About This Guide

This guide provides an architectural overview of the QNX Platform for ADAS and describes how its various components work together.

To find out about: See:
The QNX Platform for ADAS architecture Architecture Overview
The Vision Platform and the services provided by the QNX Platform for ADAS Vision Platform and Service Components
How Scalable service-Oriented MiddlwarE over IP (SOME/IP) is used on the QNX Platform for ADAS SOME/IP
How AUTOSAR and AUTOSAR Adaptation Layer (Experimental) are used on the QNX Platform for ADAS AUTOSAR and AUTOSAR Adaptation Layer (Experimental)
How QNX Neutrino and QNX OS for Safety are used with the QNX Platform for ADAS QNX Neutrino RTOS and Hardware Platforms
The type of applications that you can build that run on systems built with the QNX Platform for ADAS Applications for the QNX Platform for ADAS