RAM-disk Filesystem

This resource manager is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. Since I wrote the first book on Neutrino, I've noticed that a lot of people still ask questions in the various newsgroups about resource managers, such as “How, exactly, do I support symbolic links?” or “How does the io_rename() callout work?”

I've been following the newsgroups, and asking questions of my own, and the result of this is the following RAM-disk filesystem manager.

The code isn't necessarily the best in terms of data organization for a RAM-disk filesystem — I'm sure there are various optimizations that can be done to improve speed, cut down on memory, and so on. My goal with this chapter is to answer the detailed implementation questions that have been asked over the last few years. So, consider this a “reference design” for a filesystem resource manager, but don't consider this the best possible design for a RAM disk.

In the next chapter, I'll present a variation on this theme — a TAR filesystem manager. This lets you cd into a .tar (or, through the magic of the zlib compression library, a .tar.gz) file, and perform ls, cp, and other commands, as if you had gone through the trouble of (optionally uncompressing and) unpacking the .tar file into a temporary directory.

In the Filesystems appendix, I present background information about filesystem implementation within the resource manager framework. Feel free to read that before, during, or after you read this chapter.

This chapter includes:


The requirements for this project are fairly simple: “Handle all of the messages that a filesystem would handle, and store the data in RAM.” That said, let me clarify the functions that we will be looking at here.

Connect functions

The RAM disk supports the following connect functions:

Handles symbolic and hard links.
Makes a directory.
Mounts a RAM disk at a specified mount point.
Opens a file (possibly creating it), resolves all symbolic links, and performs permission checks.
Returns the value of a symbolic link.
Changes the name of a file or directory, or moves a file or directory to a different location within the RAM disk.
Removes a file or directory.

I/O functions

The RAM disk supports the following I/O functions:

Reads a file's contents or returns directory entries.
Closes a file descriptor, and releases the file if it was open but unlinked.
Handles a few of the standard devctl() commands for filesystems.
Writes data to a file.

Missing functions

We won't be looking at functions like io_lseek(), for example, because the QSSL-supplied default function iofunc_lseek_default() does everything that we need.

Other functions are not generally used, or are understood only by a (very) few people at QSSL (e.g. io_mmap()). :-)


Some aspects of the design are apparent from the Filesystems appendix; I'll just note the ones that are different.

The design of the RAM-disk filesystem was done in conjunction with the development, so I'll describe the design in terms of the development path, and then summarize the major architectural features.

The development of the RAM disk started out innocently enough. I implemented the io_read() and io_write() functions to read from a fixed (internal) file, and the writes went to the bit bucket. The nice thing about the resource manager library is that the worker functions (like io_read() and io_write()) can be written independently of things like the connect functions (especially c_open()). That's because the worker functions base all of their operations on the OCB and the attributes structure, regardless of where these actually come from.

The next functionality I implemented was the internal in-memory directory structure. This let me create files with different names, and test those against the already-existing io_read() and io_write() functions. Of course, once I had an in-memory directory structure, it wasn't too long before I added the ability to read the directory structure (as a directory) from within io_read(). Afterward, I added functionality like a block allocator and filled in the code for the io_write() function.

Once that was done, I worked on functions like the c_open() in order to get it to search properly through multiple levels of directories, handle things like the O_EXCL and O_TRUNC flags, and so on. Finally, the rest of the functions fell into place.

The main architectural features are:

Notice that we didn't need to extend the OCB.

The code

Before we dive into the code, let's look at the major data structures.

The extended attributes structure

The first is the extended attributes structure:

typedef struct cfs_attr_s
  iofunc_attr_t     attr;

  int               nels;
  int               nalloc;
  union {
    struct des_s      *dirblocks;
    iov_t             *fileblocks;
    char              *symlinkdata;
  } type;
} cfs_attr_t;

As normal, the regular attributes structure, attr, is the first member. After this, the three fields are:

The number of elements actually in use. These elements are the type union described below.
The number of elements allocated. This number may be bigger than nels to make more efficient use of allocated memory. Instead of growing the memory each time we need to add one more element, the memory is grown by a multiple (currently, 64). The nels member indicates how many are actually in use. This also helps with deallocation, because we don't have to shrink the memory; we simply decrement nels.
This is the actual type of the entry. As you can see, it's a union of three possible types, corresponding to the three possible data elements that we can store in a filesystem: directories (type struct des_s), files (an array of iov_t's), and symbolic links (a string).

For reference, here is the struct des_s directory entry type:

typedef struct des_s
  char        *name;          // name of entry
  cfs_attr_t  *attr;          // attributes structure
}   des_t;

It's the name of the directory element (i.e. if you had a file called spud.txt, that would be the name of the directory element) and a pointer to the attributes structure corresponding to that element.

From this we can describe the organization of the data stored in the RAM disk.

The root directory of the RAM disk contains one cfs_attr_t, which is of type struct des_s and holds all of the entries within the root directory. Entries can be files, other directories, or symlinks. If there are 10 entries in the RAM disk's root directory, then nels would be equal to 10 (nalloc would be 64 because that's the “allocate-at-once” size), and the struct des_s member dirblocks would be an array with 64 elements in it (with 10 valid), one for each entry in the root directory.

Each of the 10 struct des_s entries describes its respective element, starting with the name of the element (the name member), and a pointer to the attributes structure for that element.

des_t relationships

A directory, with subdirectories and a file, represented by the internal data types.

If the element is a text file (our spud.txt for example), then its attributes structure would use the fileblocks member of the type union, and the content of the fileblocks would be a list of iov_ts, each pointing to the data content of the file.

Note: A direct consequence of this is that we do not support sparse files. A sparse file is one with “gaps” in the allocated space. Some filesystems support this notion. For example, you may write 100 bytes of data at the beginning of the file, lseek() forward 1000000 bytes and write another 100 bytes of data. The file will occupy only a few kilobytes on disk, rather than the expected megabyte, because the filesystem didn't store the “unused” data. If, however, you write one megabyte worth of zeros instead of using lseek(), then the file would actually consume a megabyte of disk storage.

We don't support that, because all of our iov_ts are implicitly contiguous. As an exercise, you could modify the filesystem to have variable-sized iov_ts, with the constant NULL instead of the address member to indicate a “gap.”

If the element was a symbolic link, then the symlinkdata union member is used instead; the symlinkdata member contains a strdup()'d copy of the contents of the symbolic link. Note that in the case of symbolic links, the nels and nalloc members are not used, because a symbolic link can have only one value associated with it.

The mode member of the base attributes structure is used to determine whether we should look at the dirblocks, fileblocks, or symlinkdata union member. (That's why there appears to be no “demultiplexing” variable in the structure itself; we rely on the base one provided by the resource manager framework.)

A question that may occur at this point is, “Why isn't the name stored in the attributes structure?” The short answer is: hard links. A file may be known by multiple names, all hard-linked together. So, the actual “thing” that represents the file is an unnamed object, with zero or more named objects pointing to it. (I said “zero” because the file could be open, but unlinked. It still exists, but doesn't have any named object pointing to it.)

The io_read() function

Probably the easiest function to understand is the io_read() function. As with all resource managers that implement directories, io_read() has both a file personality and a directory personality.

The decision as to which personality to use is made very early on, and then branches out into the two handlers:

cfs_io_read (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_read_t *msg,
             RESMGR_OCB_T *ocb)
  int   sts;

  // use the helper function to decide if valid
  if ((sts = iofunc_read_verify (ctp, msg, ocb, NULL)) != EOK) {
    return (sts);

  // decide if we should perform the "file" or "dir" read
  if (S_ISDIR (ocb -> attr -> attr.mode)) {
    return (ramdisk_io_read_dir (ctp, msg, ocb));
  } else if (S_ISREG (ocb -> attr -> attr.mode)) {
    return (ramdisk_io_read_file (ctp, msg, ocb));
  } else {
    return (EBADF);

The functionality above is standard, and you'll see similar code in every resource manager that has these two personalities. It would almost make sense for the resource manager framework to provide two distinct callouts, say an io_read_file() and an io_read_dir() callout.

Note: It's interesting to note that the previous version of the operating system, QNX 4, did in fact have two separate callouts, one for “read a file” and one for “read a directory.” However, to complicate matters a bit, it also had two separate open functions, one to open a file, and one to open a “handle.”

Win some, lose some.

To read the directory entry, the code is almost the same as what we've seen in the Web Counter Resource Manager chapter.

I'll point out the differences:

ramdisk_io_read_dir (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_read_t *msg,
                     iofunc_ocb_t *ocb)
  int   nbytes;
  int   nleft;
  struct  dirent *dp;
  char  *reply_msg;
  char  *fname;
  int   pool_flag;

  // 1) allocate a buffer for the reply
  if (msg -> i.nbytes <= 2048) {
    reply_msg = mpool_calloc (mpool_readdir);
    pool_flag = 1;
  } else {
    reply_msg = calloc (1, msg -> i.nbytes);
    pool_flag = 0;

  if (reply_msg == NULL) {
    return (ENOMEM);

  // assign output buffer
  dp = (struct dirent *) reply_msg;

  // we have "nleft" bytes left
  nleft = msg -> i.nbytes;
  while (ocb -> offset < ocb -> attr -> nels) {

    // 2) short-form for name
    fname = ocb -> attr -> type.dirblocks [ocb -> offset].name;

    // 3) if directory entry is unused, skip it
    if (!fname) {
      ocb -> offset++;

    // see how big the result is
    nbytes = dirent_size (fname);

    // do we have room for it?
    if (nleft - nbytes >= 0) {

      // fill the dirent, and advance the dirent pointer
      dp = dirent_fill (dp, ocb -> offset + 1,
                        ocb -> offset, fname);

      // move the OCB offset
      ocb -> offset++;

      // account for the bytes we just used up
      nleft -= nbytes;

    } else {

      // don't have any more room, stop

  // if we returned any entries, then update the ATIME
  if (nleft != msg -> i.nbytes) {
    ocb -> attr -> attr.flags |= IOFUNC_ATTR_ATIME
                              | IOFUNC_ATTR_DIRTY_TIME;

  // return info back to the client
  MsgReply (ctp -> rcvid, (char *) dp - reply_msg, reply_msg,
            (char *) dp - reply_msg);

  // 4) release our buffer
  if (pool_flag) {
    mpool_free (mpool_readdir, reply_msg);
  } else {
    free (reply_msg);

  // tell resource manager library we already did the reply
  return (_RESMGR_NOREPLY);

There are four important differences in this implementation compared to the implementations we've already seen:

  1. Instead of calling malloc() or calloc() all the time, we've implemented our own memory-pool manager. This results in a speed and efficiency improvement because, when we're reading directories, the size of the allocations is always the same. If it's not, we revert to using calloc(). Note that we keep track of where the memory came from by using the pool_flag.
  2. In previous examples, we generated the name ourselves via sprintf(). In this case, we need to return the actual, arbitrary names that are stored in the RAM-disk directory entries. While dereferencing the name may look complicated, it's only looking through the OCB to find the attributes structure, and from there it's looking at the directory structure as indicated by the offset stored in the OCB.
  3. Oh yes, directory gaps. When an entry is deleted (i.e. rm spud.txt), the temptation is to move all the entries by one to cover the hole (or, at least to swap the last entry with the hole). This would let you eventually shrink the directory entry, because you know that all the elements at the end are blank. By examining nels versus nalloc in the extended attributes structure, you could make a decision to shrink the directory. But alas! That's not playing by the rules, because you cannot move directory entries around as you see fit, unless absolutely no one is using the directory entry. So, you must be able to support directory entries with holes. (As an exercise, you can add this “optimization cleanup” in the io_close_ocb() handler when you detect that the use-count for the directory has gone to zero.)
  4. Depending on where we allocated our buffer from, we need to return it to the correct place.

Apart from the above comments, it's a plain directory-based io_read() function.

To an extent, the basic skeleton for the file-based io_read() function, ramdisk_io_read_file(), is also common. What's not common is the way we get the data. Recall that in the web counter resource manager (and in the atoz resource manager in the previous book) we manufactured our data on the fly. Here, we must dutifully return the exact same data as what the client wrote in.

Therefore, what you'll see here is a bunch of code that deals with blocks and iov_ts. For reference, this is what an iov_t looks like:

typedef struct iovec {
  void    *iov_base;
  uint32_t   iov_len;
} iov_t;

(This is a slight simplification; see <sys/target_nto.h> for the whole story.) The iov_base member points to the data area, and the iov_len member indicates the size of that data area. We create arrays of iov_ts in the RAM-disk filesystem to hold our data. The iov_t is also the native data type used with the message-passing functions, like MsgReplyv(), so it's natural to use this data type, as you'll see soon.

Before we dive into the code, let's look at some of the cases that come up during access of the data blocks. The same cases (and others) come up during the write implementation as well.

We'll assume that the block size is 4096 bytes.

When reading blocks, there are several cases to consider:

It's important to understand these cases, especially since they relate to boundary transfers of:

Believe me, I had fun drawing diagrams on the white board as I was coding this. :-)

Data transfer entirely within a block

Total transfer originating entirely within one block.

In the above diagram, the transfer starts somewhere within one block and ends somewhere within the same block.

Data transfer spanning a block

Total transfer spanning a block.

In the above diagram, the transfer starts somewhere within one block, and ends somewhere within the next block. There are no full blocks transferred. This case is similar to the case above it, except that two blocks are involved rather than just one block.

Data transfer spanning at least one full block

Total transfer spanning at least one full block.

In the above diagram, we see the case of having the first and last blocks incomplete, with one (or more) full intermediate blocks.

Keep these diagrams in mind when you look at the code.

ramdisk_io_read_file (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_read_t *msg,
                      iofunc_ocb_t *ocb)
  int   nbytes;
  int   nleft;
  int   towrite;
  iov_t *iovs;
  int   niovs;
  int   so;      // start offset
  int   sb;      // start block
  int   i;
  int   pool_flag;

  // we don't do any xtypes here...
  if ((msg -> i.xtype & _IO_XTYPE_MASK) != _IO_XTYPE_NONE) {
    return (ENOSYS);

  // figure out how many bytes are left
  nleft = ocb -> attr -> attr.nbytes - ocb -> offset;

  // and how many we can return to the client
  nbytes = min (nleft, msg -> i.nbytes);

  if (nbytes) {

    // 1) calculate the number of IOVs that we'll need
    niovs = nbytes / BLOCKSIZE + 2;
    if (niovs <= 8) {
      iovs = mpool_malloc (mpool_iov8);
      pool_flag = 1;
    } else {
      iovs = malloc (sizeof (iov_t) * niovs);
      pool_flag = 0;
    if (iovs == NULL) {
      return (ENOMEM);

    // 2) find the starting block and the offset
    so = ocb -> offset & (BLOCKSIZE - 1);
    sb  = ocb -> offset / BLOCKSIZE;
    towrite = BLOCKSIZE - so;
    if (towrite > nbytes) {
      towrite = nbytes;

    // 3) set up the first block
    SETIOV (&iovs [0], (char *)
            (ocb -> attr -> type.fileblocks [sb].iov_base) + so, towrite);

    // 4) account for the bytes we just consumed
    nleft = nbytes - towrite;

    // 5) setup any additional blocks
    for (i = 1; nleft > 0; i++) {
      if (nleft > BLOCKSIZE) {
        SETIOV (&iovs [i],
                ocb -> attr -> type.fileblocks [sb + i].iov_base,
        nleft -= BLOCKSIZE;
      } else {

        // 6) handle a shorter final block
        SETIOV (&&iovs [i],
                ocb -> attr -> type.fileblocks [sb + i].iov_base, nleft);
        nleft = 0;

    // 7) return it to the client
    MsgReplyv (ctp -> rcvid, nbytes, iovs, i);

    // update flags and offset
    ocb -> attr -> attr.flags |= IOFUNC_ATTR_ATIME
                              | IOFUNC_ATTR_DIRTY_TIME;
    ocb -> offset += nbytes;

    if (pool_flag) {
      mpool_free (mpool_iov8, iovs);
    } else {
      free (iovs);
  } else {
    // nothing to return, indicate End Of File
    MsgReply (ctp -> rcvid, EOK, NULL, 0);

  // already done the reply ourselves
  return (_RESMGR_NOREPLY);

We won't discuss the standard resource manager stuff, but we'll focus on the unique functionality of this resource manager.

  1. We're going to be using IOVs for our data-transfer operations, so we need to allocate an array of them. The number we need is the number of bytes that we'll be transferring plus 2 — we need an extra one in case the initial block is short, and another one in case the final block is short. Consider the case were we're transferring two bytes on a block boundary. The nbytes / BLOCKSIZE calculation yields zero, but we need one more block for the first byte and one more block for the second byte. Again, we allocate the IOVs from a pool of IOVs because the maximum size of IOV allocation fits well within a pool environment. We have a malloc() fallback in case the size isn't within the capabilities of the pool.
  2. Since we could be at an arbitrary offset within the file when we're asked for bytes, we need to calculate where the first block is, and where in that first block our offset for transfers should be.
  3. The first block is special, because it may be shorter than the block size.
  4. We need to account for the bytes we just consumed, so that we can figure out how many remaining blocks we can transfer.
  5. All intermediate blocks (i.e. not the first and not the last) will be BLOCKSIZE bytes in length.
  6. The last block may or may not be BLOCKSIZE bytes in length, because it may be shorter.
  7. Notice how the IOVs are used with the MsgReplyv() to return the data from the client.

The main trick was to make sure that there were no boundary or off-by-one conditions in the logic that determines which block to start at, how many bytes to transfer, and how to handle the final block. Once that was worked out, it was smooth sailing as far as implementation.

You could optimize this further by returning the IOVs directly from the extended attributes structure's fileblocks member, but beware of the first and last block — you might need to modify the values stored in the fileblocks member's IOVs (the address and length of the first block, and the length of the last block), do your MsgReplyv(), and then restore the values. A little messy perhaps, but a tad more efficient.

The io_write() function

Another easy function to understand is the io_write() function. It gets a little more complicated because we have to handle allocating blocks when we run out (i.e. when we need to extend the file because we have written past the end of the file).

The io_write() functionality is presented in two parts, one is a fairly generic io_write() handler, the other is the actual block handler that writes the data to the blocks.

The generic io_write() handler looks at the current size of the file, the OCB's offset member, and the number of bytes being written to determine if the handler needs to extend the number of blocks stored in the fileblocks member of the extended attributes structure. Once that determination is made, and blocks have been added (and zeroed!), then the RAM-disk-specific write handler, ramdisk_io_write(), is called.

The following diagram illustrates the case where we need to extend the blocks stored in the file:

Write past end of existing block

A write that overwrites existing data in the file, adds data to the “unused” portion of the current last block, and then adds one more block of data.

The following shows what happens when the RAM disk fills up. Initially, the write would want to perform something like this:

Attempt to overflow disk

A write that requests more space than exists on the disk.

However, since the disk is full (we could allocate only one more block), we trim the write request to match the maximum space available:

Write request trimmed due to lack of disk space

A write that's been trimmed due to lack of disk space.

There was only 4 KB more available, but the client requested more than that, so the request was trimmed.

cfs_io_write (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_write_t *msg,
              RESMGR_OCB_T *ocb)
  cfs_attr_t    *attr;
  int       i;
  off_t       newsize;

  if ((i = iofunc_write_verify (ctp, msg, ocb, NULL)) != EOK) {
    return (i);

  // shortcuts
  attr = ocb -> attr;
  newsize = ocb -> offset + msg -> i.nbytes;

  // 1) see if we need to grow the file
  if (newsize > attr -> attr.nbytes) {
    // 2) truncate to new size using TRUNCATE_ERASE
    cfs_a_truncate (attr, newsize, TRUNCATE_ERASE);
    // 3) if it's still not big enough
    if (newsize > attr -> attr.nbytes) {
      // 4) trim the client's size
      msg -> i.nbytes = attr -> attr.nbytes - ocb -> offset;
      if (!msg -> i.nbytes) {
        return (ENOSPC);

  // 5) call the RAM disk version
  return (ramdisk_io_write (ctp, msg, ocb));

The code walkthrough is as follows:

  1. We compare the newsize (derived by adding the OCB's offset plus the number of bytes the client wants to write) against the current size of the resource. If the newsize is less than or equal to the existing size, then it means we don't have to grow the file, and we can skip to step 5.
  2. We decided that we needed to grow the file. We call cfs_a_truncate(), a utility function, with the parameter TRUNCATE_ERASE. This will attempt to grow the file to the required size by adding zero-filled blocks. However, we could run out of space while we're doing this. There's another flag we could have used, TRUNCATE_ALL_OR_NONE, which would either grow the file to the required size or not. The TRUNCATE_ERASE flag grows the file to the desired size, but does not release newly added blocks in case it runs out of room. Instead, it simply adjusts the base attributes structure's nbytes member to indicate the size it was able to grow the file to.
  3. Now we check to see if we were able to grow the file to the required size.
  4. If we can't grow the file to the required size (i.e. we're out of space), then we trim the size of the client's request by storing the actual number of bytes we can write back into the message header's nbytes member. (We're pretending that the client asked for fewer bytes than they really asked for.) We calculate the number of bytes we can write by subtracting the total available bytes minus the OCB's offset member.
  5. Finally, we call the RAM disk version of the io_write() routine, which deals with getting the data from the client and storing it in the disk blocks.

As mentioned above, the generic io_write() function isn't doing anything that's RAM-disk-specific; that's why it was separated out into its own function.

Now, for the RAM-disk-specific functionality. The following code implements the block-management logic (refer to the diagrams for the read logic):

ramdisk_io_write (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_write_t *msg,
                  RESMGR_OCB_T *ocb)
  cfs_attr_t  *attr;
  int         sb;      // startblock
  int         so;      // startoffset
  int         lb;      // lastblock
  int         nbytes, nleft;
  int         toread;
  iov_t       *newblocks;
  int         i;
  off_t       newsize;
  int         pool_flag;

  // shortcuts
  nbytes = msg -> i.nbytes;
  attr = ocb -> attr;
  newsize = ocb -> offset + nbytes;

  // 1) precalculate the block size constants...
  sb = ocb -> offset / BLOCKSIZE;
  so = ocb -> offset & (BLOCKSIZE - 1);
  lb = newsize / BLOCKSIZE;

  // 2) allocate IOVs
  i = lb - sb + 1;
  if (i <= 8) {
    newblocks = mpool_malloc (mpool_iov8);
    pool_flag = 1;
  } else {
    newblocks = malloc (sizeof (iov_t) * i);
    pool_flag = 0;

  if (newblocks == NULL) {
    return (ENOMEM);

  // 3) calculate the first block size
  toread = BLOCKSIZE - so;
  if (toread > nbytes) {
    toread = nbytes;
  SETIOV (&newblocks [0], (char *)
          (attr -> type.fileblocks [sb].iov_base) + so, toread);

  // 4) now calculate zero or more blocks;
  //    special logic exists for a short final block
  nleft = nbytes - toread;
  for (i = 1; nleft > 0; i++) {
    if (nleft > BLOCKSIZE) {
      SETIOV (&newblocks [i],
              attr -> type.fileblocks [sb + i].iov_base, BLOCKSIZE);
      nleft -= BLOCKSIZE;
    } else {
      SETIOV (&newblocks [i],
              attr -> type.fileblocks [sb + i].iov_base, nleft);
      nleft = 0;

  // 5) transfer data from client directly into the ramdisk...
  resmgr_msgreadv (ctp, newblocks, i, sizeof (msg -> i));

  // 6) clean up
  if (pool_flag) {
    mpool_free (mpool_iov8, newblocks);
  } else {
    free (newblocks);

  // 7) use the original value of nbytes here...
  if (nbytes) {
    attr -> attr.flags |= IOFUNC_ATTR_MTIME | IOFUNC_ATTR_DIRTY_TIME;
    ocb -> offset += nbytes;
  _IO_SET_WRITE_NBYTES (ctp, nbytes);
  return (EOK);
  1. We precalculate some constants to make life easier later on. The sb variable contains the starting block number where our writing begins. The so variable (“start offset”) contains the offset into the start block where writing begins (we may be writing somewhere other than the first byte of the block). Finally, lb contains the last block number affected by the write. The sb and lb variables define the range of blocks affected by the write.
  2. We're going to allocate a number of IOVs (into the newblocks array) to point into the blocks, so that we can issue the MsgRead() (via resmgr_msgreadv() in step 5, below). The + 1 is in place in case the sb and lb are the same — we still need to read at least one block.
  3. The first block that we read may be short, because we don't necessarily start at the beginning of the block. The toread variable contains the number of bytes we transfer in the first block. We then set this into the first newblocks array element.
  4. The logic we use to get the rest of the blocks is based on the remaining number of bytes to be read, which is stored in nleft. The for loop runs until nleft is exhausted (we are guaranteed to have enough IOVs, because we calculated the number in step 1, above).
  5. Here we use the resmgr_msgreadv() function to read the actual data from the client directly into our buffers through the newblocks IOV array. We don't read the data from the passed message, msg, because we may not have enough data from the client sitting in that buffer (even if we somehow determine the size a priori and specify it in the resmgr_attr.msg_max_size, the network case doesn't necessarily transfer all of the data). In the network case, this resmgr_msgreadv() may be a blocking call — just something to be aware of.
  6. Clean up after ourselves. The flag pool_flag determines where we allocated the data from.
  7. If we transferred any data, adjust the access time as per POSIX.

The c_open() function

Possibly the most complex function, c_open() performs the following:

  1. Find the target.
  2. Analyze the mode flag, and create/truncate as required.
  3. Bind the OCB and attributes structure.

We'll look at the individual sub-tasks listed above, and then delve into the code walkthrough for the c_open() call itself at the end.

Finding the target

In order to find the target, it seems that all we need to do is simply break the pathname apart at the / characters and see if each component exists in the dirblocks member of the extended attributes structure. While that's basically true at the highest level, as the saying goes, “The devil is in the details.”

Permission-checks complicate this matter slightly. Symbolic links complicate this matter significantly (a symbolic link can point to a file, a directory, or another symbolic link). And, to make things even more complicated, under certain conditions the target may not even exist, so we may need to operate on the directory entry above the target instead of the target itself.

So, the connect function (c_open()) calls connect_msg_to_attr(), which in turn calls pathwalk().

The pathwalk() function

The pathwalk() function is called only by connect_msg_to_attr() and by the rename function (c_rename(), which we'll see later). Let's look at this lowest-level function first, and then we'll proceed up the call hierarchy.

pathwalk (resmgr_context_t *ctp, char *pathname,
          cfs_attr_t *mountpoint, int flags, des_t *output,
          int *nrets, struct _client_info *cinfo)
  int           nels;
  int           sts;
  char          *p;

  // 1) first, we break apart the slash-separated pathname
  memset (output, 0, sizeof (output [0]) * *nrets);
  output [0].attr = mountpoint;
  output [0].name = "";

  nels = 1;
  for (p = strtok (pathname, "/"); p; p = strtok (NULL, "/")) {
    if (nels >= *nrets) {
      return (E2BIG);
    output [nels].name = p;
    output [nels].attr = NULL;

  // 2) next, we analyze each pathname
  for (*nrets = 1; *nrets < nels; ++*nrets) {

    // 3) only directories can have children.
    if (!S_ISDIR (output [*nrets - 1].attr -> attr.mode)) {
      return (ENOTDIR);

    // 4) check access permissions
    sts = iofunc_check_access (ctp,
                               &output [*nrets-1].attr -> attr,
                               S_IEXEC, cinfo);
    if (sts != EOK) {
      return (sts);

    // 5) search for the entry
    output [*nrets].attr = search_dir (output [*nrets].name,
                                       output [*nrets-1].attr);
    if (!output [*nrets].attr) {
      return (ENOENT);

    // 6) process the entry
    if (S_ISLNK (output [*nrets].attr -> attr.mode)) {
      return (EOK);

  // 7) everything was okay
  return (EOK);

The pathwalk() function fills the output parameter with the pathnames and attributes structures of each pathname component. The *nrets parameter is used as both an input and an output. In the input case it tells pathwalk() how big the output array is, and when pathwalk() returns, *nrets is used to indicate how many elements were successfully processed (see the walkthrough below). Note that the way that we've broken the string into pieces first, and then processed the individual components one at a time means that when we abort the function (for any of a number of reasons as described in the walkthrough), the output array may have elements that are valid past where the *nrets variable indicates. This is actually useful; for example, it lets us get the pathname of a file or directory that we're creating (and hence doesn't exist). It also lets us check if there are additional components past the one that we're creating, which would be an error.

Detailed walkthrough:

  1. The first element of the output string is, by definition, the attributes structure corresponding to the mount point and to the empty string. The for loop breaks the pathname string apart at each and every / character, and checks to see that there aren't too many of them (the caller tells us how many they have room for in the passed parameter *nrets).

    Note: Note that we use strtok() which isn't thread-safe; in this resource manager we are single-threaded. We would have used strtok_r() if thread-safety were a concern.

  2. Next, we enter a for loop that analyzes each pathname component. It's within this loop that we do all of the checking. Note that the variable *nrets points to the “current” pathname element.
  3. In order for the current pathname element to even be valid, its parent (i.e. *nrets minus 1) must be a directory, since only directories can have children. If that isn't the case, we return ENOTDIR and abort. Note that when we abort, the *nrets return value includes the nondirectory that failed.
  4. We use the helper function iofunc_check_access() to verify accessibility for the component. Note that if we abort, *nrets includes the inaccessible directory.
  5. At this point, we have verified that everything is okay up to the entry, and all we need to do is find the entry within the directory. The helper function search_dir() looks through the dirblocks array member of the extended attributes structure and tries to find our entry. If the entry isn't found, *nrets includes the entry. (This is important to make note of when creating files or directories that don't yet exist!)
  6. We check if the entry itself is a symbolic link. If it is, we give up, and let higher levels of software deal with it. We return EOK because there's nothing actually wrong with being a symbolic link, it's just that we can't do anything about it at this level. (Why? The symbolic link could be a link to a completely different filesystem that we have no knowledge of.) The higher levels of software will eventually tell the client that the entry is a symlink, and the client's library then tries the path again — that's why we don't worry about infinite symlink loops and other stuff in our resource manager. The *nrets return value includes the entry.
  7. Finally, if everything works, (we've gone through all of the entries and found and verified each and every one of them) we return EOK and *nrets contains all pathname elements.

The job of *nrets is to give the higher-level routines an indication of where the processing stopped. The return value from pathwalk() will tell them why it stopped.

The connect_msg_to_attr() function

The next-higher function in the call hierarchy is connect_msg_to_attr(). It calls pathwalk() to break apart the pathname, and then looks at the return code, the type of request, and other parameters to make a decision.

You'll see this function used in most of the resource manager connect functions in the RAM disk.

After pathwalk(), several scenarios are possible:

This function accepts two parameters, parent and target, which are used extensively in the upper levels to describe the directory that contains the target, as well as the target itself (if it exists).

connect_msg_to_attr (resmgr_context_t *ctp,
                     struct _io_connect *cmsg,
                     RESMGR_HANDLE_T *handle,
                     des_t *parent, des_t *target,
                     int *sts, struct _client_info *cinfo)
  des_t     components [_POSIX_PATH_MAX];
  int       ncomponents;

  // 1) Find target, validate accessibility of components
  ncomponents = _POSIX_PATH_MAX;
  *sts = pathwalk (ctp, cmsg -> path, handle, 0, components,
                   &ncomponents, cinfo);

  // 2) Assign parent and target
  *target = components [ncomponents - 1];
  *parent = ncomponents == 1 ? *target
                             : components [ncomponents - 2];

  // 3) See if we have an error, abort.
  if (*sts == ENOTDIR || *sts == EACCES) {
    return (1);

  // 4) missing non-final component
  if (components [ncomponents].name != NULL && *sts == ENOENT) {
    return (1);

  if (*sts == EOK) {
    // 5) if they wanted a directory, and we aren't one, honk.
    if (S_ISDIR (cmsg -> mode)
    && !S_ISDIR (components [ncomponents-1].attr->attr.mode)) {
      *sts = ENOTDIR;
      return (1);

    // 6) yes, symbolic links are complicated!
    //    (See walkthrough and notes)
    if (S_ISLNK (components [ncomponents - 1].attr -> attr.mode)
    && (components [ncomponents].name
        || (cmsg -> eflag & _IO_CONNECT_EFLAG_DIR)
        || !S_ISLNK (cmsg -> mode))) {
      redirect_symlink (ctp, cmsg, target -> attr,
                        components, ncomponents);
      *sts = _RESMGR_NOREPLY;
      return (1);
  // 7) all OK
  return (0);
  1. Call pathwalk() to validate the accessibility of all components. Notice that we use the des_t directory entry structure that we used in the extended attributes structure for the call to pathwalk() — it's best if you don't need to reinvent many similar but slightly different data types.
  2. The last two entries in the broken-up components array are the last two pathname components. However, there may be only one entry. (Imagine creating a file in the root directory of the filesystem — the file that you're creating doesn't exist, and the root directory of the filesystem is the first and only entry in the broken-up pathname components.) If there is only one entry, then assign the last entry to both the parent and target.
  3. Now take a look and see if there were any problems. The two problems that we're interested in at this point are missing directory components and the inability to access some path component along the way. If it's either of these two problems, we can give up right away.
  4. We're missing an intermediate component (i.e. /valid/missing/extra/extra where missing is not present).
  5. The caller of connect_msg_to_attr() passes its connect message, which includes a mode field. This indicates what kind of thing it's expecting the target to be. If the caller wanted a directory, but the final component isn't a directory, we return an error as well.
  6. Symbolic links. Remember that pathwalk() aborted at the symbolic link (if it found one) and didn't process any of the entries below the symlink (see below).
  7. Everything passed.

Fun with symlinks

Symbolic links complicate the processing greatly.

Let's spend a little more time with the line:

if (
  S_ISLNK (components [ncomponents - 1].attr -> attr.mode)
      components [ncomponents].name
      || (cmsg -> eflag & _IO_CONNECT_EFLAG_DIR)
      || !S_ISLNK (cmsg -> mode)

I've broken it out over a few more lines to clarify the logical relationships. The very first condition (the one that uses the macro S_ISLNK()) gates the entire if clause. If the entry we are looking at is not a symlink, we can give up right away, and continue to the next statement.

Next, we examine a three-part OR condition. We perform the redirection if any of the following conditions is true:

In case we need to follow the symlink, we don't do it ourselves! It's not the job of this resource manager's connect functions to follow the symlink. All we need to do is call redirect_symlink() and it will reply with a redirect message back to the client's open() (or other connect function call). All clients' open() calls know how to handle the redirection, and they (the clients) are responsible for retrying the operation with the new information from the resource manager.

To clarify:

So, it's important to note that after the RAM disk performed the “redirect” function, it was out of the loop after that point.

Analyze the mode flag

We've made sure that the pathname is valid, and we've resolved any symbolic links that we needed to. Now we need to figure out the mode flags.

There are a few combinations that we need to take care of:

This may involve creating or truncating the target, or returning error indications. We'll see this in the code walkthrough below.

Bind the OCB and attributes structure

To bind the OCB and the attributes structures, we simply call the utility functions (see the walkthrough, below).

Finally, the c_open() code walkthrough

Now that we understand all of the steps involved in processing the c_open() (and, coincidentally, large chunks of all other connect functions), it's time to look at the code.

cfs_c_open (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_open_t *msg,
            RESMGR_HANDLE_T *handle, void *extra)
  int       sts;
  des_t     parent, target;
  struct    _client_info cinfo;

  // 1) fetch the client information
  if (sts = iofunc_client_info (ctp, 0, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);

  // 2) call the helper connect_msg_to_attr
  if (connect_msg_to_attr (ctp, &msg -> connect, handle,
                           &parent, &target, &sts, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);

  // if the target doesn't exist
  if (!target.attr) {
    // 3) and we're not creating it, error
    if (!(msg -> connect.ioflag & O_CREAT)) {
      return (ENOENT);

    // 4) else we are creating it, call the helper iofunc_open
    sts = iofunc_open (ctp, msg, NULL, &parent.attr -> attr,
    if (sts != EOK) {
      return (sts);

    // 5) create an attributes structure for the new entry
    target.attr = cfs_a_mkfile (parent.attr,
                                target.name, &cinfo);
    if (!target.attr) {
      return (errno);

  // else the target exists
  } else {
    // 6) call the helper function iofunc_open
    sts = iofunc_open (ctp, msg, &target.attr -> attr,
                       NULL, NULL);
    if (sts != EOK) {
      return (sts);

  // 7) Target existed or just created, truncate if required.
  if (msg -> connect.ioflag & O_TRUNC) {
    // truncate at offset zero because we're opening it:
    cfs_a_truncate (target.attr, 0, TRUNCATE_ERASE);

  // 8) bind the OCB and attributes structures
  sts = iofunc_ocb_attach (ctp, msg, NULL,
                           &target.attr -> attr, NULL);

  return (sts);


The walkthrough is as follows:

  1. The “client info” is used by a lot of the called functions, so it's best to fetch it in one place. It tells us about the client, such as the client's node ID, process ID, group, etc.
  2. We discussed the connect_msg_to_attr() earlier.
  3. If the target doesn't exist, and we don't have the O_CREAT flag set, then we return an error of ENOENT.
  4. Otherwise, we do have the O_CREAT flag set, so we need to call the helper function iofunc_open(). The helper function performs a lot of checks for us (including, for example, the check against O_EXCL).
  5. We need to create a new attributes structure for the new entry. In c_open() we are only ever creating new files (directories are created in c_mknod() and symlinks are created in c_link()). The helper routine cfs_a_mkfile() initializes the attributes structure for us (the extended part, not the base part; that was done earlier by iofunc_open()).
  6. If the target exists, then we just call iofunc_open() (like step 4).
  7. Finally, we check the truncation flag, and truncate the file to zero bytes if required. We've come across the cfs_a_truncate() call before, when we used it to grow the file in ramdisk_io_write(), above. Here, however, it shrinks the size.
  8. The OCB and attributes structures are bound via the helper function iofunc_ocb_attach().

The redirect_symlink() function

How to redirect a symbolic link is an interesting topic.

First of all, there are two cases to consider: either the symlink points to an absolute pathname (one that starts with a leading / character) or it doesn't and hence is relative.

For the absolute pathname, we need to forget about the current path leading up to the symbolic link, and replace the entire path up to and including the symbolic link with the contents of the symbolic link:

ln -s /tmp /ramdisk/tempfiles

In that case, when we resolve /ramdisk/tempfiles, we will redirect the symlink to /tmp. However, in the relative case:

ln -s ../resume.html resume.htm

When we resolve the relative symlink, we need to preserve the existing pathname up to the symlink, and replace only the symlink with its contents. So, in our example above, if the path was /ramdisk/old/resume.htm, we would replace the symlink, resume.htm, with its contents, ../resume.html, to get the pathname /ramdisk/old/../resume.html as the redirection result. Someone else is responsible for resolving /ramdisk/old/../resume.html into /ramdisk/resume.html.

In both cases, we preserve the contents (if any) after the symlink, and simply append that to the substituted value.

Here is the redirect_symlink() function presented with comments so that you can see what's going on:

static void
redirect_symlink (resmgr_context_t *ctp,
                  struct _io_connect *msg, cfs_attr_t *attr,
                  des_t *components, int ncomponents)
  int   eflag;
  int   ftype;
  char  newpath [PATH_MAX];
  int   i;
  char  *p;
  struct _io_connect_link_reply     link_reply;

  // 1) set up variables
  i = 1;
  p = newpath;
  *p = 0;

  // 2) a relative path, do up to the symlink itself
  if (*attr -> type.symlinkdata != '/') {
    // 3) relative -- copy up to and including
    for (; i < (ncomponents - 1); i++) {
      strcat (p, components [i].name);
      p += strlen (p);
      strcat (p, "/");
  } else {
    // 4) absolute, discard up to and including
    i = ncomponents - 1;

  // 5) now substitute the content of the symlink
  strcat (p, attr -> type.symlinkdata);
  p += strlen (p);

  // skip the symlink itself now that we've substituted it

  // 6) copy the rest of the pathname components, if any
  for (; components [i].name && i < PATH_MAX; i++) {
    strcat (p, "/");
    strcat (p, components [i].name);
    p += strlen (p);

  // 7) preserve these, wipe rest
  eflag = msg -> eflag;
  ftype = msg -> file_type;
  memset (&link_reply, 0, sizeof (link_reply));

  // 8) set up the reply
  link_reply.file_type = ftype;
  link_reply.eflag = eflag;
  link_reply.path_len = strlen (newpath) + 1;
  SETIOV (&ctp -> iov [0], &link_reply, sizeof (link_reply));
  SETIOV (&ctp -> iov [1], newpath, link_reply.path_len);

  MsgReplyv (ctp -> rcvid, ctp -> status, ctp -> iov, 2);
  1. The architecture of the RAM-disk resource manager is such that by the time we're called to fix up the path for the symlink, we have the path already broken up into components. Therefore, we use the variable newpath (and the pointer p) during the reconstruction phase.
  2. The variable ncomponents tells us how many components were processed before connect_msg_to_attr() stopped processing components (in this case, because it hit a symlink). Therefore, ncomponents - 1 is the index of the symlink entry. We see if the symlink is absolute (begins with /) or relative.
  3. In the relative case, we need to copy (because we are reconstructing components into newpath) all of the components up to but not including the symbolic link.
  4. In the absolute case, we discard all components up to and including the symbolic link.
  5. We then copy the contents of the symlink in place of the symlink, and increment i (our index into the original pathname component array).
  6. Then we copy the rest of the pathname components, if any, to the end of the new path string that we're constructing.
  7. While preparing the reply buffer, we need to preserve the eflag and file_type members, so we stick them into local variables. Then we clear out the reply buffer via memset().
  8. The reply consists of setting a flag via the macro _IO_SET_CONNECT_RET() (to indicate that this is a redirection, rather than a pass/fail indication for the client's open()), restoring the two flags we needed to preserve, setting the path_len parameter to the length of the string that we are returning, and setting up a two part IOV for the return. The first part of the IOV points to the struct _io_connect_link_reply (the header), the second part of the reply points to the string (in our case, newpath). Finally, we reply via MsgReplyv().

So basically, the main trick was in performing the symlink substitution, and setting the flag to indicate redirection.

The c_readlink() function

This is a simple one. You've already seen how symlinks are stored internally in the RAM-disk resource manager. The job of c_readlink() is to return the value of the symbolic link. It's called when you do a full ls, for example:

# ls -lF /my_temp
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root    root    4 Aug 16 14:06 /my_temp@ -> /tmp

Since this code shares a lot in common with the processing for c_open(), I'll just point out the major differences.

cfs_c_readlink (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_readlink_t *msg,
                RESMGR_HANDLE_T *handle, void *reserved)
  des_t   parent, target;
  int     sts;
  int     eflag;
  struct  _client_info cinfo;
  int     tmp;

  // get client info
  if (sts = iofunc_client_info (ctp, 0, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);

  // get parent and target
  if (connect_msg_to_attr (ctp, &msg -> connect, handle,
                           &parent, &target, &sts, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);

  // there has to be a target!
  if (!target.attr) {
    return (sts);

  // 1) call the helper function
  sts = iofunc_readlink (ctp, msg, &target.attr -> attr, NULL);
  if (sts != EOK) {
    return (sts);

  // 2) preserve eflag...
  eflag = msg -> connect.eflag;
  memset (&msg -> link_reply, 0, sizeof (msg -> link_reply));
  msg -> link_reply.eflag = eflag;

  // 3) return data
  tmp = strlen (target.attr -> type.symlinkdata);
  SETIOV (&ctp -> iov [0], &msg -> link_reply,
          sizeof (msg -> link_reply));
  SETIOV (&ctp -> iov[1], target.attr -> type.symlinkdata, tmp);
  msg -> link_reply.path_len = tmp;
  MsgReplyv (ctp -> rcvid, EOK, ctp -> iov, 2);
  return (_RESMGR_NOREPLY);

The detailed code walkthrough is as follows:

  1. We use the helper function iofunc_readlink() to do basic sanity checking for us. If it's not happy with the parameters, then we return whatever it returned.
  2. Just like in symlink redirection, we need to preserve flags; in this case it's just the eflag — we zero-out everything else.
  3. And, just as in the symlink redirection, we return a two-part IOV; the first part points to the header, the second part points to the string. Note that in this case, unlike symlink redirection, we didn't need to construct the pathname. That's because the goal of this function is to return just the contents of the symlink, and we know that they're sitting in the symlinkdata member of the extended attributes structure.

The c_link() function

The c_link() function is responsible for soft and hard links. A hard link is the “original” link from the dawn of history. It's a method that allows one resource (be it a directory or a file, depending on the support) to have multiple names. In the example in the symlink redirection, we created a symlink from resume.htm to ../resume.html; we could just as easily have created a hard link:

# ln ../resume.html resume.htm

Two attributes structures pointing to same data element

A hard link implemented as two different attributes structures pointing to the same file.

In this case, both ../resume.html and resume.htm would be considered identical; there's no concept of “original” and “link” as there is with symlinks.

When the client calls link() or symlink() (or uses the command-line command ln), our RAM-disk resource manager's c_link() function will be called.

The c_link() function follows a similar code path as all of the other connect functions we've discussed so far (c_open() and c_readlink()), so once again we'll just focus on the differences:

cfs_c_link (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_link_t *msg,
            RESMGR_HANDLE_T *handle, io_link_extra_t *extra)
  RESMGR_OCB_T  *ocb;
  des_t         parent, target;
  int           sts;
  char          *p, *s;
  struct        _client_info cinfo;

  if (sts = iofunc_client_info (ctp, 0, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);

  if (connect_msg_to_attr (ctp, &msg -> connect, handle,
                           &parent, &target, &sts, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);
  if (target.attr) {
    return (EEXIST);

  // 1) find out what type of link we are creating
  switch (msg -> connect.extra_type) {
  // process a hard link
    ocb = extra -> ocb;
    p = strdup (target.name);
    if (p == NULL) {
      return (ENOMEM);
    // 2) add a new directory entry
    if (sts = add_new_dirent (parent.attr, ocb -> attr, p)) {
      free (p);
      return (sts);
    // 3) bump the link count
    ocb -> attr -> attr.nlink++;
    return (EOK);

  // process a symbolic link
    p = target.name;
    s = strdup (extra -> path);
    if (s == NULL) {
      return (ENOMEM);
    // 4) create a symlink entry
    target.attr = cfs_a_mksymlink (parent.attr, p, NULL);
    if (!target.attr) {
      free (s);
      return (errno);
    // 5) write data
    target.attr -> type.symlinkdata = s;
    target.attr -> attr.nbytes = strlen (s);
    return (EOK);

    return (ENOSYS);

  return (_RESMGR_DEFAULT);

The following is the code walkthrough for creating hard or symbolic links:

  1. The extra_type member of the connect message tells us what kind of link we're creating.
  2. For a hard link, we create a new directory entry. The utility function add_new_dirent() is responsible for adjusting the dirblocks member of the attributes structure to hold another entry, performing whatever allocation is needed (except for allocating the name, which is done with the strdup()). Notice that we get an OCB as part of the extra parameter passed to us. This OCB's extended attributes structure is the resource that we're creating the hard link to (yes, this means that our c_open() would have been called before this — that's done automatically).
  3. Since this is a hard link, we need to increment the link count of the object itself. Recall that we talked about named objects (the dirblocks array) and unnamed objects (the fileblocks member). The unnamed object is the actual entity that we bump the link count of, not the individual named objects.
  4. If we're creating a symlink, call the utility function cfs_a_mksymlink(), which allocates a directory entry within the parent. Notice that in the symlink case, we don't get an OCB, but rather a pathname as part of the extra parameter.
  5. Write the data into the extended attribute's symlinkdata member, and set the size to the length of the symlink content.

The c_rename() function

The functionality to perform a rename can be done in one of two ways. You can simply return ENOSYS, which tells the client's rename() that you don't support renaming, or you can handle it. If you do return ENOSYS, an end user might not notice it right away, because the command-line utility mv deals with that and copies the file to the new location and then deletes the original. For a RAM disk, with small files, the time it takes to do the copy and unlink is imperceptible. However, simply changing the name of a directory that has lots of large files will take a long time, even though all you're doing is changing the name of the directory!

In order to properly implement rename functionality, there are two interesting issues:

The rename logic is further complicated by the fact that we are dealing with two paths instead of just one. In the c_link() case, one of the pathnames was implied by either an OCB (hard link) or actually given (symlink) — for the symlink we viewed the second “pathname” as a text string, without doing any particular checking on it.

You'll notice this “two path” impact when we look at the code:

cfs_c_rename (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_rename_t *msg,
              RESMGR_HANDLE_T *handle, io_rename_extra_t *extra)
  // source and destination parents and targets
  des_t   sparent, starget, dparent, dtarget;
  des_t   components [_POSIX_PATH_MAX];
  int     ncomponents;
  int     sts;
  char    *p;
  int     i;
  struct  _client_info cinfo;

  // 1) check for "initial subset" (mv x x/a) case
  i = strlen (extra -> path);
  if (!strncmp (extra -> path, msg -> connect.path, i)) {
    // source could be a subset, check character after
    // end of subset in destination
    if (msg -> connect.path [i] == 0
    || msg -> connect.path [i] == '/') {
      // source is identical to destination, or is a subset
      return (EINVAL);

  // get client info
  if (sts = iofunc_client_info (ctp, 0, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);

  // 2) do destination resolution first in case we need to
  //    do a redirect or otherwise fail the request.
  if (connect_msg_to_attr (ctp, &msg -> connect, handle,
                           &dparent, &dtarget, &sts, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);

  // 3) if the destination exists, kill it and continue.
  if (sts != ENOENT) {
    if (sts == EOK) {
      if ((sts = cfs_rmnod (&dparent, dtarget.name,
                            dtarget.attr)) != EOK) {
        return (sts);
    } else {
      return (sts);

  // 4) use our friend pathwalk() for source resolution.
  ncomponents = _POSIX_PATH_MAX;
  sts = pathwalk (ctp, extra -> path, handle, 0, components,
                  &ncomponents, &cinfo);

  // 5) missing directory component
  if (sts == ENOTDIR) {
    return (sts);

  // 6) missing non-final component
  if (components [ncomponents].name != NULL && sts == ENOENT) {
    return (sts);

  // 7) an annoying bug
  if (ncomponents < 2) {
    // can't move the root directory of the filesystem
    return (EBUSY);

  starget = components [ncomponents - 1];
  sparent = components [ncomponents - 2];

  p = strdup (dtarget.name);
  if (p == NULL) {
    return (ENOMEM);

  // 8) create new...
  if (sts = add_new_dirent (dparent.attr, starget.attr, p)) {
    free (p);
    return (sts);
  starget.attr -> attr.nlink++;

  // 9) delete old
  return (cfs_rmnod (&sparent, starget.name, starget.attr));

The walkthrough is as follows:

  1. The first thing we check for is that the destination is not a child of the source as described in the comments above. This is accomplished primarily with a strncmp(). Then we need to check that there's something other than nothing or a / after the string (that's because mv x xa is perfectly legal, even though it would be picked up by the strncmp()).
  2. We do the “usual” destination resolution by calling connect_msg_to_attr(). Note that we use the dparent and dtarget (“d” for “destination”) variables.
  3. The destination better not exist. If it does, we attempt to remove it, and if that fails, we return whatever error cfs_rmnod() returned. If it doesn't exist, or we were able to remove it, we continue on. If there was any problem (other than the file originally existing or not existing, e.g. a permission problem), we return the status we got from connect_msg_to_attr().
  4. This is the only time you see pathwalk() called apart from the call in c_open(). That's because this is the only connect function that takes two pathnames as arguments.
  5. Catch missing intermediate directory components in the source.
  6. Catch missing nonfinal components.
  7. This was a nice bug, triggered by trying to rename . or the mount point. By simply ensuring that we're not trying to move the root directory of the filesystem, we fixed it. Next, we set up our “source” parent/target (sparent and starget).
  8. This is where we perform the “link to new, unlink old” logic. We call add_new_dirent() to create a new directory entry in the destination parent, then bump its link count (there are now two links to the object we're moving).
  9. Finally, we call cfs_rmnod() (see code below in discussion of c_unlink()) to remove the old. The removal logic decrements the link count.

The c_mknod() function

The functionality of c_mknod() is straightforward. It calls iofunc_client_info() to get information about the client, then resolves the pathname using connect_msg_to_attr(), does some error checking (among other things, calls the helper function iofunc_mknod()), and finally creates the directory by calling the utility function cfs_a_mkdir().

The c_unlink() function

To unlink an entry, the following code is used:

c_unlink (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_unlink_t *msg,
          RESMGR_HANDLE_T *handle, void *reserved)
  des_t   parent, target;
  int     sts;
  struct  _client_info cinfo;

  if (sts = iofunc_client_info (ctp, 0, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);

  if (connect_msg_to_attr (ctp, &msg -> connect, handle,
                           &parent, &target, &sts, &cinfo)) {
    return (sts);

  if (sts != EOK) {
    return (sts);

  // see below
  if (target.attr == handle) {
    return (EBUSY);

  return (cfs_rmnod (&parent, target.name, target.attr));

The code implementing c_unlink() is straightforward as well — we get the client information and resolve the pathname. The destination had better exist, so if we don't get an EOK we return the error to the client. Also, it's a really bad idea (read: bug) to unlink the mount point, so we make a special check against the target attribute's being equal to the mount point attribute, and return EBUSY if that's the case. Note that QNX 4 returns the constant EBUSY, Neutrino returns EPERM, and OpenBSD returns EISDIR. So, there are plenty of constants to choose from in the real world! I like EBUSY.

Other than that, the actual work is done in cfs_rmnod(), below.

cfs_rmnod (des_t *parent, char *name, cfs_attr_t *attr)
  int   sts;
  int   i;

  // 1) remove target
  attr -> attr.nlink--;
  if ((sts = release_attr (attr)) != EOK) {
    return (sts);

  // 2) remove the directory entry out of the parent
  for (i = 0; i < parent -> attr -> nels; i++) {
    // 3) skip empty directory entries
    if (parent -> attr -> type.dirblocks [i].name == NULL) {
    if (!strcmp (parent -> attr -> type.dirblocks [i].name,
                 name)) {
  if (i == parent -> attr -> nels) {
    // huh.  gone.  This is either some kind of internal error,
    // or a race condition.
    return (ENOENT);

  // 4) reclaim the space, and zero out the entry
  free (parent -> attr -> type.dirblocks [i].name);
  parent -> attr -> type.dirblocks [i].name = NULL;

  // 5) catch shrinkage at the tail end of the dirblocks[]
  while (parent -> attr -> type.dirblocks
         [parent -> attr -> nels - 1].name == NULL) {
    parent -> attr -> nels--;

  // 6) could check the open count and do other reclamation
  //    magic here, but we don't *have to* for now...

  return (EOK);

Notice that we may not necessarily reclaim the space occupied by the resource! That's because the file could be in use by someone else. So the only time that it's appropriate to actually remove it is when the link count goes to zero, and that's checked for in the release_attr() routine as well as in the io_close_ocb() handler (below).

Here's the walkthrough:

  1. This is the place where we decrement the link count. The function release_attr() will try to remove the file, but will abort if the link count isn't zero, instead deferring the removal until io_close_ocb() decides it's safe to do so.
  2. The for loop scans the parent, attempting to find this directory entry by name.
  3. Notice that here we must skip removed entries, as mentioned earlier.
  4. Once we've found it (or errored-out), we free the space occupied by the strdup()'d name, and zero-out the dirblocks entry.
  5. We attempt to do a little bit of optimization by compressing empty entries at the end of the dirblocks array. This while loop will be stopped by .. which always exists.
  6. At this point, you could do further optimizations only if the directory entry isn't in use.

The io_close_ocb() function

This naturally brings us to the io_close_ocb() function. In most resource managers, you'd let the default library function, iofunc_close_ocb_default(), do the work. However, in our case, we may need to free a resource. Consider the case where a client performs the following perfectly legal (and useful for things like temporary files) code:

fp = fopen ("/ramdisk/tmpfile", "r+");
unlink ("/ramdisk/tmpfile");
// do some processing with the file
fclose (fp);

We cannot release the resources for the /ramdisk/tmpfile until after the link count (the number of open file descriptors to the file) goes to zero.

The fclose() will eventually translate within the C library into a close(), which will then trigger our RAM disk's io_close_ocb() handler. Only when the count goes to zero can we free the data.

Here's the code for the io_close_ocb():

cfs_io_close_ocb (resmgr_context_t *ctp, void *reserved,
                  RESMGR_OCB_T *ocb)
  cfs_attr_t    *attr;
  int           sts;

  attr = ocb -> attr;
  sts = iofunc_close_ocb (ctp, ocb, &attr -> attr);
  if (sts == EOK) {
    // release_attr makes sure that no-one is using it...
    sts = release_attr (attr);
  return (sts);

Note the attr -> attr — the helper function iofunc_close_ocb() expects the normal, nonextended attributes structure.

Once again, we rely on the services of release_attr() to ensure that the link count is zero.

Here's the source for release_attr() (from attr.c):

release_attr (cfs_attr_t *attr)
  int   i;

  // 1) check the count
  if (!attr -> attr.nlink  && !attr -> attr.count) {
    // decide what kind (file or dir) this entry is...

    if (S_ISDIR (attr -> attr.mode)) {
      // 2) it's a directory, see if it's empty
      if (attr -> nels > 2) {
        return (ENOTEMPTY);
      // 3) need to free "." and ".."
      free (attr -> type.dirblocks [0].name);
      free (attr -> type.dirblocks [0].attr);
      free (attr -> type.dirblocks [1].name);
      free (attr -> type.dirblocks [1].attr);

      // 4) release the dirblocks[]
      if (attr -> type.dirblocks) {
        free (attr -> type.dirblocks);
        free (attr);
    } else if (S_ISREG (attr -> attr.mode)) {
      // 5) a regular file
      for (i = 0; i < attr -> nels; i++) {
        cfs_block_free (attr,
                        attr -> type.fileblocks [i].iov_base);
        attr -> type.fileblocks [i].iov_base = NULL;
      // 6) release the fileblocks[]
      if (attr -> type.fileblocks) {
        free (attr -> type.fileblocks);
        free (attr);
    } else if (S_ISLNK (attr -> attr.mode)) {
      // 7) a symlink, delete the contents
      free (attr -> type.symlinkdata);
      free (attr);
  // 8) return EOK if everything went well
  return (EOK);

Note that the definition of “empty” is slightly different for a directory. A directory is considered empty if it has just the two entries . and .. within it.

You'll also note that we call free() to release all the objects. It's important that all the objects be allocated (whether via malloc()/calloc() for the dirblocks and fileblocks, or via stdrup() for the symlinkdata).

The code walkthrough is as follows:

  1. We verify the nlink count in the attributes structure, as well as the count maintained by the resource manager library. Only if both of these are zero do we go ahead and process the deletion.
  2. A directory is empty if it has exactly two entries (. and ..).
  3. We therefore free those two entries.
  4. Finally, we free the dirblocks array as well as the attributes structure (attr) itself.
  5. In the case of a file, we need to run through all of the fileblocks blocks and delete each one.
  6. Finally, we free the fileblocks array as well as the attributes structure itself.
  7. In the case of a symbolic link, we delete the content (the symlinkdata) and the attributes structure.
  8. Only if everything went well do we return EOK. It's important to examine the return code and discontinue further operations; for example, if we're trying to release a non-empty directory, you can't continue the higher-level function (in io_unlink(), for example) of releasing the parent's entry.

The io_devctl() function

In normal (i.e. nonfilesystem) resource managers, the io_devctl() function is used to implement device control functions. We used this in the ADIOS data acquisition driver to, for example, get the configuration of the device.

In a filesystem resource manager, io_devctl() is used to get various information about the filesystem.

A large number of the commands aren't used for anything other than block I/O filesystems; a few are reserved for internal use only.

Here's a summary of the commands:

Used by x86 disk partitions with harddisk-based filesystems.
Gets extended partition description details.
Triggers a media reversioning and cache invalidation (for removable media). This command is also used to sync-up the filesystem if chkfsys (and other utilities) play with it “behind its back.”
Returns struct fs_stats (see <sys/fs_stats.h>). The “_CLR” version resets the counters to zero after returning their values. The fsysinfo utility is a front end for DCMD_FSYS_STATISTICS.
Returns struct statvfs (see below for more details).
Each returns 256 bytes of character data, giving information about their relationship to other filesystems. See the discussion below.
Returns 256 bytes of character data. This can be used to return the command-line options that the filesystem was mounted with.

Mounting options

The DCMD_FSYS_MOUNTED_ON, DCMD_FSYS_MOUNTED_AT, and DCMD_FSYS_MOUNTED_BY commands allow traversal of the filesystem hierarchy by utilities (like df, dinit, and chkfsys) that need to move between the filesystem and the host/image of that filesystem.

For example, consider a disk with /dev/hd0t79 as a partition of /dev/hd0, mounted at the root (/), with a directory /tmp. The table below gives a summary of the responses for each command (shortened to just the two last letters of the command) for each entity:

Command /dev/hd0t79 / /tmp
ON /dev/hd0 /dev/hd0t79 /dev/hd0t79
AT /dev/hd0t79 / /
BY /

ENODEV is returned when there is no such entity (for example, an ON query of /dev/hd0, or a BY query of /).


Filesystem statistics

The most important command that your filesystem should implement is the DCMD_FSYS_STATVFS. In our io_devctl() handler, this ends up calling the utility function cfs_block_fill_statvfs() (in lib/block.c):

cfs_block_fill_statvfs (cfs_attr_t *attr, struct statvfs *r)
  uint32_t      nalloc, nfree;
  size_t        nbytes;

  mpool_info (mpool_block, &nbytes, &r -> f_blocks, &nalloc,
              &nfree, NULL, NULL);


  // file system block size
  r -> f_bsize = nbytes;

  // fundamental filesystem block size
  r -> f_frsize = nbytes;

  // total number of file serial numbers
  r -> f_files = INT_MAX;

  // file system id
  r -> f_fsid = 0x12345678;

  // bit mask of f_flag values
  r -> f_flag = 0;

  // maximum filename length
  r -> f_namemax = NAME_MAX;

  // null terminated name of target file system
  strcpy (r -> f_basetype, "cfs");


  if (optm) {        // for system-allocated mem with a max

    // tot number of blocks on file system in units of f_frsize
    r -> f_blocks = optm / nbytes;

    // total number of free blocks
    r -> f_bfree = r -> f_blocks - nalloc;

    // total number of free file serial numbers (approximation)
    r -> f_ffree = r -> f_files - nalloc;

  } else if (optM) { // for statically-allocated mem with a max

    // total #blocks on file system in units of f_frsize
    r -> f_blocks = optM / nbytes;

    // total number of free blocks
    r -> f_bfree = nfree;

    // total number of free file serial numbers (approximation)
    r -> f_ffree = nfree;

  } else {           // for unbounded system-allocated memory

    // total #blocks on file system in units of f_frsize
    r -> f_blocks = nalloc + 1;

    // total number of free blocks
    r -> f_bfree = r -> f_blocks - nalloc;

    // total #free file serial numbers (an approximation)
    r -> f_ffree = r -> f_files - nalloc;



  // number of free blocks available to non-priv. proc
  r -> f_bavail = r -> f_bfree;

  // number of file serial numbers available to non-priv. proc
  r -> f_favail = r -> f_ffree;

The reason for the additional complexity (as opposed to just stuffing the fields directly) is due to the command-line options for the RAM disk. The -m option lets the RAM disk slowly allocate memory for itself as it requires it from the operating system, up to a maximum limit. If you use the -M option instead, the RAM disk allocates the specified memory right up front. Using neither option causes the RAM disk to allocate memory as required, with no limit.

Some of the numbers are outright lies — for example, the f_files value, which is supposed to indicate the total number of file serial numbers, is simply set to INT_MAX. There is no possible way that we would ever use that many file serial numbers (INT_MAX is 9 × 1018)!

So, the job of cfs_block_fill_statvfs() is to gather the information from the block allocator, and stuff the numbers (perhaps calculating some of them) into the struct statvfs structure.

The c_mount() function

The last function we'll look at is the one that handles mount requests. Handling a mount request can be fairly tricky (there are lots of options), so we've just stuck with a simple version that does everything we need for the RAM disk.

When the RAM-disk resource manager starts up, there is no mounted RAM disk, so you must use the command-line mount command to mount one:

mount -Tramdisk /dev/ramdisk /ramdisk

The above command creates a RAM disk at the mount point /ramdisk.

The code is:

cfs_c_mount (resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_mount_t *msg,
             RESMGR_HANDLE_T *handle, io_mount_extra_t *extra)
  char        *mnt_point;
  char        *mnt_type;
  int         ret;
  cfs_attr_t  *cfs_attr;

  // 1) shortcuts
  mnt_point = msg -> connect.path;
  mnt_type = extra -> extra.srv.type;

  // 2) Verify that it is a mount request, not something else
  if (extra -> flags &
    return (ENOTSUP);

  // 3) decide if we should handle this request or not
  if (!mnt_type || strcmp (mnt_type, "ramdisk")) {
    return (ENOSYS);

  // 4) create a new attributes structure and fill it
  if (!(cfs_attr = malloc (sizeof (*cfs_attr)))) {
    return (ENOMEM);
  iofunc_attr_init (&cfs_attr -> attr, S_IFDIR | 0777,
                    NULL, NULL);

  // 5) initializes extended attribute structure
  cfs_attr_init (cfs_attr);

  // set up the inode
  cfs_attr -> attr.inode = (int) cfs_attr;

  // create "." and ".."
  cfs_a_mknod (cfs_attr, ".", S_IFDIR | 0755, NULL);
  cfs_a_mknod (cfs_attr, "..", S_IFDIR | 0755, NULL);

  // 6) attach the new pathname with the new value
  ret = resmgr_attach (dpp, &resmgr_attr, mnt_point,
                       _FTYPE_ANY, _RESMGR_FLAG_DIR,
                       &connect_func, &io_func,
                       &cfs_attr -> attr);
  if (ret == -1) {
    free (cfs_attr);
    return (errno);

  return (EOK);

The code walkthrough is:

  1. We create some shortcuts into the msg and extra fields. The mnt_point indicates where we would like to mount the RAM disk.. mnt_type indicates what kind of resource we are mounting, in this case we expect the string “ramdisk.”
  2. We don't support any of the other mounting methods, like enumeration, unmounting, or remounting, so we just fail if we detect them.
  3. We ensure that the type of mount request matches the type of our device (ramdisk).
  4. We create a new attributes structure that represents the root directory of the new RAM disk, and we initialize it.
  5. We also initialize the extended portion of the attributes structure, set up the inode member (see below), and create the . and .. directories.
  6. Finally, we call resmgr_attach() to create the new mount point in the pathname space.

The inode needs to be unique on a per-device basis, so the easiest way of doing that is to give it the address of the attributes structure.


The following references apply to this chapter.

Header files

Contains the directory structure type used by readdir().
Contains the definition for devctl(); also defines the component flags used to create a command.
Contains the DCMD_FSYS_* devctl() block commands.
Defines partition_entry_t.
<sys/dispatch.h>, <sys/iofunc.h>
Used by resource managers.
Defines the fs_stats structure returned by the filesystem block command DCMD_FSYS_STATISTICS.


See the following functions in the Neutrino C Library Reference: