Adding the QML components

The VolumeUI and VolumeSlider components use QML to define the UI for the audio volume control. This UI consists of a slider indicating the current volume level and two buttons on the sides that increase and decrease the volume. You can tap the slider in a certain spot to set the volume to that exact level.

To add the QML components:
  1. In the Project view, right-click the QtHmi folder and click Add New...
  2. In the New File dialog, select Qt in the Files and Classes list, then QML File (Qt Quick 2) in the list of file types (shown in the middle), then click Choose...
  3. In the Location page of the resulting dialog, name the file VolumeUI, then click Next.
  4. In the Summary page, ensure the Add to project field is set to project file (, then click Finish.

    Qt Creator adds VolumeUI.qml to the project (under the QML folder) and opens this file for editing.

  5. Replace the contents of this file with the following:
    import QtQuick 2.0
    Rectangle {
        id: root
        color: "#404040"
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height / 8
        Row {
            id: volumeRow
            anchors.right: root.right
            anchors.rightMargin: root.width / 16
            anchors.verticalCenter: root.verticalCenter
            Item {
                id: volumeNone
                height: root.height
                width: height
                Image {
                    id: volumeNoneImage
                    anchors.centerIn: parent
                    source: "qrc:/img/ic_vol_none.png"
                Timer {
                    id: volumeNoneTimer
                    interval: 100
                    repeat: true
                    running: false
                    onTriggered: {
                        // Decrease volume by 1%
                            volumeSlider.value - 1) 
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    onClicked: {
                        // Decrease volume by 1%
                            volumeSlider.value - 1) 
                    onPressAndHold: {
                        // Decrease volume by 1%
                            volumeSlider.value - 1)
                    onReleased: {
            VolumeSlider {
                id: volumeSlider
                width: root.width / 4
                height: volumeNoneImage.height
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                sourceBackground: "qrc:/img/bg_volumebar.png"
                sourceOverlay: "qrc:/img/fill_volumebar.png"
                value: 50
                maxValue: 100
            Item {
                id: volumeFull
                height: root.height
                width: height
                Image {
                    id: volumeFullImage
                    anchors.centerIn: parent
                    source: "qrc:/img/ic_vol_full.png"
                Timer {
                    id: volumeFullTimer
                    interval: 100
                    repeat: true
                    running: false
                    onTriggered: {
                        // Increase volume by 1%
                            volumeSlider.value + 1) 
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    onClicked: {
                        // Increase volume by 1%
                            volumeSlider.value + 1)
                    onPressAndHold: {
                        // Increase volume by 1%
                            volumeSlider.value + 1)
                    onReleased: {
            function updateVolumeSlider(value) {
                if (value > 100) {
                    value = 100
                if (value < 0) {
                    value = 0
                volumeSlider.value = value;
  6. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 to add another QML file but this time, name the file VolumeSlider.
  7. Replace the contents of this file with the following:
    import QtQuick 2.0
    // You need to specify the background image and the overlay
    Item {
        id: root
        property string sourceBackground: ""
        property string sourceOverlay: ""
        // Max value
        property double maxValue: 0
        // Current value
        property double value: 0
        // Whether this item is user interactive
        property bool interactive: true
        Column {
            spacing: 1
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
            Item {
                id: graphicBar
                width: root.width
                height: root.height;
                Image {
                    id: sourceImage
                    anchors.fill: graphicBar
                    fillMode: Image.Tile
                    smooth: true
                    source: sourceBackground
                Image {
                    id: overlayImage
                    height: graphicBar.height
                    width: handle.x
                    fillMode: Image.Tile
                    smooth: true
                    source: sourceOverlay
                Item {
                    // Invisible handle for dragging
                    // The item doesn't need a width or height
                    // because its x value is all that matters
                    id: handle
                    x: (maxValue ? 
                            (Math.min(value, maxValue) / maxValue)
                             * graphicBar.width : 0)
                    width: 0
                    height: 0
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.centerIn: parent
                    height: parent.height * 3
                    width: parent.width
                    enabled: root.interactive
                    drag.minimumX: 0
                    drag.maximumX: graphicBar.width
                    function moveToPosition(position)
                        if (!maxValue)
                        // retrieve the position where the user
                        // dragged to
                        value = (position / graphicBar.width)
                                 * maxValue
                    // Touch without drag
                    onReleased: {
                    property bool dragActive:
                    onPositionChanged: {
  8. Open main.qml and update its contents with the following:
    import QtQuick 2.0
    Rectangle {
        color: "black"
        Text {
            color: "white"
            text: qsTr("Awesome HMI goes here")
            anchors.centerIn: parent
        VolumeUI {
            id: volumeui
            anchors.left: parent.left
            anchors.right: parent.right
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

    This adds the volume control to the bottom of the HMI.

  9. Build and run the HMI application, by following the steps in "Building the HMI application for a QNX target".

    The HMI shown on the target screen prints the original message but also displays the volume slider and two control buttons along the bottom. Clicking the left button decreases the volume by 1% and moves the slider to the left. Clicking the right button increases the volume by 1% and moves the slider to the right. Tapping the slider sets the volume to the exact level based on the location. For instance, tapping it in the middle sets the volume to 50%.

    You can also drag the volume slider to the left to decrease the volume or to the right to increase it. Whenever your tap or drag the slider, the volume level is redrawn immediately and the audio status PPS object is updated to store this new level.

You've now added an HMI control for setting the audio volume!
Note: The control defined here lets the user interact with the volume display and keeps the PPS volume setting in sync with the HMI, but it doesn't tell the Audio Manager service to change the output volume. To do this, your application has to write a command to the PPS control object used by the Audio Manager service (for more information, see the /pps/services/audio/status entry in the PPS Objects Reference).