QNX Hypervisor for Safety

If you are building a system that will be certified to a safety standard, you should use the QNX Hypervisor for Safety variant.

The QNX Hypervisor for Safety (QHS) is the safety variant of a QNX hypervisor. This safety variant comprises the QNX OS for Safety (QOS) plus the safety variants of the QNX hypervisor virtualization extensions and one or more qvm process instances.

To use the QHS you must have a license for the supporting QOS release as well as for your QHS. For more information about the QOS release with which your QHS release was built, see the Release Notes for your QHS release package.

This User's Guide explains how to implement and run the QHS, and this chapter presents an overview of features of particular relevance to the QHS.


The information about implementing the QHS is presented in this guide for your convenience only. Always refer to the QNX Hypervisor for Safety 2.0 Safety Manual for authoritative instructions on how to implement and run the QHS.

Similarly, the QNX user documentation will help you implement the other QNX components you'll need in your QHS system, but you must always refer to the relevant Safety Manuals (e.g., SMMUMAN Safety Manual) for authoritive instructions on how to implement and run those components.

If you have any questions, contact your QNX representative.