Obtaining the development tools

If you're an existing customer of QNX Software Systems Ltd., use the following instructions to obtain the development tools you'll need to work with the QNX CAR platform.

To obtain and set up the tools you need for HTML5 development:
  1. Download the HTML5 SDK Installation package for the QNX CAR platform from the QNX Download site.
  2. Extract the zip file to your development folder.
  3. Download and install a Webkit browser, such as Chrome, Safari, or Chromium, on your development computer.
  4. If you don't have Java installed, get the latest version of Java from: www.java.com and install it.
  5. If you don't have node.js (0.99 or higher) installed, follow these instructions:
    • For Ubuntu Linux, run the following command:
      sudo apt-get install nodejs
    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux, run the following command as the root user (run su -) before executing the following command:
      yum install nodejs
    • For Windows:
      1. Download the installer for node.js from www.nodejs.org/.
      2. Run the installer and follow the instructions to install node.js.
  6. Add the directory containing the packaging tools included with the QNX SDK for HTML5 to your system path, use the following instructions:
    • For Linux, run the following commands in a command line shell:
      1. cd <HTML5_SDK_location>
      2. cd html5sdk
      3. export PATH=`pwd`/tools/packaging/linux/bin:$PATH

      where <HTML5_SDK_location> is the location where you extracted the QNX HTML5 SDK.

      Note: For Linux, running these commands will temporarily modify your path until you close the console session. To permanently modify your path, add the following command to export your path to your bash profile, located at ~/.profile:
    • For Windows, follow these steps:
      1. Open a Command Prompt window.
      2. Change to the folder where you extracted the QNX SDK for HTML5.
      3. Change to the html5sdk folder.
      4. Run the following command:
        set PATH=%CD%\tools\packaging\win32\bin;%PATH%

When you've completed these tasks, you'll have obtained all the tools you'll need for HTML5 development.