The HTML5 development environment

Here are the key components for developing HTML5 apps for the QNX SDK for Apps and Media:

The HTML5 SDK contains the Apache Cordova framework, which you can use to create plugins for your mobile apps. When you installed the QNX SDK for Apps and Media 1.0, you should also have installed the HTML5 SDK (available from the QNX Download Center).
HTML5 applications can interact with underlying services via JavaScript plugins. JavaScript classes provide interfaces to various feature components. These consist of the PPS interfaces and the UI core APIs for home screen development. The NPAPI provides extensions to the HTML5 engine through a dynamically linked library. PPS, SQL, and the UI core APIs are implemented through an NPAPI interface. These APIs provide access to native DLLs that give applications access to services such as the composition manager and the launcher. If such services are required, you can add additional plugins to extend your applications.
Persistent Publish/Subscribe (PPS) API
The PPS service provides a simple, filesystem-based API for client applications. For details, see the Persistent Publish/Subscribe Developer's Guide.
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js is required—you should have installed it when you installed the HTML5 SDK.
jQuery is a popular open-source JavaScript framework for developing web apps (available from jQuery includes a number of UI widgets and utilities for DOM manipulation. Its features include:
  • Open-source framework
  • jQuery UI widgets
  • Event handling
  • CSS3 animations and effects
  • Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX) utilities

For more information about jQuery, see Using jQuery Core at the jQuery site.

Web Graphics Library (WebGL)
This graphics library is integrated into the browser engine, so you don't need to download and install any binaries to use it. Based on OpenGL ES 2.0, WebGL is a cross-platform JavaScript API. As a DOM API, it runs in the HTML5 canvas element to render interactive 3D graphics in compatible browsers.
Note: For debugging your apps, you may want to install Google Chrome on your development system. This WebKit-based browser works in conjunction with the Web Inspector, a useful debugging and profiling development tool for web content. For details, see "Debugging Web Apps" in this guide.