QNX® Platform for ADAS 1.0

The QNX Platform for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) brings together modern graphics, video and video capture, SoC, and advanced navigation algorithms that allows you to build a advanced driver assistance system that's fault tolerant, highly available, and secure.

Document Description
Getting Started A quick introduction about the QNX Platform for ADAS and how to get started with the reference image. The guide includes information about supported hardware configurations and how to configure the reference so that you can quickly get started using the platform.
Architecture An overview of the software architecture for the QNX Platform for ADAS.
Vision Platform Describes the necessary components provided by our platform, which include vision algorithms and a to build a advanced driver assistance system.
Working with Target Images A guide that describes the process of how to build target images for QNX Platform for ADAS. Before you read this guide, you should have a basic understanding of how to build an embedded system.
Boot optimization An overview of practices to consider to make your system boot quickly.
System Services Describes the services and utilities available for the QNX Platform for ADAS.

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