
Updated: April 19, 2023

Control an Acoustic Processing Extension (APX) module

Note: This utility can only be used if you have QNX Acoustic Management Platform 3.0 installed.


apx_ctl [options]

Runs on:

QNX Neutrino


-a apx
The Acoustic Processing Extension (APX) module to start or issue a command to. You can specify apx in the following ways:
  • [card_num:]dev_num — card number and device number. The default for both the card number and the device number is 0.
  • name — APX card name (e.g., pcmPreferredp, pcmCxDyp).
-e chns:volume_chn0:...:volume_chnN
Set volume of external amplifiers (outside of io-audio system).
-t dataset
Load the specified runtime acoustic processing dataset.
-u user_volume
Override the default user volume with the system output volume.
-x id:channel[:data]
Set or get data on an APX module for parameters of size int16_t. where:
  • id is the ID of the parameter
  • channel the acoustics channel the parameter is for
  • data is the data for the parameter (when setting only)


The apx_ctl utility controls an Acoustic Processing Extension (APX) module. If you specify just the -a option, apx_ctl starts the APX.

See the apx_ctl.c appendix for the source for this utility in the Audio Developer's Guide.