
Configure pass-through physical devices or specified types of data blobs from the host to a guest


[blob_type] pass [loc options] [intr guest_intr[=vector_number]] 


The blob_type affects only the loc option. If blob_type is specified, then all the locations specified by the loc options that follow (until the next context) provide data of the type specified by blob_type to the guest that will be hosted in the VM being configured.
If blob_type precedes a load option, the qvm process copies the contents of the specified file into the guest system address space (see load in this chapter).
intr guest_intr[=vector_number]
The guest_intr option is associated with a host vector number, either vector_number if this value is specified, or the value specified by the hostvector option for the PIC identified by guest_intr.
When the host system delivers an interrupt on the host vector, guest_intr is delivered into the guest system.
loc location_spec[,length][,(+|-|r|w|x|c|e|m|d|n|s|t)*]|[=host_address]

The guest system is allowed pass-through access to the host-physical memory address. The loc option supports the following arguments:


The device type and information required to locate it. The table below presents supported device types, and the location information each type requires:

Device Location

Location in the x86 I/O space. This location is a port number. For example:


specifies an x86 I/O device on port 4.

The host_address argument is not used.


Guest-physical address of the pass-through (the address in memory as seen by the guest). For example:

pass loc mem:0x2000,r=0x1000

specifies a read-only location at guest-physical address of 0x2000 and a host-physical address (address seen by the host) of 0x1000.

This is the default device type.


The BDF (bus/device/function) where the pass-through PCI device should appear in the guest. host_address refers to the host device (vendor ID, device ID) being passed through. For example:

pass loc pci:0:12.0=pci:0x8086/0x1234

passes a device with vendor ID 0x8086 and device ID 0x1234 to the guest at bus 0, device 12, and function 0 (multi-function).

At present, you may choose the device and function numbers in the guest, but the bus number must be 0.

Per the PCI specification, some multi-function device must implement function 0. If you want to make your PCI devices enumerable with non-zero function numbers, you can use the vdev-pci-dummy instance as a place-holder at function 0.

The length argument and the flags are not used.

You can also specify PCI devices with just the Vendor ID and Device ID: pci:vendor_id/device_id; for example:

pass loc pci:0x8086/0x1234

See Example (graphics device) for some configuration examples.

The number of bytes allocated. The value specified for this argument must be a 32-bit value (i.e., not greater than 4294967295 or 0xFFFFFFFF).
access type

The access type specifies the types of access permitted to the guest. This argument must follow the length argument, and may be a combination of the following:

Argument Description
+ Attributes following are added to the region (this is the initial state).
- Attributes following are removed from the region.
r Read
w Write
x Execute
c Cachable
e Report exception
m Usable as system memory (implicitly specifies "+rwxcst).
d Device uses DMA. If you are using the QHS, you must specify either this argument or n.
n Device doesn't use DMA. If you are using the QHS, you must specify either this argument or d.
s Region can be the source of a DMA request.
t Region can be the target of a DMA request.
If no access types are specified, rw is assumed.

If a device uses DMA, you should use the d attribute, and specify at least the r and w access types. If smmuman isn't running, the qvm process instance for which the pass-through device is intended will refuse to include the device in its VM configuration, and proceed as specified by the safety option in the VM's configuration.

Since in a QHS system you must specify either d or n, you must also always specify other access types such as r and w.


The physical address of the device on the system (i.e., as seen by the hypervisor host). For some types of location (e.g., mem:), you can use location_spec to provide the guest with an address different from the host-physical address of the device on the system; the device is at location A, but the guest sees it at location B.

Note: Not all device types (e.g., IO devices) can be relocated to different locations between the guest and the host.
sched priority
Set the priority of the pulses the host system uses to inform the qvm processs instance of the passthrough interrupts for the current passthrough device (i.e., specified after this option in the current pass context).

For example, the following sets the pulse priority to 67 for interrupt 89 for the current passthrough device:

    sched 67 intr gic:89

Similarly, the following sets the pulse priority to 44 for interrupts for the current passthrough device:

    sched 44 loc pci:0:3.0

Note that in this last example no interrupt is specified because for PCI devices interrupts can be implicit (see Common vdev options in the Virtual Device Reference chapter).

For more information about scheduling priorities, see Scheduling in the Understanding QNX Virtual Environments chapter, and Thread scheduling in the QNX Neutrino OS System Architecture.


The pass option specifies that one of the following should be passed through from the hypervisor host domain to the guest:

Until the next pass, vdev, or reserve option is encountered in the configuration, all intr and loc options that follow a pass option specify interrupts and locations for the pass-through device or component.


In general, only one resident of a virtualized system is permitted access to a pass-through device at any one time. If the host owns a device that a guest requires as a pass-through device, the host must terminate the device driver before the guest can start a driver for the device in its virtual environment.

Similarly, if one guest owns a device as a pass-through device, it must terminate this device driver in its virtualized space before another guest can use the device in its space.

In short, you should never pass a DMA device through to more that one guest, and only in exceptional designs should you pass a non-DMA device through to more than one guest.

If you believe that your design requires that a non-DMA device be passed through to more than one guest, contact your QNX representative.

The qvm process recognizes the following data types (blob_type) specified before a pass option:

acpi pass
Only available for x86. Any loc options following will be interpreted as providing additional ACPI tables to the guest system.
Recognized, but not relevant for pass-through.
fdt pass
Any loc options following will be interpreted as providing an FDT binary blob to the guest system (see ACPI tables and FDTs in the Configuration chapter).
guest pass
Any loc options following will be interpreted as providing a guest OS boot image to the guest system. For example, if you use this option, you can have the bootloader pre-load a Linux kernel image to RAM at the location specified by loc, then point the qvm process instance to this location rather than to a file to start its guest.
initrd pass
Any loc options following will be interpreted as providing an initial RAM disk (initrd) image to the Linux guest system.
Recognized, but not relevant for pass-through.

For general information about pass-through devices, see Pass-through devices in the Understanding QNX Virtual Environments chapter.

Note: On ARM platforms, devices that are clock-dependent (e.g., eMMC devices) can't be passed through (see Passing through clock-dependent devices in the Understanding QNX Virtual Environments chapter).

DMA pass-through devices in a QHS system

If you are implementing a system with QHS, you must explicitly specify the DMA status of every pass-through device you add to your system; that is, you must include either d (DMA device) or n (not DMA device) in the access type following the length argument. For example:

pass loc mem:0x2000,0x1000,rn=0x1000

specifies that the device isn't a DMA device.

If you specify neither d nor n for the access type (or if you specify both), the qvm process instance assembling the VM will turn off the system's safety status indicator, and proceed as specifed by the safety option in the VM's configuration.

A DMA device may be passed through to only one guest. If you configure a VM to give a guest access to a DMA device that has already allocated to another VM, the hypervisor will print an error and move to its (global) DSS (see Design Safe States in the QNX Hypervisor for Safety chapter).

Warning: For more information about what you may and may not do when configuring VMs in a QHS system, see the QNX Hypervisor for Safety 2.0 Safety Manual.

Example (Linux RAM disk image)

The following provides an initrd RAM disk image to the Linux system from host system memory:

initrd pass loc 0xB1234000,0x4000000,rc=0xB7654000

The above creates a RAM disk of 0x4000000 bytes located in the host-physical memory at address 0xB1234000, accessible by the guest at address 0xB7654000 in guest-physical memory. This region is cacheable (c) and read-only (r).


It is your responsibility to locate the data in the guest system in accordance with the guest OS's rules.

You may prefer to use the load option to pass a Linux initrd RAM disk to a guest domain. For example: initrd load ./myinitrd.gz (see load in this chapter).

Example (audio device):

The following passes through the audio-related devices:

pass pci:0:14.0 pass pci:0:23.0

Since these are PCI devices, the configuration uses BDF numbers rather than memory addresses. The example assumes a board with the specified physical devices at the specified locations.

Example (graphics device)

Assuming that you have a screen driver and the other components you need to run graphics on the board, the following could be used to pass through a graphics device:

  1. Modify your VM configuration file to create a PCI pass-through device:

    pass loc pci:0:2.0=pci:0:2.0 
    vdev pci-dummy 
        clone pci:0:31.0
  2. Start the guest with the new VM configuration.
  3. From your desktop host, start QNX Screen in the guest, using the -c option to point screen to the DRM manager:

    screen -c /usr/lib/graphics/intel-drm/graphics.conf

About this example configuration

In this example we use the 0:2.0 BDF (bus/device/function) location, which Intel has designated for integrated graphics:

We specify the BDF value in both places to ensure that the qvm process instance hosting the guest presents the same BDF location (0:2.0) to the guest, in case code in the guest assumes this Intel-designated BDF.

The dummy vdev is not strictly required. However, the device driver usually uses this vdev to identify the display adapter, so using the dummy vdev allows us to expose the correct vendor and device IDs without providing any further (and unneeded) functionality.

The example assumes a board with the specified physical devices at the specified locations.

See also loc above, and vdev pci-dummyin the Virtual Device Reference chapter.