you're using method 2.

// Now set the orientation.
  &orientation );
err = PpPrintOpen( pc );
if (err == -1)
    // check errno

// Continue with printing. Your orientation option 
// has been preserved

For more information, see PpPrintSetPC() in the Photon Library Reference.

Starting printing

If you're using an application that needs to know anything about the print context, you can use PpPrintGetPC() to get the appropriate information. For example, you may need to know the size of the margins, or the selected orientation (in order to orient your widgets properly). For an example, see the printing application prdemo.

Before printing, you must set the source size, which determines how the information is printed. For example:

When setting the source size, take the nonprintable area of the printer into account. All printers have a margin around the page that they won't print on, even if the page margins are set to 0. Therefore, the size set above is actually a bit larger than the size of a page, and the font will be scaled down to fit on the printable part of the page.

In the following example, the page size and nonprintable area are taken into account to give the proper source size and text height. Try this, and measure the output to prove the font is 1" high from ascender to descender:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Pt.h>

PtWidget_t *label, *window;
PpPrintContext_t *pc;

int quit_cb (PtWidget_t *widget, void *data, 
             PtCallbackInfo_t *cbinfo )
    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    return (Pt_CONTINUE);

int print_cb (PtWidget_t *widget, void *data, 
              PtCallbackInfo_t *cbinfo )
    int action;
    PhDim_t size;
    PhRect_t const *rect;
    PhDim_t const *dim;

    action = PtPrintSelection(window, NULL, 
                              "Demo Print Selector", 
                              pc, Pt_PRINTSEL_DFLT_LOOK);
    if (action != Pt_PRINTSEL_CANCEL)
        // Get the nonprintable area and page size.Both are in 
        // 1/1000ths of an inch.
        PpPrintGetPC(pc, Pp_PC_NONPRINT_MARGINS, &rect);
        PpPrintGetPC(pc, Pp_PC_PAPER_SIZE, &dim);
        size.w = ((dim->w  - 
                  (rect->ul.x + rect->lr.x)) * 72) / 1000;
        size.h = ((dim->h  - 
                  (rect->ul.y + rect->lr.y)) * 72) / 1000;

        // Set the source size.
        PpPrintSetPC( pc, INITIAL_PC, 0, Pp_PC_SOURCE_SIZE, 

        // Start printing the label.

        // Damage the widget.

        // Close the pc.
    return (Pt_CONTINUE);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    PtArg_t args[10];
    PtWidget_t *print, *quit;
    PhDim_t   win_dim = { 400, 200 };
    PhPoint_t lbl_pos = {0, 0};
    PhArea_t print_area = { {130, 170}, {60, 20} };
    PhArea_t quit_area = { {210, 170}, {60, 20} };
    PtCallback_t callbacks[2] = { {print_cb, NULL}, 
                                  {quit_cb, NULL} };

    // Create the main window.
    PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_DIM, &win_dim, 0);
    PtSetArg (&args[1], Pt_ARG_WINDOW_TITLE, 
              "Print Example", 0);
    if ((window = PtAppInit( NULL, &argc, 
                             argv, 1, args)) == NULL)
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    // Create a print context.
    pc = PpPrintCreatePC();

    // Create a label to be printed.
    PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_POS, &lbl_pos, 0);
    PtSetArg (&args[1], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, 
              "I am 1 inch high", 0);
    PtSetArg (&args[2], Pt_ARG_TEXT_FONT, "swiss72", 0);
    PtSetArg (&args[3], Pt_ARG_MARGIN_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
    PtSetArg (&args[4], Pt_ARG_MARGIN_WIDTH, 0, 0);
    PtSetArg (&args[5], Pt_ARG_BORDER_WIDTH, 0, 0);
    label = PtCreateWidget (PtLabel, window, 6, args);

    // Create the print button.
    PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &print_area, 0);
    PtSetArg(&args[1], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, "Print", 0);
    PtSetArg(&args[2], Pt_CB_ACTIVATE, &callbacks[0], 0);
    print = PtCreateWidget (PtButton, window, 3, args);

    // Create the quit button.
    PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &quit_area, 0);
    PtSetArg(&args[1], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, "Quit", 0);
    PtSetArg(&args[2], Pt_CB_ACTIVATE, &callbacks[1], 0);
    quit = PtCreateWidget (PtButton, window, 3, args);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

You should also set the source offset, the upper left corner of what's to be printed. For example, if you have a button drawn at (20, 20) from the top left of a pane and you want it to be drawn at (0, 0) on the page, set the source offset to (20, 20). Any other widgets are drawn relative to their position from this widget's origin. A widget at (40, 40) will be drawn at (20, 20) on the page. The code is as follows:

PhPoint_t offset = {20, 20};
              &offset );

Once the source size and offset have been set, you can start printing:


PpPrintOpen() sets up the print context for printing and PpPrintStart() makes the print context active, causing all Photon draw commands to be redirected to the destination specified in the print context.

Drawing the desired widgets

After you've made the print context active, you can start drawing widgets. This can be done by any combination of the following:

You can force a page break at any point by calling PpPrintNewPage(). Note that once you call PpPrintOpen(), any changes to the print context take effect after the next call to PpPrintNewPage().

Note: If you want to print all the contents of a widget that scrolls, you'll need to do some special preparations. See "Printing scrolling widgets" below.

Printing by damaging widgets

For example, to print a widget B:


Widget B redraws itself, and the draw commands are redirected to the destination in the print context.

Printing by calling PpPrintWidget()

Instead of damaging a widget to print it, you can call PpPrintWidget(), in which case you can specify some printing parameters:

int PpPrintWidget( PpPrintContext_t *pc, 
                   PtWidget_t *widget,
                   PhPoint_t *trans, 
                   PhRect_t *clip_rect, 
                   ulong_t opt );

In addition to the print context and the widget, you can specify:

The source offset.
The clipping area. (Not implemented; set it to NULL.)
Any special resizing to be done:

For example, to print a widget B (even if it hasn't been realized):

PpPrintWidget(pc, B, trans, NULL, opt);

Note: Be sure to call PtFlush() after calling PpPrintWidget().

Printing a new page

If you want to start a new page, call


Any changes to the print context (such as the orientation) will go into effect for the new page.

Printing scrolling widgets

If you want to print all the contents of a widget that scrolls, you need some special processing:


The only way to make a PtList print (or draw) all the items is by resizing it to be the total height of all the items. The easiest way is probably by using the resize policy:

Note: This will work only if the total height is smaller than 65K pixels.

  1. Open and start the print context.
  2. Get the current resize flags (Pt_ARG_RESIZE_FLAGS) for the PtList widget.
  3. Change the resize flags to Pt_RESIZE_XY_ALWAYS, to make the list resize to fit all of its text.
  4. Damage the widget or parent widget.
  5. Call PtFlush().
  6. Reset the resize flags for the PtList widget.
  7. Stop and close the print context.


Due to a bug in the resize flags of the multitext widget, the method used for PtList doesn't currently work on PtMultiText.

To print a PtMultiText widget's entire text:

  1. Open and start the print context.
  2. Get the current values of the widget's Pt_ARG_MULTITEXT_NUM_LINES and Pt_ARG_MULTITEXT_NUM_LINES_VISIBLE resources.
  3. Save the value of Pt_ARG_MULTITEXT_NUM_LINES_VISIBLE in a local variable (remember that PtGetResources() gives you a pointer into the widget's internal memory - don't rely on it to save the number of visible lines).
  5. To print just the multitext widget, damage it. To print the widget and its sibling and parent widgets, damage the parent.
  6. Call PtFlush().
  7. Reset the value of Pt_ARG_MULTITEXT_ROWS to be the saved number of visible lines.
  8. Stop and close the print context.

Here's a callback that prints a PtMultiText widget:

print_multi_cb( PtWidget_t *widget, ApInfo_t *apinfo, 
                PtCallbackInfo_t *cbinfo )

    int action; 
    PhDim_t size = { 850, 1100 }; 
    long *num_lines;
    short *num_lines_visible;
    long  vis_lines;
    PtArg_t args[2];
    /* eliminate 'unreferenced' warnings */
    widget = widget, apinfo = apinfo, cbinfo = cbinfo;

    // These calls to PpPrintSetPC() could be done right 
    // after creating the print context. Having it here lets 
    // you reuse the print context. 
    // Set the source resolution to be proportional to 
    // the size of a page. 
    PpPrintSetPC(pc, INITIAL_PC, 0, 
                 Pp_PC_SOURCE_SIZE, &size); 
    action = PtPrintSelection(ABW_base, NULL, 
                 "Demo Print Selector", pc, 

    if (action != Pt_PRINTSEL_CANCEL) 
        // Start printing the pane. Note that we're using 
        // the same print context for all print jobs. 
        // Get the number of lines and the number of visible lines.

        PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_MULTITEXT_NUM_LINES, 
                  &num_lines, 0);
        PtSetArg (&args[1], Pt_ARG_MULTITEXT_NUM_LINES_VISIBLE, 
                  &num_lines_visible, 0);
        PtGetResources (ABW_multi, 2, args);

        // Save the number of visible lines ina local variable;
        // remember that num_lines_visible points into the widget's
        // internal memory.

        vis_lines = *num_lines_visible;

        // Set the number of rows to be the number of lines.

        PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_MULTITEXT_ROWS,  *num_lines, 0);
        PtSetResources (ABW_multi, 1, args);
        // Damage the widget

        // Close the print context 

        // Reset the number of rows to be the saved number of visible lines

        PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_MULTITEXT_ROWS, vis_lines, 0);
        PtSetResources (ABW_multi, 1, args);
    return( Pt_CONTINUE );


For a PtScrollArea, you need to print its virtual canvas, which is where all widgets created within or moved to a scroll area are placed:

  1. Get a pointer to the virtual canvas by calling:
    PtValidParent( ABW_Scroll_area, PtWidget );
  2. Get the area (Pt_ARG_AREA) of the virtual canvas, and use its size member as the source size in the print context.
  3. Set the print context's source offset to:
    PtWidgetOffset( PtValidParent( ABW_Scroll_area, 
                                   PtWidget ));
  4. Print the scroll area's virtual canvas by calling:
    PpPrintWidget( pc, PtValidParent( ABW_Scroll_area, 
                                      PtWidget ), 
                   NULL, NULL, opt);

    Note: You can't print a scrollarea's virtual canvas by damaging it; you must use PpPrintWidget().

Suspending and resuming printing

To suspend a print job and direct all draw events back to the graphics driver at any point after calling PpPrintStart(), call:

PpPrintStop( pc );

To resume a print job, reactivating the print context, causing draw events to be directed towards the destination specified in the print context, call:

PpPrintStart( pc );

Closing printing

When you're finished printing your widgets, the print context must be deactivated and closed. This is done by calling:


All draw events will be directed to the graphics driver.

Note: You can reuse the print context for new print jobs, eliminating the need to create and initialize it again.

Multiple print sessions

You can have multiple print sessions and switch between them very easily. For example, to print some widgets on one printer and other widgets on a different printer:

// Create and set up pc1 and 
// pc2 for separate printers

// Print widget 1...

// Print widget 2...

Freeing the print context

When printing is complete and you no longer need the print context, you can free it, which in turn frees any resources used by it.

If you want to remember any information from the print context for future use, save it by calling PpPrintGetPC() before freeing the print context. For example:

short const *orientation;
PpPrintGetPC( pc, Pp_PC_ORIENTATION, &orientation );

To free a print context, call:

PpPrintReleasePC( pc );


This example creates an application with a main window, and a pane with a few widgets on it. When you press the Print button, a Print Selection Dialog appears. When you select this dialog's Print or Preview button, the pane is damaged and the changes are flushed.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Pt.h>

PtWidget_t *pane, *window;
PpPrintContext_t *pc;

int quit_cb ( PtWidget_t *widget, void *data, 
              PtCallbackInfo_t *cbinfo)
    PpPrintReleasePC (pc);
    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    return (Pt_CONTINUE);

int print_cb ( PtWidget_t *widget, void *data, 
               PtCallbackInfo_t *cbinfo)
    int action;

    // These calls to PpPrintSetPC() could be done right
    // after creating the print context. Having it here lets
    // you reuse the print context.
    PhDim_t size = { 850, 1100 };
    PhDim_t size2 = { 200, 150 };

    // Set the source resolution to be proportional to 
    // the size of a page.
    PpPrintSetPC(pc, INITIAL_PC, 0, 
                 Pp_PC_SOURCE_SIZE, &size);

    // Uncomment this to set the source size to be the size
    // of the widget. The widget will be scaled when printed.
    //PpPrintSetPC(pc, INITIAL_PC, 0, 
    //             Pp_PC_SOURCE_SIZE, &size2);

    action = PtPrintSelection(window, NULL, 
                 "Demo Print Selector", pc, 
    if (action != Pt_PRINTSEL_CANCEL)
        // Start printing the pane. Note that we're using
        // the same print context for all print jobs.

        // damage the widget

        // close the print context

    return (Pt_CONTINUE);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    PtArg_t args[4];
    PtWidget_t *print, *quit;
    PhDim_t  win_dim = { 200, 200 };
    PhArea_t pane_area = { {0, 0}, {200, 150} };
    PhArea_t print_area = { {30, 170}, {60, 20} };
    PhArea_t quit_area = { {110, 170}, {60, 20} };
    PhArea_t cir_area = { {35, 20}, {130, 110} };
    PhArea_t cir2_area = { {67, 40}, {20, 20} };
    PhArea_t cir3_area = { {110, 40}, {20, 20} };
    PhArea_t cir4_area = { {85, 80}, {30, 30} };
    PtCallback_t callbacks[2] = { {print_cb, NULL}, 
                                  {quit_cb, NULL} };

    // create the main window
    PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_DIM, &win_dim, 0);
    PtSetArg (&args[1], Pt_ARG_WINDOW_TITLE, 
              "Print Example", 0);
    if ((window = PtAppInit(NULL, &argc, 
                            argv, 2, args)) == NULL)
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    // create a print context
    pc = PpPrintCreatePC();

    // create the pane to be printed
    PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &pane_area, 0);
    pane = PtCreateWidget (PtPane, window, 1, args);

    // put some stuff in the pane to be printed
    PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &cir_area, 0);
    PtCreateWidget (PtEllipse, pane, 1, args);

    PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &cir2_area, 0);
    PtSetArg (&args[1], Pt_ARG_FILL_COLOR, Pg_BLACK, 0);
    PtCreateWidget (PtEllipse, pane, 2, args);

    PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &cir3_area, 0);
    PtSetArg (&args[1], Pt_ARG_FILL_COLOR, Pg_BLACK, 0);
    PtCreateWidget (PtEllipse, pane, 2, args);

    PtSetArg (&args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &cir4_area, 0);
    PtCreateWidget (PtEllipse, pane, 1, args);

    // create the print button
    PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &print_area, 0);
    PtSetArg(&args[1], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, "Print", 0);
    PtSetArg(&args[2], Pt_CB_ACTIVATE, &callbacks[0], 0);
    print = PtCreateWidget (PtButton, window, 3, args);

    // create the quit button
    PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_AREA, &quit_area, 0);
    PtSetArg(&args[1], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, "Quit", 0);
    PtSetArg(&args[2], Pt_CB_ACTIVATE, &callbacks[1], 0);
    quit = PtCreateWidget (PtButton, window, 3, args);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

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