When migrating, you need to be aware of the following information:
Binaries created with QNX Momentics 6.3.x and later should be compatible
with QNX SDP 6.6, but note that the same C++ ABI change between
gcc 2.95.3 and 3.3.5 exists between 2.95.3 and 4.4.1.
Older C++ binaries linked against libcpp.so.3 and
libstc++.so.5 will continue to work because we ship those
legacy C++ libraries in 6.5.0. You can't link old C++ libraries into new C++
Serial drivers are statically linked, so there's no issue running binaries from
6.6.0 on 6.3.x. If you want to compile a 6.6.0 serial driver on 6.3.x, you'll need
the QNX SDP 6.6 versions of libio-char.a, <io-char.h>,
and dcmd_chr.h.
Since gcc modified the way it handles its runtime support
routines, we've had to change the version number of libc.so to
version 3 to support old binaries on a QNX SDP 6.6.0 system. This
means that binaries created with QNX Momentics 6.3.x and later should be
compatible with version 6.6; however, you'll need to update your buildfiles because
the version number of libc.so was incremented to 3 in order to
support these older binaries.
To use the new version of
libc.so, you'll need to update your buildfiles to use
libc.so.3 instead of libc.so.2.
For additional information, see the Release Notes.
All 6.3.x and later driver binaries should be compatible with 6.6.0, except audio
(deva-*) and block I/O (devb-*). The audio and block I/O drivers should
compile on 6.6.0 with minor code changes. The QNX SDP 6.5.0 graphics drivers run on
top of io-display.