
Status object for the currently preferred network interface

Network Manager
Any app


This object contains status information for the currently preferred network interface (i.e., the currently active interface when running in station mode). You can obtain more information about the interface by reading its object in the /pps/services/networking/all/interfaces/ directory.


Attribute Data type Description
cmd_output String Output from the last executed command (which was written in the msg:: attribute in the networking control object).
default_gateway JSON Gateway address.
default_interface String Network interface name from ifconfig (e.g., en0, fec0).
default_interface4 String

Name of the network interface currently used to route IPv4 traffic. The active (or current) interface is the connected interface listed earliest in the arguments passed to net_pps. For instance, this command:

net_pps en0 tiw_sta0

means that when en0 is connected, it will be the default interface because it has priority over tiw_sta0 based on its earlier listing in the command line.

default_interface6 String Name of the network interface currently used to route IPv6 traffic. The active (or current) interface is the connected interface listed earliest in the arguments passed to net_pps, as for default_interface4.
fib Number FIB number.
ftpproxy String FTP proxy of the connected network.
ftpproxy6 String IPv6 FTP proxy of the connected network.
httpproxy String HTTP proxy of the connected network.
httpproxy6 String IPv6 HTTP proxy of the connected network.
httpproxyloginrequired Boolean Indicates whether the HTTP proxy requires login credentials.
httpsproxy String HTTPS proxy of the connected network.
httpsproxy6 String IPv6 HTTPS proxy of the connected network.
ip4_ok String A yes here indicates whether IPv4 connectivity is available. Otherwise, one of these error strings appears:
  • error_no_ip_addr
  • error_no_ip_gateway
  • error_no_nameserver
  • error_not_configured
  • error_not_connected
  • error_not_up
ip6_ok String Same as for ip4_ok, but for IPv6 connectivity.
ip_ok String General status attribute for IP connectivity.
nameservers JSON Array of nameserver addresses.
priority JSON Name of the currently preferred network interface.
searchdomains String Array of strings to be used for DNS resolution.