Creating an HTML5 app

An HTML5 application created with Apache Cordova is a standalone app, which means you're not required to point to a remote server to load a webpage or another app because your app lives on the device. The application is essentially an arrangement of web assets that are packaged into a container that can be viewed by a browser (the browser engine container).

To create a basic Cordova app template:

  1. Navigate to the folder where you installed the HTML5 SDK.
  2. Change to the cordova/cordova-qncar/blackberry10/bin folder.
  3. Run the Cordova create command to create a new Cordova project:

    create project_path package_name app_ID

    • project_path points to an empty directory
    • package_name is a reverse domain name, such as
    • app_ID is unique for the target system
    In addition, the package_name and app_ID can't be more than 50 alphanumeric characters long.

    For example: create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld

The create command generates the folder structure for your project at the specified location (for the example above, the hello directory). If you build this app without modifications, you'll produce a small Cordova app that handles the deviceready event and displays the Cordova logo on the screen.

You can add your own code and additional resources to create a more robust application. All of your project resource files should be stored in the /www folder (or in a subfolder within /www).


For information on packaging, installing, and launching your HTML5 app, see the Application and Window Management guide.

For instructions on creating a simple Cordova plugin that uses PPS, see "Creating Your Own Cordova Plugin" in this guide.