Using the command line to deploy an installation

Updated: September 12, 2023

To deploy a QNX SDP installation (and optionally, a QNX Momentics IDE installation), you can use the qnxsoftwarecenter_clt script of the QNX Software Center. The script supports several options, described below, that perform the same operations as the controls available in the Configure Deployed Installation dialog.

Note: See the “Command Line” chapter of the QNX Software Center User's Guide if you'd like more information on the qnxsoftwarecenter_clt script.
-deploySdpInstallation path
Deploy the QNX SDP installation located in the specified path.
The path argument should specify the root directory of the installation.
-deployLicense key
Apply the specified license key to the installation.
If you have multiple keys, make sure that you specify one appropriate to the deployed installation you wish to create. See 1. Check whether you have an applicable license for more information.
To use your license key, the QNX Software Center must have a working internet connection to
-deployMomenticsIdeInstallation path
Deploy the QNX Momentics IDE installation located in the specified path.
The path argument should specify the root directory of the IDE installation.
To use this option, you must also include the -deploySdpInstallation option. You must also have a license that allows you to add the IDE to a deployed QNX SDP installation.

You can't update any plugin in a deployed IDE installation. Consequently, you can't update the deployed installation to a newer version of the IDE.

Also, you should avoid adding plugins to a deployed IDE installation.

If local copies of a deployed IDE installation require new or updated plugins, you should update the original installation of the IDE and then redeploy it to your developers.

-flexLicenseServer port@host
Use the floating license server located at the specified address.
You need to use this option only if you have a floating multiuser license. (To determine whether you have such a license, check the Registered Products section of your myQNX account profile.)

The argument takes the form port@host, where:

  • port is the port on which the license server listens for connections. If the server uses the default port, you can omit port.
  • address is the hostname or IP address of the license server.
For more information on configuring the license server, see the Floating License Management Guide:
Overwrite the existing installation, if one exists, in the path specified by -installationDeployAs.
This command deletes and overwrites all existing content in the specified path.
If you omit this option and if the path specified by -installationDeployAs already contains content, the QNX Software Center won't create the deployed installation.
-installationDeployAs path
Write the installation to the specified directory or ZIP file.
To save to a ZIP file, append a .zip extension to the path.
We recommend that you wait for the installation process to complete before attempting to create another deployed installation.

Updating a deployed installation

When you save a deployed installation to a directory, the entire contents of the installation are marked readonly. Consequently, developers cannot make changes or additions to the installation, nor should they attempt to. If the deployed QNX SDP installation requires new packages, updates, or patches, add those components to the original copy of the installation and then redeploy it.

When you save the deployed installation to a zip file, developers can extract their own copies, which won't be readonly. We recommend, however, that developers use the installation as is; they shouldn't modify it.